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Pike Ludwell

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Everything posted by Pike Ludwell

  1. All this makes me wonder about current state lottery scratch-off tickets, like in my state - Florida. Are the winning tickets sent to a special location, then specially distributed from there? It would explain why some areas seem to have more winners than others.
  2. I don't share Bill's big concern about Trump not leaving office, though it is a possibility if the election is close. Nevertheless, I like the question as a way of looking into the personality of the candidate, and seeing if they "get it". So far the responses have been tantamount to Dukakis's lame answer on the death penalty if his wife was murdered. Milquetoast gets these people nowhere. They need a sense of theater and when to use it. Bill's question is an ideal hypothetical where they could answer along the lines of Van Jones and even go into more detail. Have fun with it. Use Bill's show or MTP or whatever as a theatrical device. Score points. That's what it's all about. Don't try to be as milquetoast as you can get away with. You should LOVE to get a question like that, for what you can do with it!! Bill's giving them a gift and they don't even realize it.
  3. I hope she at least gets a chance to do some harm to Yevgeny. His treatment of her in captivity, beginning with his severe, gratuitous punch to her face last season angered me. So, apparently this season is going to be filled with Carrie on the verge of insanity or having flashbacks to her severe insanity in captivity. It's been my understanding that her mental problem is manic depression. Do people with that problem really go as severely insane as Carries seems to, without medication? I never thought it would be that extreme.
  4. Notice how Bill reacted with sort of astonishment that this argument would be made (trump using black people as props), because this countered the point Bill was making that trump is a genius, effectively going after the black vote and democrats are morons and never act as genius as trump. Maybe he'll get over his simple minded negativity after the Democrat is decided upon and we then see the pathway clearly.
  5. Bill is fervently pushing (along with too many others in the media) the talking point that this was Trump's "best week ever". I don't get why Bill is so happy to accept the results of that 49% poll. It is clearly an outlier or at best a one time sort of sympathy reaction. Why be so eager to jump in on that? And the partisan "acquittal" has been expected for months.
  6. If you're gonna have Steve Bannon on you have to be prepared to get "rude". You have to interrupt him, shout over him, call him a liar. Tell him to keep his answers shorter so you can correct all of his errors. Do what it takes to control the conversation, and that might mean it totally degenerates to a shouting match, but if you are not prepared to do that don't have him on. I love Bannon's frequent use of ESP as an arguing technique. Like "this attitude of you and the audience right here is why you are going to get clobbered in Nov." And the he talks fast to keep the floor and lets that idiocy go uncorrected.
  7. And it's not like Larry to be hit with painful memories from something like that. Deep down he likely didn't care a bit, but he got a kick out of creating a phony issue out of it, and maybe even convinced himself that he gave a hoot about it.
  8. Bill seemed to me like he strongly disagreed with Dyson on several things, but he was biting his tongue more than usual for particular reasons. Dyson is very "woke" and kind of sees race as behind everything. Bill sort of thinks "woke" has gone overboard, but I think Bill thinks his own is a point of view where one is only allowed to go so far.
  9. I'm not surprised some supernatural activity is creeping in, given that it's Stephen King. I'd been keeping on hoping it would be minimal. At this point though one has to realize there is some major, far out stuff going on here.
  10. As soon as Smoove chipped his tooth and started talking with a lisp, I knew somehow that sort of thing was going to be worked into a scene where the Castillians think they are being ridiculed - I just didn't know how. That painting of Susie was the kind of thing you'd see hanging on a wall, covered with dust in a creepy haunted house. Scary. Larry sure sees a lot of neurotic professionals. His lawyer here. That psychiatrist a few seasons back. His psychiatrist last season (Brian Cranston). That doctor in previous seasons.
  11. Buttigieg would make a great president. But I wish he'd be a little less milquetoast. His demeanor is a little reminiscent of Dukakis. Bill's final question to him about what he'd do if he won and Trump wouldn't leave office just screamed for a better answer than he gave. He could say something like he believes the military would be on his side and they would escort trump out, and hopefully they could remove him with no harm to him.
  12. It's amazing the way the parents, particularly the mother, are blinded to the fact their son has severe mental problems. Autistic maybe? This was before Aspergers had become commonly recognized, so they weren't thinking in that direction. But I think he's somewhere on the spectrum. Quite frankly, in their shoes, I'd say to the state "ok you guys take him. He's too much for us to understand or handle."
  13. The lightning strike reminded me of the gimmick in the movie "Yesterday". Some sort of big strike erased certain things from existence and memory: Beatles, cigarettes, Coke, etc. Something was playing hobbs with Liz's memory - she had strong feelings of deja vu. Then the lightning struck, and I think that changed or restored the course of events and memories in some way. (These writers feel free to borrow from other movies/TV. And this is a good thing here.) So, maybe if there is a new season, Liz will be the established squire and Dud will have little interest in and no memories of the Lodge.
  14. Maybe I'm wrong, but I think there was an outtake from BB. The first part of the scene where Todd is talking to Jesse about the clouds and weather. [Later edit: Nope. Rewatched and it wasn't an outtake.] BTW, in that scene Todd mentions the weather forecast on KKOB, which is a real station in Albuquerque. I tuned in to that AM station, and it's actually a pretty decent talk/news station. I've added it to my presets.
  15. To me, it was about as good as could be expected, since I never liked the character "Jesse". It was more narrow in scope than I expected, but still it was ok. Seems like Jesse Plemons would have done like actors have done forever: lose weight for a role, but no. And they had him in like 50% of the movie. I think Jesse should have killed Todd those times he had the chance - out of fear that he himself would be killed eventually otherwise. Then Jesse would have a couple days to find the kid they'd threatened to kill and deal with that.
  16. Just finished episode 4 of season 3, and I find the surrealism/Twin Peaks stuff boring here (but l liked Twin Peaks). I am hoping that stuff is greatly minimized in the 2nd half of the season.
  17. Finally seeing a pathway to that season-opening scene!!
  18. Bill kept repeating about Kavanaugh that something one did at 17 should not be used against them as a Supreme Court nominee. But the allegations were that Kavanaugh did stuff like this repeatedly all the way into Law School. Bill likes to oversimplify so as to be able to make the point that PC is evil. And politically, the problem wasn't bringing forth the allegations. The problem was bringing forth a key witness who couldn't remember where it was, how she got there, or how she left. That is the lesson - have sound corroborating evidence - not that you shouldn't bring such charges forward. And, how about how he referred as gospel to some pollster who concluded that without the Kavanaugh issues Democrats would have won the Senate. He spouted that as if absolute fact to prove how the PC against Kavanaugh was harmful. BS. That analysis has been disputed.
  19. I find it amusing the way the show is playing on the idea that nobody, absolutely nobody, understands Bitcoin and how it works. The writers are having fun and going to town with that. How about that diagram that guy pointed to on the blackboard showing how it would work? Complete and total gibberish. LOL
  20. So, I see Bill on Morning Joe this morning, which also is heavily into the meme that Warren can't win (Joe (conservatism), Mika (naivete), Donny Deutsch (stupidity)), and I just know that is why he is on there - but also to say political incorrectness, which brought down his old show, is going to bring down the whole country! Sure enough, he spends the whole time talking about how Democrats are going to scare way moderates. But he goes through the whole thing without mentioning Warren ... until right at the end ... he just has to get it in!
  21. Last show (maybe others) and this week, we are seeing Bill develop a "thing" that Elizabeth Warren is too liberal to be elected. This is similar to others such as Donny Deutsch who became a broken record that she would lose 49 states. The idea is Trump will just call her a socialist and automatically he wins!! Once Bill gets into a "thing" about something, he will revisit it ad infinitum. I'd like to see someone call him out on this and maybe point out that her basic message (system is rigged) and the way she conveys it has huge resonance, and she CAN win. At least discuss it on the show instead of everyone bowing to him on it.
  22. Dud's dream sequence: influenced by David Lynch much? LOL It was great. As to that woman lawyer ... I am sure she is not who she says and she is involved in some scheme for getting the grail.
  23. I'd like to see it return, but they'd have to do a better job weeding out the terrible contestants. Back in the day you could just see Regis getting annoyed as hell, but struggling not to show it, by one contestant after another struggling over really pretty easy questions.
  24. I like how they are giving some of the more peripheral characters from last season bigger roles, and we'll see some interesting character development in them. The guys Liz worked with at the restaurant. The loan shark and his tough guy assistant. Maybe that guy who is Dud's boss at the employment agency.
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