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Everything posted by Luckylyn

  1. I remember when the We channel was named Romance Classics. It used to show all the old tv movies and miniseries. I remember watching Danielle Steel movies, Judith Krantz adaptations, Lace, I’ll Take Manhattan, North and South, etc.... on that channel. They even had a show called Cinema Therapy where they showed some good romances. For a long while after the name change they continued showing them but over time WE showed less and less of the old movies and miniseries which lead me to stop watching that network altogether. I don’t even remember what channel WE is anymore. I hate when channels shift their programing to the point that what drew you to that network in the first place is basically gone. I long for a network like Romance Classics come along again and it wouldn’t just have to focus on romances either. I’d love to watch older tv movies and miniseries in a variety of genres. I wish networks like ME, TVLand, or Cozi would show old tv movies and miniseries in addition to old tv shows. The only tv movies they show are Columbo which I love, but I’d like to see some of the classic tv movies again. Honestly, if there was a streaming service that provided those movies I’d pay for that.
  2. Dance Til Dawn was an awesome time capsule cause it included all these teen stars from various shows. I have a soft spot for that movie.
  3. Luckylyn

    The Star Wars Saga

    That makes me think of Patton Oswalt’s Star Wars filibuster on Parks and Recreation
  4. I haven’t watched the sequels. It just comes off as too forced. A bad sequel can sometimes tarnish your love of the original movie. If they are gonna do the sequel root, they should base it on the romance novel method. In those novels, they include side characters who end up being the leads in the next book. Like they might have a series with siblings or a group of friends and each book features a different person from that family or group of friends. For example, I’m about to finish the Weekday Bride series of romance novels by Catherine Bybee. They should plan ahead for the sequels and let supporting players from the previous movie be the lead in the next with the leads from the previous movie being either supporting characters or just make a quick cameo. For example if Hallmark wanted to make a sequel to Royal Matchmaker they could make the assistant character the lead. That method is nice because you get a glimpse of how things are going with characters you enjoyed seeing previously but also get a fresh story about a new romance.
  5. After All - Jack’s eternity, he came to understand, was as incongruous and contradictory as he was; he’d forever be the here and now, he’d forever only have the here and now. Jack/Ianto. Post-Exit Wounds. Better Wrong - Ianto leaves because it seems like the only reasonable thing to do. Telephone talk ensues. Jack/Ianto. Post-Kiss Kiss Bang Bang.
  6. This video captures my issues with shaky cam, fast cut action sequences I really appreciated the fight choreography and how it was filmed in John Wick
  7. From Glow Reggie: I've never seen Cheers. Sheila: It's great. It's about an invisible woman named Vera. I keep hoping someone can mention the show cheers so I can have an excuse to say the Vera line.
  8. Interesting analysis of Zach Synder’s focus on big moments at the expense of story and character development
  9. There’s a scene in the movie when Summer lets her guard down around him and starts confiding in him and instead of really listening to her in his mind he’s mentally giving himself a pat on the back for finally getting closer to her. I feel like that moment sums up why eventually she dumps him. Ultimately for him the relationship is about him and his love for his image of her. He doesn’t put in the effort to really see her for herself. They are both flawed, and I don’t think either is a villain. They simply aren’t the one for eachother.
  10. RDJ went through a period of being considered unhireable because he kept getting in trouble due to his drug use. If I remember correctly getting arrested and having to do prison time screwing with Ally Mcbeal production seemed to be when studios decided to stop taking a chance on him until Mel Gibson intervened. He offered to act as RDJ’s insurance repaying the studio back for any losses if RDJ messed up production again. RDJ did not mess up that time {I think if was the movie The Singing Detective} and was able to start getting work again. So RDJ did face repercussions for his poor history but was able to overcome it with the help of Mel Gibson. Without Mel Gibson, I’m not sure what would have happened to RDJ’s career which I guess is why RDJ is willing to publicly support Mel Gibson despite his public scandals. Should you pay permanently for the horrible things you did in your past? I suppose it depends on what you did, the harm you caused, and whether there are indications you’re going to be a repeat offender. I really don’t know what to think about Jim Gunn. What he said was horrible but it’s been several years of him no longer making those type of comments. I don’t know if he said terrible things just for shock value or if it’s an indication of something unforgivable in Gunn’s character. In the end, it’s all about profit. If a studio thinks they can make a lot of money with you they will hire you despite the trouble you’ve gotten into but if they think you will cost them money they will get rid of you. Sometimes Hollywood is shockingly forgiving of horrible things people do and in other cases they move quickly to get rid of a potential scandal. The perception that you bring in profits is the key. Harvey Weinstein didn’t start facing repercussions until his movies weren’t doing as well financially and critcally. Only when he was vulnerable on a professional level was when any of the stories that have been going around for years started getting taken seriously. I think for Hollywood it’s not a matter of right and wrong but who has power and who they think is expendable.
  11. Wasn’t there a brief Facts of Life series or movie where one of the girls from the original show was the principal for a new cast? It’s possible I’m remembering wrong.
  12. Creating an Empathetic Villian
  13. I loved the second one too. It’s basically an action rip off of Hitchcock’s Notorious, and I enjoyed it. But Rogue Nation was my ultimate favorite. Fallout is definitely going to be a close second. I’m glad Julia got a happy send off. It would have been terrible for Julia/Ethan to stay in limbo unable to be together or move on. Ilsa is basically my favorite. Whatever happened to Jeremy Renner’s character?
  14. I had a problem with Roller being raped repeatedly in season 1 but at least it was established that he suffered a trauma. Bryce and Jen were all smiles after the coma rape. Now it looks like they may be on the road for a reconciliation and that next drama for them is probably a stalker.
  15. I’m not okay with Jennifer raping Bryce. I don’t know if this is sexism where they think a man can’t be raped. That’s a stereotype that has done so much harm. An unconscious person can’t consent to sex, and so it was rape. It’s disgusting that it was played for humor. I wonder if Desna’s in a Born Yesterday situation where various businesses have been placed in her name just in case they need a fall guy and marrying her will give ownership to her husband in the event she’s arrested.
  16. One thing I hate is Abigail still hasn’t really owned up to what her alter did to Gabi and why. She’s keeps saying she’d never hurt Gabi but immediately after Andre’s murder she choose a persona that implicated Gabi and then she and Stefan took steps to ensure Gabi would be found gulity. Yet Abigail still won’t acknowledge her subconcious resentment towards Gabi and why her alter was so willing to ruin Gabi’s life. I get the show gave Abigail the mental illness get out of jail card and so she’s not supposed to be responsible for her actions but the alters’ choices make it clear that Abigail has unresolved issues with Chad and Gabi about their romantic history that Abigail is continuing to ignore. Abigail committed a murder, framed her best friend, and cheated on her husband and yet Gabi’s the one who got punished. I hate that Abigail got all this support from people in town and that Gabi doesn’t have a single person whose 100% on her side acknowledging how horribly Abigail has treated Gabi. Gabi needs a snarky friend who will give Abigail the side eye and not drink the “poor little Abigail” koolaide. I hate the way they’ve piled so much suffering on Gabi just so that they have her turn into a villian probably to try to make Abigail and Stefan seem sympathetic. Then everyone will turn on Gabi and we’ll have to see Julie saying “I told you so” about how horrible she thinks Gabi is. The quick forgiveness and understanding for her misdeeds Abigail got will not be offered to Gabi and Gabi will just be the bad guy who hurt poor little Abgail. At this point, I really don’t care what Gabi does to Abigail and Stefan. I’m on Gabi’s side because the story is weighted too much in Abigail’s favor, and I’m so annoyed by that. No matter what Gabi does she’s going to get crapped on, and she isn’t allowed to win. I just want Gabi to have a happy moment. I want her to reconcile with her daughter. I want her to have a great love story where the guy doesn’t treat her as a consolation prize or cheat on her. Her best friend ruined her life, won’t acknowledge why, and got away with it. Yet the writers want Gabi to turn into the bad guy. I just can’t with that. Gabi can do whatever horrible thing she wants to Abigail and Stefan, and I will cheer Gabi on.
  17. One thing I hate is Abigail still hasn’t really owned up to what her alter did to Gabi and why. She’s keeps saying she’d never hurt Gabi but immediately after Andre’s murder she choose a persona that implicated Gabi and then she and Stefan took steps to ensure Gabi would be found gulity. Yet Abigail still won’t acknowledge her subconcious resentment towards Gabi and why her alter was so willing to ruin Gabi’s life. I get the show gave Abigail the mental illness get out of jail card and so she’s not supposed to be responsible for her actions but the alters’ choices make it clear that Abigail has unresolved issues with Chad and Gabi about their romantic history that Abigail is continuing to ignore. Abigail committed a murder, framed her best friend, and cheated on her husband and yet Gabi’s the one who got punished. I hate that Abigail got all this support from people in town and that Gabi doesn’t have a single person whose 100% on her side acknowledging how horribly Abigail has treated Gabi. Gabi needs a snarky friend who will give Abigail the side eye and not drink the “poor little Abigail” koolaide. I hate the way they’ve piled so much suffering on Gabi just so that they have her turn into a villian probably to try to make Abigail and Stefan seem sympathetic. Then everyone will turn on Gabi and we’ll have to see Julie saying “I told you so” about how horrible she thinks Gabi is. The quick forgiveness and understanding for her misdeeds Abigail got will not be offered to Gabi and Gabi will just be the bad guy who hurt poor little Abgail. At this point, I really don’t care what Gabi does to Abigail and Stefan. I’m on Gabi’s side because the story is weighted too much in Abigail’s favor, and I’m so annoyed by that. No matter what Gabi does she’s going to get crapped on, and she isn’t allowed to win. I just want Gabi to have a happy moment. I want her to reconcile with her daughter. I want her to have a great love story where the guy doesn’t treat her as a consolation prize or cheat on her. Her best friend ruined her life, won’t acknowledge why, and got away with it. Yet the writers want Gabi to turn into the bad guy. I just can’t with that. Gabi can do whatever horrible thing she wants to Abigail and Stefan, and I will cheer Gabi on.
  18. Luckylyn

    The Star Wars Saga

    The thing that really bothers me is how Leia and Han weren’t allowed any happiness before Han’s death. They lost their son to the dark side, their romance was destroyed and they weren’t even working together to resist the new threat since Han went back to being a smuggler. Why couldn’t at least Leia/Han’s relationship have withstood what happened? Han could have met Rey in TFA while on a mission for the Rebellion. ROTJ ended on such a high note and all the victories personal and for the rebellion as a whole have been stripped away in the new trilogy. On the one hand I get that the Empire wouldn’t just go away and that there would always be evil in the world to be resisted. On the other, it sucks that our original heroes have lost so much and then get killed off. I need a few wins for our characters that last.
  19. Luckylyn

    The Star Wars Saga

    I’m excited about Lando’s return but I hope they don’t bring him in just to kill him off.
  20. I heard a story that there was some racist hate mail when Shawn/Angela started and the actress playing Angela was nearly fired. Then, the actors on the show fought to keep her and to let Shawn/Angela have more time to build a fanbase which they did. I’m still not over Saved By the Bell breaking up Zack/Lisa after only one episode of being a couple without any explanation. One trope I hate is that women don’t like science fiction/fantasy. Plenty of little girls and women are fans but pop culture acts that those genres belong to guys and that female fans are unusual.
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