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Everything posted by kwnyc

  1. poo-PEH! Yes, I think that is a keeper. (Is that really the way Mancunians talk?) I admit I stayed up until midnight to watch the first episode. Overall, very pleased, except they had the kids do too much heavy lifting. Especially Phoebe...she was a charming, what, 8-year-old last season, and responds to the Keeley/Roy breakup like a little philosopher. (And is it an inside joke that they call her "Phoebs" and Keeley says they are "on a break?") And I'm torn about Ted's kid. He really is a chip off the old block, though also a bit too wise for his years. Nate is SO in search of a daddy figure, and Rupert will probably end up ripping his entrails out. And he still won't please his actual father. Wow. Even Leslie's 10-year-old thinks Richmond will finish last. I realize that's a plot convention, but the team finished strong the previous season AND they have both Jamie Tartt and Danny Rojas, along with Sam Obisanya...aren't they considered 3 of the rising stars in the sport? (But what do I know...I am an Orioles' fan.) Go, Doc Sharon.
  2. Maybe I've watched too many tv shows, but wouldn't an autopsy have shown that the horrible woman was shot by someone from below? And would they have tested Joanna's hand for gunshot residue? (Or does her confession mean they don't have to?) And wouldn't any real police work have turned up the holes in the story? Or the phone records/location shown that the son went to the house (not to mention the Uber records?) I know what they were going for, but they didn't get there.
  3. Anyone else find it funny that an alcoholic named her daughter Brandy? Also, Mom's still drinking or using, she doesn't have the place in Fall River and... don't care about the mamadrama. Maybe Killian will leave the force to work for the millionaire. One can hope.
  4. He really was! I do like the actor, but Buck is a HUGE idiot, and needs to be followed around like a toddler. But since that drives most of the plots, that's the way he will likely continue to be. The things I liked about the dream world were that Hen was exactly the same, Chim met Maddie and loved her, that we got to see the older brother, and (yes) Coma Bobby. And the scene with Bobby and May was very well done and touching.
  5. It had a battery and light in it...that might have been enough to penetrate Cliff's eye. Also, Luca is not an outstanding agent, but he hasn't lied to Charlie (except about being the guy's nephew at the assisted living home) and he acknowledges he owes her. It was smart of him to find that email she sent and bring down the guy who was exploiting children (and I liked that the crime that started the whole ball rolling was solved at the end of the season). He also brought Charlie's indestructible car back. I expect we'll see him next season.
  6. That was a good call on Sheldon's part: he wasn't delivering a baby OR driving anyone to the hospital. Though in both Texas and Pasadena, they don't seem to have ambulances (remembering the episode of BBT where Sheldon has to drive Penny to the hospital.)
  7. So glad the show is back. I'm just hoping that dumb-as-dirt Buck doesn't wake up from his coma as a genius or something.
  8. For those who want to learn more about the new marijuana laws in NY, we had an interesting presentation last night at my Community Board meeting. It's a very humane plan: designed to get people who served time for selling weed to get licenses to sell it legally. In real life, the state legislature is still writing regulations on dispensaries, and it's like the Wild West out here with stores opening on every block, weed trucks, and no one really being sure how to enforce laws that haven't been written yet! https://cannabis.ny.gov/caurd
  9. I can see this, but it's also essential. He's showing he was the right guy for Regina to pick as her chief of staff (so to speak), and he earned those captain's bars by knowing how to do his job.
  10. I hope CBS renews it. It's by far my favorite procedural shot in NYC, and it's one of the few procedurals where POC are most of the leads and recurring cast.
  11. All of those picky things...and YAY for Aunt Vi, nailing the bigoted appraiser. She's an equalizer, too.
  12. Maybe he was a priest, like his brother! ;-) Also thought this was an excellent episode. The show is really finding itself, showing both what the people in the community need & want AND how the sausage gets made.
  13. But he was still married to Laura, wasn't he? And as his spouse, she could say that she didn't want an autopsy, and have him buried or cremated right away. Cremated, probably, because then there'd be no body to exhume. And since ILM, I mean LAM, was a very profitable company, Laura stood to lose a lot of money if she and Max divorced. Arthur had heart trouble. Chances are, they wouldn't have autopsied him either. And it seemed like he had no next of kin. But Laura ended up taking her own life, and a very Poe-ike resolution. Well done, show!
  14. Is Nick Nolte really having that kid of trouble with his voice and speech, or is it...ACTING?
  15. Truth. At least Allentown has Dorney Park, but that's closed in the winter! ;-)
  16. Clearly, YOU'RE still interested in it.
  17. There have also been medical marijuana dispensaries for years here. (In fact, it was a plotline in "Person of Interest" a few years back.) But yes, because of issues with federal law, the businesses are cash-heavy, and there are companies that specialize in providing security and cash pickup. There are so many shops in my neighborhood selling weed that they'll drive each other out of business...it really is up to the city and state legislature to write some regulations that govern the purchase and sale. (NB: It is also now legal in NY to own 10 marijuana plants to grow-your-own).
  18. I think it's smart for Robyn to allow Dee to continue training with Mel...can you imagine your Mom teaching you how to kill people? (Well, self-defense...) And I wonder if the head of the hedge fund really IS going to prison, because all the shit Harry did to get into the air-gapped servers was very illegal! (I'll fan wank that there was some other evidence, because Dante arrested him, not the Feds!)
  19. Speculation: the savvy consultant tells Suarez HE should run for mayor. (After all, he's already been president...)
  20. Killian's been around as a cop long enough to have learned how to be a bully, take all kinds of shortcuts, and play the "poor me" card. (Not to mention stealing what he thought was an extremely valuable piece of memorabilia.) He might even have joined NYPD because he had that type of personality. If there's not comeuppance for his behavior (more than just the boss pulling him off a case) I will be disappointed. And Regina's regret and sadness about what she did as a Narcotics cop (putting away people for selling small amounts of weed) felt real and something she wrestled with. I wonder what that was at the end of the show when she broke away so quickly and said she had to go. Also: I strongly suspect Jimmy Smits' character will be asked to run for mayor by the consultant.
  21. But DARLING...they're SHOW people...they get to order off-menu items! As a theater person myself, this was an especially delicious episode, pun intended, for me!
  22. That's what I thought, too. And I wonder if Charlie pointed Katy's mom in the direction of WHO altered the seat belt. (Especially since her husband confessed to rigging the engine, but did NOT mention the seat belt.)
  23. Does anyone else think Nigel is a passive-aggressive twit? Too bad there is only one queer ghost, because Isaac doesn't have another potential love interest (except for Nigel's lying ex). I find him repellent, but then I have Irish roots (Hetty would HATE me!) ;-)
  24. As a schoolkid in Philly, we had some great field trips: places like the Franklin Institute, the Philadelphia Zoo, Independence Hall, the Betsy Ross House, Academy of Science, Museum of Art (not just for the Rocky steps), going up to the top of City Hall ("Billy Penn's Hat"), and lots of other fun stuff.
  25. I also share the love for the Franklin institute! When I was a kid, it was by far the favorite field trip we took every year. I remember buying a little gadget which let you figure out the day of everyday until the year 1999. I am old.
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