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Everything posted by tiftgirl

  1. @Scarlett45 I am sure you are numb right now. I am so sorry you and Blake are going through this. You are both in my thoughts.
  2. Oh @Bastet I am so so sorry. Please give your parents my condolences as well.
  3. In my family using our grandma mouths it would have been the opposite of what you were asking of your family. That woman could curse like no one I've ever encountered. When I worked at the Children's Home I literally starting saying the word Cuss. I was surprised that the girls actually picked it up and started saying that and cutting down on the actual cursing. I mean I do use curse words, but, back then I was trying to set a good example and all that.
  4. My favorite is "Jesus, Mary and Joseph and the wee little donkey" courtesy of Chief Superintendent Hastings from Line of Duty. It's the wee little donkey that just kills me. I had to rewind I was laughing so hard. Several times.
  5. I am so so sorry you are facing this. Animals do grieve their companions. I will say that Shlamey grieved Shlomo terribly. She would look for him and cry (well, it was a different meow than her normal ones). Maybe two nights later she was doing that and then came and snuggled up to my chest. I just talked to her and explained he wasn't sick anymore and he wasn't where we could see him and touch him, but, that he would always be with us and touched her little chest over her heart. I had explained this when I came home, but, this was quiet and close. She gave a sigh and settled down and went to sleep. She still looked for him for a bit, but, it wasn't as intense as it was. So, yes, I think they know a difference between not coming back because they are in the hospital (which we had been through with him and she didn't act that way) and not coming back at all. I also think they understand us more than we think. Not the actual words, but, I think the intent and message sometimes does get across. I have no answers about taking her with you, especially since she has travel anxiety, but, afterwards, she will guide you. You are a loving pet parent and you will pick up on her cues to know how to help her. Just love her and let her love you back. You will help each other through this. You and Pearl are in my thoughts.
  6. Ha! No, the 4 were enough! They're all gone now, I had them for 10, 17, 17, and 18 years. We were a happy little family and I miss them everyday. I once had to explain to my friend's brother what shpilkes meant when his niece wanted to name her new puppy that. Their grandmother thought it was funny that "the goy has to explain the Yiddish to the Jew." 😄
  7. When Shana showed up at my apartment like she owned it I asked my best friend how to say Pretty Girl in Yiddish and that's what I named her. When she had the babies he said "Let's give them all Yiddish names" and so we did. It's odd how their names fit their personalities too. Instead of a whisker, Shana once inserted one claw into my nostril and pulled! Yes, I got up, but none of us were happy!
  8. OMG! The cats used to drive me crazy with time change. Shlomo would be tapping my face and saying "NOW" (it sounded just like it) that got harder and louder if I didn't get up. Like his 18 lb. self was going to wither and die because breakfast was late in his view. All of them would be thisclose to me just willing me to wake up.
  9. Peeve of the day, no matter what day the 2nd falls on, Saturday, Sunday, holiday Monday, we have to do our check out for the monthly run. It's not like Cash Ops actually accepts the file and processes the payments on those days. No, that happens the next work day. So, if 2nd is on Saturday, they receive the file on Monday and payments are issued Wednesday. If we were to do checkout on Monday, they accept the file Monday and the payments are issued Wednesday. I mean, I finished checkout and I'm here at 11:45 so it's not like it takes 1/2 the day or more, it's just the point that we have to work on the 2nd because 2nd is checkout day. Not to mention I'm salaried, so no overtime and no, we don't get the time off during the week either.
  10. Mine liked bottle tops and nickels. Nickels apparently spin better than other coins. We could play spin (me)/trap (them) the nickel for hours had I not got tired of it and took the nickel away. And shoes, Shlamey loved a shoe. Of course that was the reason one of her middle names was Imelda. 🙂
  11. Glad he's dong better! I always hated when they had to wait by themselves. Once when that happened when the vet came in the room she asked why I was crying and she said it wasn't mine, it was the clinic cat who cried when they put her in her cage when they had another animal out in the back. 🙂
  12. Try https://www.doesthedogdie.com/ I looked and there is a 2021 TV show listed that does show several trigger warnings. If this is the same one you saw I do sincerely thank you because I would probably have started it myself.
  13. I think the decision to euthanize is on of the most difficult, heart wrenching some of us will ever face. One that we agonize over at the time and for some time to come. We don't want to let go too soon. We don't want to hold on too long. Bottom line is the desire to do right by our pets. As long as it is made thoughtfully, with love and looking to what is best for the pet at that moment, we are doing our best to help them and that cannot be wrong. I think most people at some point question themselves if they made the right choice. I described it to someone as my head knows it was right to let go, but, my heart doesn't want to accept that.
  14. I am so sorry @GaT. It's always hard to lose them, but, for it to happen unexpectedly makes it even harder. I know you are sad and your heart hurts. I will keep you in my thoughts. She was a very pretty girl.
  15. I made is sound like they threw up a lot didn't I? They really didn't, but, one it could take a few times to get the hairball out. And I was nervous that something could actually be wrong with them. The first time one threw up a hairball, I actually didn't know what it was and took him over to the emergency vet about 2 in the morning. I explained what he produced and she, trying not to laugh, explained it was a fur ball. To which I said I expected them to be actual balls, not something looking like a tube. In peeves news, if I tell you I need a specific form to process your request or else we will be out of compliance do not keep asking me if I'm sure or if I can't just do it anyway.
  16. I once flung (not really but did snatch up and quickly semi-dropped onto the floor) one of mine when I heard THAT SOUND in the middle of the night. I sleep pretty heavy, but, THAT SOUND, cuts through anything. After that they would all get off the bed if they felt the need. Plus we had a rule at our house. In the course of a day: Throw up once - it happens, maybe you ate too fast/much Throw up twice - there better be a hairball produced Throw up the third time - that's it we are going to the vet - regular or emergency depending on the time.
  17. We may actually be.....I went to a woman's college too. Not a fancy one though. 🙂
  18. I'm the only leftie in my family too. One of the nuns at school taught several of us to crochet. She had me sit in front of her instead of behind like everyone else so I would be able to mirror her movements since I am left-handed. I still am not able to knit no matter how many times/ways I try to learn. After the last frustrating attempt I did read somewhere (and have no idea if it's actually true) that all knitting patterns are written right-handed. Also in college I took tennis and when we were learning to serve the teacher would say "Ok everybody face the gym....well, Tift, face the dorm". I swear one of my cats was left-pawed.
  19. It may only be me that did this, but, when my cats sneezed I would say "Bless you". This resulted in one of them when I sneezed jumping up, putting his paws on my chest and getting right in my face and saying "Meow meow. Meow meow." I took at as he thought someone should say something when another being sneezed. He even did it when I was on a conference call once.
  20. Oh, @Bastet, I cannot tell you how sorry I am to hear this. My heart breaks for all of you left behind, human and feline. As others have said dear Chester had a wonderful life and could have have asked for a better family to take care of him. I have no doubt he knew that and adored you all in return. His love will always be a part of you all.
  21. I am so sorry @Nicmar. I cannot imagine how stressful that is. I hope there are resources, your vet or otherwise that can help you both with adjusting. I wish you both the best of luck with the surgery and recovery.
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