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  1. This episode bugged. Claire just sat around talking to Melendez's ghost (SO mad they killed him off!) and rifled though patient's belongings while everyone else was working their butts off. And I spend most of the episode yelling, "Put a mask on!" at the TV.
  2. Totally changing topics here, but at the beginning of this stupid Divorce episode when Sobbyn and Kody showed up at Meri's with Solomon, Solomon had a great big lolly pop. Didn't that kid just get put under anesthesia a few epidoses back for oral surgery (meaning he needed a crap ton of cavities filled). After going through that, why on earth is he going around sucking on a big hunk of sugar like that??
  3. Good for her not giving the baby his last name just because he wanted her to. The girls on this show always seem to give the baby the dad's last name, and then he turns out to be an uninvolved loser. And surprise surprise, Cody turns out to be an univolved loser. God but her hairline was distracting! Is that something people do? Shave their hairline like that? And that guy's teeth, ew ew ew! I could hardly concentrate on anything else but the hairline and teeth. So these two barely know each other and their parents think it makes total sense for Maddy to just move into Cody's house? And share a bed? Or even a room? If she moved in, why wouldn't she and the baby share a room? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see what a stupid idea that whole thing was. His parents sure got to work building that room awfully quickly. And did you see the look on Cody's mom's face when Maddy's mom asked if it was ok for Maddy to live with them? She seemed totally desperate to get that baby.
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