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Everything posted by Luckylyn

  1. Harry and Sally clearly was influenced by films that that came before but also was willing to break away from some prior tropes creating new tropes that others have copied. I love that there is no triangle or outside obstacle to keep them apart and that it’s about their own issues and fears that makes persuing romance hard for them. When Harry Met Sally - Breaking Genre Conventions Romantic comedy hasn’t gone away. Hallmark channel is known for their romantic tv movies. They make so many that I think the quality of their movies has dimished a great deal but it’s still very popular. I wonder if it has influenced people’s willingness to pay to see romantic comedies in the theater. Plus there’s services like Pixl and Passionflix that provides you with romantic movies on your devices.
  2. That happened on Gilmore Girls but I felt some sympathy for the guy since his wife used coercion to get him to have a vasectomy. There was no discussion and she decided unilaterally. She had two big guys show up to basically drag him to get the vasectomy immediately after she gave birth. I kinda get him refusing and not tellng her since it was clear she’d use force no matter how he felt about it. Still he should have told her rather than have unprotected sex which led to another pregancy. They both came off horribly. I think if a woman doesn’t want more kids and the guy isn’t on the same wavelength than it’s up to her to take steps to get her tubes tied. I get that it’s harder for the woman to get her tubes tied than a guy to get a vasectamy but if one person really wants it then they should take on that responsibility. Mad About You did the same thing in the finale. Jaime decided Paul should have a vasectomy which he did and then she decided it should be reversed which he did. Then she changed her mind again and insisted on another vasectomy and that time he didn’t but didn’t inform her. Then she got pregnant again but the baby miscarried. I have no problem with a guy refusing a vasectamy if he doesn’t want it but agree that not informing your spouse and pretending to have the precedure is wrong. It’s also wrong to pressure your spouse to have a medical procedure to prevent future pregnancies if they don’t want it.
  3. I suspect the suspects coming from upper class families affected how the investigation was handled. They weren't going to use aggressive tactics and be much more careful to avoid upsetting powerful people until they had enough evidence. I had heard of the case but didn't know the details. It's really chilling how little human life meant to them.
  4. I really enjoyed this. The world building was well done. Wakanda felt real. There was a lot going on and so I think some things ended up being underdeveloped. Overall I thought it was fantastic. T'Challa's journey from isolationist to worldwide humanitarian was great to watch. The women were all fantastic in this. I really appreciated that the villain wasn't a cartoon. He had complexity, and you could even understand why someone might want to follow him. Killmonger even had valid points even though his methods were too ruthless. He was short sighted and was wrong to consider violence as the first solution to the world's problems. It can even be argued that he helped T'Challa widen his world view to acknowledge changes that needed to happen which makes Killmonger's story so tragic. If his life had gone another path he could have been allies with T'Challa and done a lot of good.
  5. I’m still bitter about Zack and Lisa. They had so much chemistry. One episode they were dating in the next they weren’t with no explantion. Even in those episodes where Kelly and Jesse weren’t in the cast. They put Zack with horrible Tori rather than put him with Lisa. In general Lisa was screwed over in the relationship department on that show. She’s the only one never to have a romance last longer than an episode. Even Screech had Violet. Lawson and Ginny could have really been something great but the show ended too soon.
  6. Don’t Dumbledore and the villain have a romantic history ? In the fight to defeat him that past would logically come up.
  7. I loved the short film Dare and was disappointed by the feature length version. The casting and characterization didn’t work as well. I liked Johnny in that version but that was the only thing that worked. The original was so much better.
  8. 30 Rock - Liz and Criss Gay Porn roleplay Liz’s wedding (best wedding dress ever) Real Housewives parody
  9. I hadn’t considered that line of thinking before. So Don was telling himself in Tomorrowland that he was proposing to a Madonna but subconsciously was using her as a secretary with benefits. That’s an interesting take on it. I do think he believed she’d make life easier for him and that was a huge motivation for him. I think Don looks outside of himself and to various woman as what will make him happy. He won’t confront his issues and focuses on women he thinks will save him. He’s like a drowning man grabbing on to a woman to keep himself afloat but instead he drags them down to drown with him. He keeps repeating the pattern and proving Faye right about him only liking new things. He wants the fantasy savior and doesn’t know how to be a partner to a woman who doesn’t live up to his fantasies.
  10. I think this is a huge achievement for Hugh Jackman. He spent 7 years trying to get a studio to make this movie and it's paying off so well.
  11. That’s a good point about mystery sequels working better because a new mystery each time keeps things freash and provides opportunties for character development over time.
  12. The only movie I ever wanted a sequel for was Let It Snow because they kept mentioning a brother who moved to Australia. I keep thinking a Christmas storyline set in Australia would be a great way to liven up the annual Hallmark Christmas movie flood.
  13. I am not happy about the sequels. A bad sequel can taint a person’s fondness for the original movie. Sequels can work but it has to be material that leaves room for the characters to grow and not just a rehash of the previous movie. I know the mystery films that revisit the same characters over and over have been sucessful, but I figure those were probably based on various book series that gave Hallmark a lot of material to work with. Also there’s a difference between sequels planned in advance as part of a series of films versus deciding to make one after the movie’s been made. I feel like Hallmark is getting lazier and lazier on the creative side of things. I’d like more variety in what they are making.
  14. The story behind the This is Me presentation
  15. I will always have a soft spot for Gerard Butler because of the movie Dear Frankie. I haven’t enjoyed him in any other film that I can think of.
  16. The Good Place - Mindy from the Medium Place finally getting her cocaine. Only The Good Place could make someone getting cocaine a source of joy.
  17. I enjoyed Love on the Slopes but was annoyed with the unnecessary boyfriend subplot. He could have been removed, and it would have made very little difference. Her being a reporter whose afraid of risk and him wanting privacy combined with his post break up issues was enough of an obstacle for them to work through to be together. I also hated the city=clueless about the elements cliche. I liked the theme of facing fears and the leads had chemistry. On a random note, whoever put the co-worker friend character in that horrible illfitting outfit at the beginning of the movie should have been taken to task.
  18. Serial Mom “You’ve got to cross the finish line on this one! This is your third fiancé today and it ain't even lunch yet!”
  19. The parents on Stranger Things who are totally oblivious when their children disappear and get into dangerous situations. Nancy and Mike's parents who are so blase about their kids not being home for days are particularly terrible. The dad makes a joke about how the kids don't live there anymore but doesn't seem to care about actually knowing what's going on in the kids lives. Billy's father is the worst though since he's abusive and it's turned Billy into a nasty human being.
  20. I love that older movie with Debbie Reynolds, Naomi Watts, and Neil Patrick Harris. I think it was called The Christmas Wish or maybe The Christmas Gift. I haven’t seen that one on tv in a while. It checks so many cliche boxes but at the same time it is so well done. It’s such a good movie. I really liked Neil’s journey to discover his Grandfather’s secret. I’m sad that older better quality movies have gone out of the rotation.
  21. @Dandesun Roadhouse will always have a special place in my heart because of “A Patrick Swayze Christmas “
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