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Everything posted by Luckylyn

  1. Luckylyn

    The Sims

    Buzzfeed’s Single Girl Tries The 100 Baby Challenge on Sims 4
  2. I really loved the Karate Kid and particularly loved the second film. Someone made this hilarious video pushing the idea that Daniel was the real villain. How I Met Your Mother’s Barney’s love of The Karate Kid and his belief that Zabka was the real hero was so much fun especially when Ralph Macchio and Zabka appeared on the show. Zabka ended up a recurrent guest star as part of Barney’s circle of friends in the final season.
  3. Luckylyn

    Disney Films

    I thought Snow White: A Tale of Terror with Sigourney Weaver as the evil step mother was a great take on the story.
  4. Luckylyn

    Disney Films

    https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/life/entertainment/a25726169/disney-streaming-service-cost/ Information about Disney’s upcoming streaming service
  5. This made me think of a soap actress who was getting criticized for using a wig. She said the soap she was on had a hairstylist who didn’t know how to do black hair and so the actress was on her own for styling. Stuff like that shouldn’t happen and if you’re going to be a hairstylist in Hollywood you should be highly skilled in all types of hair. There can also be issues with makeup artists who cannot handle darker skin tones.
  6. I've been frustrated with the lack of Margo/Quentin interactions. There's a foundation there for a great friendship but the show's been neglecting it for a while now. I feel like they haven't had good one on one friendship scenes since maybe season 2. The situation with Eliot was and opportunity to have Margo and Quentin support each other, but the writers separated them at a time when they need each other most. I think the Margo/Quentin friendship needs some screen time. I feel like they should be concerned about each other and working together to cope with the situation.
  7. I think I like Penny 23 more. I'm okay with him sticking around. Q fighting to protect Eliot's life was amazing and also heartbreaking because Q has reached a point where he doesn't care about his survival. Q is capable of anything to save Eliot at this point. Some of it is because he loves Eliot, but I think losing his father also is affecting Q's response to the situation. This whole Eliot/Q/Monster triangle is fascinating. The Monster really hate's Q's loyalty to Eliot. I love the idea of Alice having a positive magical experience. I like what was said about magic isn't automatically bad or good. It depends on what a person does with it. Magic isn't Alice's problem; it's how she uses it.
  8. @chrisvee shared this article The Magicians’ Queliot Episode Is a Landmark Moment For Slash Fandom
  9. The Academy prefers movies that address race made by white people instead of stories by black film makers. It's a problematic pattern.
  10. My theory is that John is responsible for the death of someone close to Barbra. Maybe a car accident or fraternity hazing.
  11. Luckylyn

    The Star Wars Saga

    I don’t ship Rey/Kylo but I so enjoyed this parody
  12. It looks like The Magicians might make Quentin and Eliot endgame. Quentin’s predominately shown to be interested in women while Eliot predominately attracted to men. They’ve forged a strong friendship and the chemistry has been amazing. I wasn’t sure if they were a real possibility as the show’s OTP but season 4 is going there. In season one, Season 1 - Magic hangover threesome Season 3- alternate timeline Season 4 - Quentin wants the monster to return Eliot Season 4 - Eliot relives his biggest regret in order to find a way to get past the monster and communicate with Quentin
  13. Didn’t they establish that Eliot can have one wife and one husband when Eliot was going to marry the king of a rival kingdom to end a war? So Quentinss and Eliot could happen without displacing Fen. The Eliot/Ren marriage has evolved into a solid platonic partnership. I really hope Ren gets to find some romantic happiness because she and Eliot are more family than lovers at this point. Also, I was rewatching the episode and I noticed green mist coming out of Margo’s mouth during the scene when she explains she can’t let herself cry because then she won’t be able to stop. I’m curious what that mist was and if it has anything to do with the animals losing speech. I wonder if we’ll see Eliot and Fen’s fake daughter Fray and her bear boyfriend again since there’s a crisis with the talking animals. @chrisvee You have a good point that Q has been focused on forging relationships while dealing with magical crisises and that Alice has been focused on the magic. Q is the only one who managed to get to Alice’s heart. There have been otheres who’ve had moments with Alice that could have lead to stronger relationships Penny, Eliot, and Julia but those were temporary and lasting friendships didn’t happen. She really does need to develop bonds with people other than Quentin  Alice by herself isn’t good for her, and I suspect it’s dangerous as well. If Alice is more focused on magic itself and not on people will make harmful choices. There was a time I hated Julia and now I enjoy her. I remember when she betrayed the group to fulfill her own agenda for revenge and how the group hated her initially. Now Julia is a trusted ally. Alice can be redeemed and the group has shown with the Julia example that they can be forgiving. Alice can be impatient but she needs to stop pushing for forgiveness and give Q time. She also needs to open herself up to other people so that Q isn’t her only important relationship.
  14. Hell Yeah! I’m all in on Elliot and Quentin. It’s a shame that Quetin put himself out there and that Elliot was too scared to try. Still I feel awful for how things have eroded so badly between Alice and Quentin. I get how he feels betrayed by her actions in the last season’s finale and how he’s in a dark mindset because of the loss of his father and the situation with Elliot. I just feel so awful for Alice despite her mistakes she does really want to do good. I do think that Alice too isolated and needs to forge stronger connections to others in the main group.
  15. Was that John Lithgow as Winston Churchill’s voice at the end? I missed this show so much. There’s a huge issue with people making shortsighted political choices without really considering the long range ramifications. It’s not just the UK but in the US as well.
  16. At this point, I’m certain that if Delilah had a paper cut she would call the guys to drop everything to put a bandaid on her. I don’t think it’s bad that Deliah is so passive and needy because it’s okay for characters to be flawed. The problem is the show doesn’t seem to be acknowledging that Delilah’s “Damsel in Distress” routine is a problem she needs to work on. I just need someone to call her out on her over dependency on others. Her wanting Eddie around to help her with baby stuff while at the same time not wanting to publicly announce he’s the father seems very selfish. It’s weird that Eddie’s just going along with this and that he’s not pushing back. I think Eddie and Delilah both share a certain passivity. I think they blame others for their unhappiness and don’t take steps on their own to improve their situation. It’s John and Katherine’s fault that they were unhappy. Eddie has shown some growth and is taking steps for himself. He also acknowledges his part in the downfall of his marriage. Still he’s letting Delilah control all the decisions about his child because neither he or Delilah have the guts to deal with the fallout of their children finding out about the affair. I wonder what happened in John’s past so bad that he hasn’t shared his full history with his wife. Delilah’s lack of curiosity in this situation is weird but I guess it fits that she would be self centered. I’m more interested in the mystery of why there’s been so much hostility between Katherine and Gary. I remember the first episode established Regina and Gary used to date. I think they should have given that backstory to Gary and Katherine. I get a angry ex vibes from their interactions.
  17. It really was a great decision to change the ending of My Best Friend’s Wedding. They found a way to not cheapen the heartache but still feel hopeful. It’s also interesting that Kimmie’s moment to express her anger was added later.
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