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Posts posted by betterthisway

  1. I think the fifth and sixth seasons are the best too. That's the only unpopular opinion I have that isn't too controversial, LOL. Here are some others...

    Agree with those who love this show not just despite how cheesy and overly earnest it can be but because of that. 

    Lois, though, is even more insufferable to me--arrogant, rude, obnoxious and just incredibly annoying.

    You have company on that one. I hated SV's Lois. I wanted to love her but she's so egotistical and grating. Even the way she calls Clark "Smallville" gets on my nerves and makes her sound so condescending. I agree that obnoxious is the right word for her. I also agree that I didn't believe she and Clark had a deep and real love. Their bickering just made it seem like they got on each other's nerves, not that it was secretly masking sizzling chemistry and feelings they didn't want to face. 

    I love Lana Lang. I view her as an unsure, introverted and somewhat meek young woman who was always eager to be liked and never confident of her real identity and purpose, and I relate to that a lot. She was defined and saved by other people and ultimately had to strive to define and save herself. Along the way she still managed to be empathetic, intuitive, generous, hardworking, supportive, smart, and stronger than she seems. Not trying to argue at all or change anyone's mind, but I just wanted to try to explain why the unpopular Lana Lang has always been one of my favorite characters. And I will always be a Clark/Lana fan even though I knew from the beginning it was futile lol. 

    I love Chloe too but I wish she had never had a crush on Clark in the first place. I liked her with Oliver but loved her with Jimmy. 

    I read in a lot of places that the last two or three seasons are considered a "resurgence" for the show and a significant improvement over the show's middle seasons, but I thought the show's middle seasons were the best ones. 

    Tom Welling gets trashed for being a wooden actor but I really like how he played this role. To be honest I thought Justn Hartley as the Green Arrow was a lot worse of an actor, but I enjoyed his character anyway. 

    • Love 1
  2. I recently rewatched this series and confirmed that it's even better the second time around. I'm not usually a sitcom person, but there are very few shows in any category that I love more than this one. 

    Putting the seasons in order is hard since I really love all of them, but I think I would rank them Season 3, Season 2, Season 5, Season 4, Season 7, Season 6 and Season 1.  

    Season 3 is almost perfect television. Season 2 is higher than I would have expected it to be since like most of you I was indifferent to Mark and his relationship with Ann, but Season 2 is the season I laughed the most. I also agree with whoever said that April is the easiest to love in the second and third seasons and Leslie and Ron have some of their best interactions in Season 2 too. Andy is his warm, hilarious self without being quite as stupid as he is later on, and Andy and April is one of the best relationships I've ever seen on TV. I love them just as much as Leslie and Ben and in some ways more. Season 4 is probably better than Season 5 but I don't find political campaigns as fun to watch even though I loved Bobby Newport and his ruthless campaign manager, so Season 5 is just more enjoyable to watch despite Jamm. I agree with people who like the focus on the Parks department making small differences in Pawnee in the second and third seasons more than when Leslie becomes an increasingly successful politician and everyone else finds bigger jobs. The growth is great for the characters and kept the show from growing stagnant but it also changed the feel of the show.  

    I keep staring at the episode list but can't pick just a few favorites. Most of the second half of Season 2 and nearly all of Season 3 would make my list. Ben and Leslie's wedding episode would definitely make the list too.  I don't think there's any episode I hated. Even some of the worst episodes have some great scenes. I agree with people who think this the happiest, most warmhearted show ever made and am excited to see that other people here love it too!  

  3. This show kills me. I have such a love/hate relationship with it. Some general opinions:

    1. Like many of you, the first two seasons are my favorite. The first in particular is so much better written and acted than it gets credit for. I love the first two seasons of this show more than any season of Supernatural or Buffy, so I think we need an unpopular opinions thread for freaks like me, lol. 

    2. I honestly love Elena Gilbert in the first season and for most of the second. See the above item regarding needing an unpopular opinions section for people like me! 

    3. Loved Stefan and Elena so much more than I could admit anywhere other than the internet, lol. I knew what was coming so I didn't want to invest in them in any way, but I loved them together. 

    4. Damon is fun as a snarky adversary who loves Stefan deep down, but I always end up hating him as a love interest for anyone. 

    5. Stefan is my favorite character, Caroline is probably my second favorite character once I grew to dislike Elena in the middle seasons, but I don't like Stefan and Caroline together as a couple. Someone used the word "forced," and that captures how their relationship comes across to me. 

    6. I am the only TVD fan I know of who doesn't like Klaus at all and found the Caroline/Klaus pairing toxic even for this show. 

    7. I don't like the idea of a Bonnie/Damon match either. I feel like Bonnie deserves so much better. 

    8. I've finally given up the show now but all the later disappointment still hasn't tainted my love for those first two seasons. Maybe if I'd kept watching it would have! 

    • Love 3
  4. I'm not sure if this goes here, but while stalking this thread I saw that a lot of people think Lorelai is similar to Jess and decided that I think she's more similar to Logan. I love Lorelai and don't love Logan, but that's beside the point! 

    Both Logan and Lorelai are raised in privileged families by parents who have high, rigid expectations of them.

    They have cheerful, extroverted personalities and are generally considered charming.

    They use humor and a determination to keep things light almost as a defensive coping mechanism. 

    They both test and bend rules rather than automatically following them. 

    They both sleep with other people very soon after breaking up with their significant others as if needing to reaffirm their desirability and just to feel pleasure and more alive. 

    They're spontaneous and determined to live life to the fullest. 

    They both have a knack for business. 

    They are both often considered self-absorbed but can also be very generous and selfless when someone they care about is in need. 

    They can seem like airheads but are very quick, witty and clever. 

    When people are mad at them, they'll both try over and over to make up with them. 


    I'm sure there are more, but those are the ones I can think of at the moment. I just thought it was interesting to see that so many more fans consider Lorelai more like Jess than Logan. It's funny how writing this made me hate Logan a little less or possibly just understand him a little more! 

    I'm in the unpopular corner with people who don't like either Jess or Logan much, but Gilmore Girls characters and the parallels between them are all so interesting to analyze. As I was writing this I started thinking about how Rory and Luke have some important similarities too. 

    • Love 7
  5. 1. Rory is still at Chilton

    2. There isn't a town event or meeting

    3. Rory and Lorelai have taken their Road Trip to Harvard 

    4. Not sure there's ever a Gilmore Girls episode solely based on one character? Even if there is, this one isn't it! 

    5. We see Chilton

    6. We don't see the elder Gilmores 

    7. Final Timeline: 2.5 - 3.7

    8. Luke and Lorelai bicker in this episode but I'm not sure we would count it as a fight 

    9. Tristan appears in this episode

    10. Lane appears in this episode too

  6. 1. Rory is still at Chilton

    2. There isn't a town event or meeting

    3. Rory and Lorelai have taken their Road Trip to Harvard 

    4. Not sure there's ever a Gilmore Girls episode solely based on one character? Even if there is, this one isn't it! 

    5. We see Chilton

    6. We don't see the elder Gilmores 

    7. Final Timeline: 2.5 - 3.7

    8. Luke and Lorelai bicker in this episode but I'm not sure we would count it as a fight 

  7. 1. Rory is still at Chilton

    2. There isn't a town event or meeting

    3. Rory and Lorelai have taken their Road Trip to Harvard 

    4. Not sure there's ever a Gilmore Girls episode solely based on one character? Even if there is, this one isn't it! 

    5. We see Chilton

    6. We don't see the elder Gilmores 

  8. I couldn't pick just five favorites but will try to limit myself to 20! 

    1. That '70s Episode 

    2. Morality Bites

    3. Be Careful What You Witch For

    4. All Halliwell's Eve : I think one pattern so far is that I love when the Halliells time travel! 

    5. Primrose Empath

    6. Just Harried : Another pattern will probably be that I love episodes that give us special Leo/Piper moments 

    7. Pre-Witched

    8. Sin Francisco

    9. Brain Drain

    10. Muse to My Ears : I'm guessing we'll all have episodes that no one else thinks is special and this has always been one of my mine! 

    11. Lost and Bound

    12. Long Live the Queen

    13. A Witch's Tail : Can we count two part episodes as just one entry? 

    14. Happily Ever After

    15. Sympathy for the Demon: This one doesn't get mentioned a lot but is one of my favorites and contains a little bit of everything I love about Charmed

    16. Sand Fransisco Dreamin' 

    17. The Day the Magic Died : Just in case you thought I was done picking strange favorites that will probably not appear on anyone else's lists! 

    18. Sense and Sensability 

    19. Chris-Crossed

    20. Forever Charmed

    These are not the ones I think are most important or the best, just my own favorites! You can see my bias for seasons 3, 4 and 5 in this list. Those are the seasons that made me fall for Charmed and they're the ones I watch the most.  I would love to see other fans' selections and see if other people have a few surprise picks like I did. Maybe we could do a group marathon rewatch with some of these episodes! 

    • Love 2
  9. Just found this wonderful place so forgive me for answering later than everyone else. 


    1. If you had to pick just two favorite sisters of the four, they would be____

    Piper is my favorite and Paige is right behind. Then would come Phoebe and then Prue, but I love all four of them!


    2. Your three favorite romantic pairings of the series are ___

    Piper/Leo...I don't think I care enough about any of the other ones to mention them, but I did think Cole was an interesting character 


    3. Your three LEAST favorite romantic pairings of the series are _____

    Piper/Dan, Paige/Kyle, Phoebe/Coop. I felt like there was something pushy and annoying about Coop and his romance with Phoebe. He seemed arrogant and obnoxious yet boring. Maybe it's the actor. Or maybe it's my annoyance with his name! 

    4. Your three favorite seasons were ____

    5, 4 and 3. I think that's in order, but it changes 

    5. Your five favorite episodes are ______

    My five favorite episodes are close to 25 favorite episodes! I'll think about this one more and see if I can limit myself to just five. 


    If we're allowed to add new questions, how about your three most unpopular or unusual opinions about the show? Mine are that I didn't love the first two seasons as much as everyone else does, I'm eternally devoted to Piper/Leo no matter how many annoying problems came their way, and that the fifth season is my favorite. I know many fans didn't warm up to Paige, so loving her as much as I do probably counts as unpopular and unusual too. This is a really fun thread and I'm glad I found it! 

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