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Everything posted by Luckylyn

  1. I think Cersei's pregnancy is the main thing making Jaime turn on her. He's going to do whatever he feels necessary to protect this child so he won't lose another. At this point Jaime believes Cersei's scheme is a threat to his child. Her schemes got their daughter murdered and their son to commit suicide. If Cersei is faking the pregnancy in some effort to keep Jaime loyal it backfired because ultimately his loyalty will be to the child he doesn't think Cersei is capable of protecting. Jaime believes the ultimate threat is the Night King and that turning against Dany and Jon is reckless and wrong. Cersei liked to use her children as an excuse for her schemes but her efforts made her children's situation worse which she never owns. She blame others and has never learned how to create longstanding allies that could lead to peace. Cersei's goal is to remain in power regardless of the cost to others including her children. She is not long range thinker. Jaime finally sees that.
  2. It's interesting to me that as Hand of the Queen Tyrion has never proposed a marriage alliance between Jon and Dany. Jon is a solid candidate as King of the North an essential and large territory. Also, Tyrion knows Jon can can be trusted not to plot against Dany after the wedding. Yet Tyrion hasn't campaigned for marriage and looked unhappy that Dany and Jon were getting together. Here's my list of possible theories: 1) Tyrion has someone else in mind for a marriage alliance for Dany. What if Tyrion's long range plan is to defeat Cersei while preserving the Lannister house by arranging a marriage between Jaime and Dany? Maybe the person Tyrion was trying to convince with the Wight scheme was Jaime and not Cersei? Losing Jaime is a critical blow to Cersei. Jaime can now tell Cersei's enemies her secret plans. 2) Tyrion's inlove with Dany 3) Tyrion thinks Jon has too much influence with Dany and is a threat to Tyrion's position as adviser 4) Tyrion know's the truth about Jon's parentage and that Jon may have a better claim to the throne. 5) Tyrion sees Jon's honorable and honest nature as a problem instead of an asset.
  3. I feel like Harry is this accidental success story. He gets placed in the undervalued tv department right before the company realized how critical it was. He made some errors like the mishandling of the Sal situation where he chose to stay silent but got to stay because he had the tv department position. Harry was someone I liked in season one. I felt bad for him when he cheated on his wife because he was remorseful. Then as seasons progressed the success of the tv department really brought out the worst in him. He became this jerk openly chasing after women who were trying out for parts and not seeming to care about hurting his wife anymore. He also go really cocky and obnoxious. He had success at work but he had an off putting personality that made him come off as sleazy so people were willing to work with him but didn't seem to like him. I think he lacked charm and that was what made people not uncomfortable with him. Roger could be a jerk too but had so much charisma that people enjoyed him anyway. Harry's lack of charisma is what delays him getting the partnership offer he feels entitled to. He treats Joan as if she stole his spot as a partner when it's not her fault because it's clearly because they just don't like him despite the money Harry's department brings in. Harry didn't seem to know how to smoothly sell himself and comes off poorly. Then when he gets the partnership offer thanks to the civil war between the partners he misses it because he wants to delay accepting it until after his divorce is final so he won't have to pay more alimony. Does Harry deserve credit for the success of the tv department or is it the sort of position that is inherently successful regardless of who is in charge?
  4. I've never seen Barbarella but Masters of the Universe is ripe for some fun hate watching. Though I have a soft spot for it. I think Princess Diaries 2 is a terrible movie. I think Anne Hathaway and Chris Pine have chemistry and I like the Queen/Bodyguard subplot a lot. Everything else about the movie sucks. There too many "isn't this cute" moments that aren't as funny as they think. The extras in crowd scenes look like bored people who can barely fake enthusiasm. The movie makes Mia look like she'll be a sucky queen. She had five years to prepare and yet still knows nothing about what is legally required for her to rule even though she has people actively fighting to take the throne away from her. There's all this ceremonially (archery, riding sidesaddle) stuff she had five years to learn, but she waits until she has weeks left to learn it. Why would I root for a character to become Queen who half-asses it? And yet I will watch this movie every time it's on while nitpicking it to bits. It had potential but just doesn't work.
  5. I loved Latter Days. It's interesting to find out what happened to him.
  6. Wonder Woman "With one week to go before the pageant, I was finishing my outfit, rehearsing my talent, brushing up on current events, and running 18 miles a day on about 400 calories. I was ready."
  7. I really think that party was about Megan's desire to perform in front of an audience. She wants to believe it's for Don but it's just a precursor to Megan getting back to acting. At this point, Megan was still lying to herself about being over her acting aspirations.
  8. My view of Megan is that she's someone who normally gets what she wants easily. So when a situation comes where she struggles she doesn't have a coping mechanism for it. I also think Marie had Megan pegged when she said that Megan had the artistic temperament but not necessarily the talent. I think acting was the first thing she ever went after that required a lot more patience and perseverance than she was prepared for. When it comes to her marriage to Don, Megan had a clearer idea of what she was marrying into than Betty did. Having worked for Don, Megan would have heard the rumors of his cheating history. She also instigated a sexual relationship with Don while she knew he was in a relationship with Faye. She's the last person who should have been surprised that he would cheat on her too. I think she had this fantasy of who Don could be with her and she just couldn't look at the reality of who he was until it was too late. Even though she knew Don's history, she thought for her he would be different which was naive or maybe it was arrogance that she'd be the one he'd be faithful to. Don married his idea of Megan and had no clue at all who she was. He was trying to avoid having to do the hard work of looking at himself and changing. Faye challenged Don to try to face his issues, but Don couldn't handle that. He started some introspection but then settled on Megan as some sort of short cut to happiness. He decided to put it on Megan's shoulders to save him. Then, when Megan turns out to be a human being with flaws and not the perfect savior he was looking for he unfairly resents her for it. I think that's the same thing he did to Betty when he married her. I really despised it when he told Pete that if Megan had been his first wife he would not have cheated as if his issues being faithful were somehow Betty's fault. That's part of the reason I think Betty had that one night stand with Don after marrying Henry. In a way, it reassured her that Don would cheat on anyone and that it wasn't just her. That was a demon she needed to put to rest to really move on. I don't think that was fair to Henry who was faithful, but I can understand Betty wanting to prove something to herself.
  9. Brandon Routh played a gay character in Zack and Miri Make a Porno and was a gay character on the short lived tv show Partners. He was the highlight on that show.
  10. Hint: Merry Widow Waltz I'm out of town and so I putting the answer as a spoiler
  11. I believe Jon is the son of the oldest heir so he would jump over Dany inthe line of session. The same way that Prince Willam's children are ahead of Prince Harry in England. Once the heir has a child then that child becomes the next heir.
  12. That's a valid point. So far Dany hasn't talked about what makes Cersei a bad ruler and why she's the better choice. Dany's main argument is her birthright which is really means nothing as far as who is a good or bad ruler. It's about entitlement. Ruling by birthright is still subjugating people even if you are benevolent. Maybe that will be Jon's role if he survives to end up creating some sort of Parliamentary system to settle things. He clearly doesn't want to be king and doesn't buy into the idea of birthright alone for picking a leader. The real test of Dany's character will be what she does if Jon is revealed to be the true heir since his father was crown prince and if he married Jon's mother. That would mean by her own argument she has to step aside to support Jon but she's firecely ambitious. I don't know if she'd stick to her principles or be a hypocrite to hold on to power.
  13. I'm going to be optimistic that the wedding day Bran was talking about was in Sansa's future. Maybe Sansa will have a happy wedding day someday.
  14. That's the tragedy of Jaime. He has so much potential and is capable of doing so much good. Yet he ruins himself over Cersei. What would it take to make him abandon her or will he simply be destroyed on Cersei's path to power? Not even the deaths of his children has made Jaime bitter towards Cersei. So far Tyrion and Brienne are the only ones who ever could even compete against Jaime's loyalty to Cersei.
  15. Olenna unintentionally began the downfall of her house by poisoning Joffery and framing Tyrion. That action had a ripple effect that got rid of Tywin and Tyrion in King's Landing which opened the door to Cersei's ascension. I enjoyed Olenna, but she made a huge miscalculation in killing Joffery and allowing Cersei to live. Failure of imagination indeed. Still it hurt to see Olenna lose, but she got an amazing last word.
  16. This episode shows what a weak argument Dany has to rule. In the past when she went to battle, she had the cause of ending slavery. That made her rootable. Now she just wants to rule a place she has only recently joined just because she feels entitled by birth. She doesn’t have the level of stakes attached to her in Westeros that the others do. They’ve lived there all their lives, and she’s a stranger to them coming to take over. She doesn’t seem to really understand that repeating that it’s her birthright is not enough. She’s got to earn the peoples respect. She may consider Westeros her home but the people there don’t think of her as one of them. As John said, she’s seen as a foreign invader. She’s got to give people a more compelling reason to follow her than “My Dad was King.” John has no sympathy for Dany’s birthright argument because he wasn’t allowed to have one. He doesn’t care if he’s King or not. He’s motivated by the drive to save as many people as he can. I was anticipating Arya’s return to Winterfell so much that Bran’s arrival surprised me. Bran’s presence does potentially mean unrest in the North since legally he’s the rightful heir, but he has no desire to claim his birthright. So Cersei abandoned Casterly Rock in favor of focusing on eliminating Dany’s allies. I will miss Olenna. She was right about the failure of imagination in predicting and protecting against Cersei. As long as Jaime sides with Cersei he is a lost cause. She’s getting more and more arrogant (not caring if there are witnesses to her and Jaime being lovers). She will probably turn on Jaime, and I won’t feel sorry for him if she does. He has supported her and is complicit in the wrongs she has done.
  17. I really got hooked on this show and am sad it's cancelled. The family rival and the political intrigue was getting so good. I was so happy to at least get a Benvolio/Rosaline kiss. That scene was so intense and lovely.
  18. I remember watching a soap from another country years ago, and there was what I thought was a unique take on the coming out story. A woman finds out her son is gay when the guy he's dating drops by to pick the son up. She feels hurt because her son never came out to her. His response was irritation because he didn't think being gay was something he should have to announce to anyone. He said something like his sister didn't have to come out to their mother as straight so why should he have to come out as gay. He said he'll date whoever he wants and people to will figure out he's gay without him having to make it a special announcement. I remember thinking he had a great point.
  19. Constantine "I'm not talking about writing a book. I'm talking about murdering you."
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