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Posts posted by hisbunkie

  1. I’m a little surprised that given Meghan’s age and social media savvy she doesn’t know how to look better on FaceTime (or whatever she is using). The camera needs to be a little higher (you can use books) and she needs to be further away from the camera. 

    • Love 7
  2. 11 minutes ago, kendi said:
    24 minutes ago, hisbunkie said:


    I visit almost every year but I'll never forget when I took my daughter for the first time when she was a teenager. It was right after a devestating typhoon and the people who squatted by the river had to move. You know those tiny concrete island dividers on the street? They were living there, building little shacks out of cardboard and whatever they could fashion a home with. From that point on, my daughter never complained about material things again. 

    It’s difficult to explain what women go through.  There is no enforcement of child support or order for protection. No free education .  The list goes on and on  

     Ed will be kind to her,her child will be fed and educated. Life will be much better for them.  

    • Love 9
  3. 1 minute ago, Angry Moldovan said:


    5 minutes ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

    Rose, he’s not worth it.

    I’d rather live in poverty then have sex with that rancid leprechaun. I know I’m saying this as a privileged middle aged chic, but I mean it


    I spent some time in the Philippines.  It’s difficult to understand the type of poverty people live under. As I’ve mentioned before, there is no safety net for anyone. No social services like food stamps , workmen’s comp, unemployment insurance, nothing. This time of year is rainy season, you can drive through towns that are flooded and see mattresses on rooftops. We come from such a place of privilege that even those in poverty here have so much more than others.  

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  4. 15 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

    Darcey, why are you bothering? We don't want to see you cry any more.

    Darcey is bothering with Tom because she can’t quit any man, no matter how much they disrespect her.  
    I just don’t understand her thought process.  She’s taking the train into the city to break up with Tom, she cannot kiss him hello because she feels uncomfortable with him BUT she packs a suitcase worthy of a weeks stay?  

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  5. Meghan said it was a surprise?  I don’t understand that. When grown Women who are Sexually active find themselves surprisingly pregnant. They know how it happens, right?

    She said she didn’t think it would happen to her.  Again, this is her second pregnancy in a year.  I don’t get it. 
    Im happy for her and her family. I’m especially happy because I’m Pro Choice so I always support women’s right to decide when and how they decide to procreate. 

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  6. 2 minutes ago, Adeejay said:

    Someone should probably tell Big Ed it's not what you say, it's how you say it. 

    That’s totally it. I think we all agree that if he had brought the issue up as something he wanted to do together, for each other to have assurances of exclusivity it 2ould have been a 2hole different situation. He could have be3n a gentleman and explained he wanted her to feel secure. 

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