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Everything posted by aliya

  1. It appears he's kept the weight off, but he has had recurring bouts of cellulitis (he's in the hospital for that again right now) and other issues. Last year this time he had a problem with the hospital really paying attention to his condition, but he's switched hospitals and seems to get the right treatment when he has to go in. His spirits seem high, he has a social circle, and loves to post clips from old UK comedy shows. : ) It's not easy when you've been so big. There appears to be years of surgeries and physical problems that come after the weight loss. None of these people have an easy road in front of them.
  2. Don't' ask how, but I am FB friends with Paul Mason, formerly Britain's fattest man. He lives in the States now because he couldn't get the skin surgery he needed in Britain. He recently had skin surgery for his upper body. It has not been easy for him.
  3. Jeez. When I wanted to move I had to find the money myself. It never occurred to me to ask a bunch of strangers for it...
  4. Whoa. No kidding the preview is rough. Sadly, I'm a terrible person and will be glued to the screen so that I don't miss any of it.
  5. It reminded me of that woman from Jersey the other season who dumped a full ashtray on another contestant. I thought, "She's gone" and she was. You're right about this being an extended job interview and if you bark and curse at everyone (unless you are GR), if you get physically aggressive with others, you aren't going to stay. I don't know why they don't realize that everything they do is on camera and GR knows everything. He's not looking for a lawsuit by hiring one of these temperamental idiots.
  6. Sounds like Penny - who thought it was healthier for her to eat fried won tons than the food Dr Now recommended.
  7. I am listening to Sean's story at work. I saw the show when it aired, but missed your comments, which are very insightful. Considering your recovery time for the older surgery, and even the recovery issues I see now on a FB page for people getting/with the sleeve, can you tell me how someone like Penny can eat so much food so soon after her surgery? That's the part that I, and others, just can't get. Shakes and other slider foods are one thing, but she was eating fried foods, regular food, regular portions, etc. How can you physically do that? Since you volunteered after your surgery, what did you see folks doing that sabotaged their surgery? Besides having moms like Sean's (trying to bring it back on point...)
  8. There is a new vegan milk substitute named 'Ripple.' First time I saw a picture of it, I thought for sure they had brought the wine back! A few people on the FB page thought the same thing, but the rest of them young 'uns didn't know what we were talking about.
  9. Man, oh Manischewitz! (let's see who recognizes that!). I had to stop right there. Just looking back at the women my son dated before he got married, I'd say you have a point. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that even guys who aren't all that into physical fitness want a woman who can wear shoes.
  10. I've really got to start wearing Depends.
  11. Back up - did Whit actually say she was an athlete???? Mother of Mercy...
  12. I'm for a new group - if people can talk about what they're doing without getting hammered by others who want to do it differently. Personally, I prefer not to eat meat, but I'm not going to bash someone who does. I know some count carbs (I do because of insulin) or do Paleo, Keto, high carb/low fat. It's all good if it is working for you, as far as I'm concerned. I happy to learn about what others have done and see if I can use it, but I can do without hearing there's only one way.
  13. I noticed. I especially looked at her feet since I hadn't noticed she was barefoot in the other show. She turned her foot and I thought, "She must be wearing flip flops." But no. Dirty feet. Filthy feet. Yuck.
  14. Amen - and something I have to keep telling myself.
  15. I agree about the fear. Many times I thought I was on a diet and yet didn't lose weight. Looking back, I wasn't dieting as much as I thought I was, but it still influenced my thinking - 'Gee, maybe I can't lose weight.' But last fall I went on WW, really followed it and actually lost some weight (I'd lost a lot of weight on it many years ago). It gave me a psychological boost, so that I decided against WLS and redoubled my efforts to lose on my own. I'm losing weight steadily now, even tho I'm past menopause and have metabolic syndrome. I can see that Whit may be afraid that she can't lose weight - EXCEPT, I don't really see her trying. I'd understand the fear if we saw her trying and working out and darned, it just was slow going for her. Got it. But Starbucks and big cookies and conveniently forgetting the bars or not eating salads or low carb meals just doesn't show me that she's trying. How can she be afraid that she may not be able to stick to a meal plan when she doesn't put in the effort to see how it works for her? She should have been ashamed to be talking about big girl health and 3 pizza apps in the same conversation. Failure after effort is one thing; not really trying and then complaining about the lack of results is another - as I admit from my own experience.
  16. I continue to be shocked by this every time I realize Whit is only 5'1". My DIL is 5' and 98 lbs. She was a gymnast and is still pretty active, so with the muscles, I guess she could put on a few more pounds and still be OK, but I can't imagine her with another 20 lbs, much less another 280. It's not Body Shaming to say Whit is delusional to think that she can be healthy at that weight and height.
  17. I won't go too far off topic on this one, just asking - Was that the one with the comedian who was trying to lose weight? Not John Pinette, but another guy?
  18. Whoa - I didn't look at the TV the whole time.... she's not wearing shoes? Not even cute flipflops? Doesn't that tell her something about the state of her health? Jebus H. I did see the video of her training with Will. 1) Why would anyone film their workout sessions? 2) She was a lot slimmer. It's too bad she couldn't keep that up. She was still big, but I think she would have more of a platform for preaching being big and healthy at that weight. When I heard "my truth," I wanted to gag. What is that crap about? Is 'your truth' kinda like 'your reality' - it doesn't exist? There's truth, there's reality, you don't get to manufacture a version just for you. Regarding the pizza apps - yep, that sounds like an addict. It also shows this woman is too dumb to breathe. How much effort does it take to make a pizza? You can buy the crust. You can make it with no cheese or just a little - certainly less than Domino's puts on it. Put some veggies on it. Shoot, go crazy and put some turkey pepperoni on it. There you go, Whit - a freakin' relatively healthy pizza at a fraction of the cost of what you pay for delivery, in about the same time, and much healthier. 'Cause you said you wanted to be healthy, right?
  19. I was going to post something similar. My son is in his late 30's. Due to my being widowed young, and his being an only child, we've done a lot together, including working together. We are both on the same campus now and see a lot of each other, even tho he's married now. There's not a thing he could do, that I wouldn't go watch, hold his coat, whatever - if he wanted me there. Personally, I thought it was sweet that Whit's parents showed up. So many parents think that adult children don't need their support, but they do. Obviously, there's a line between support/encouragement and coddling. You don't want an adult who can't function without you being there (yes, there are parents who go with their kids to job interviews), but assuming they didn't rig the judging (we'll leave that to TLC), I think it's fine that they showed up. I would have. And then we would have gone out for ice cream after. : )
  20. That's a Southern way of saying, "What an idiot." Right?
  21. I assume Whit had to have her dresses made for her - in which case, her seamstress doesn't know how to measure for her shape. My mother used to sew most of our clothes that weren't school uniforms. My sister was chubby and shaped where my mother had to have additional material in the front (or back, I forget) to make it hang even. Whit's dresses were uneven and that's all I could see while she danced. I liked the purple and silver skirt, but then, I'm a purple girl. It just wasn't made properly. I noticed that some dancers had sleeves. Whit could have had sleeves that were lightweight to make her arms less obvious and distracting from the whole look of the outfit. And, while I was a free love hippie back in the day and hate to sound like the old lady I am turning into, looking at Whit and Lennie reminds me why you don't live with people you aren't married to. I've just seen enough sad cases over the years that would have been a bit less traumatic if folks had not been living together and one of them had not been pretending they were married, if you get my drift.
  22. I'll have to watch the repeat to make any smart remarks, as I was on the phone and couldn't figure out the CC for my TV. Tomorrow is my birthday and I was enjoying a phone call with my sister while having a pint of ice cream, because i'm a grown 63 yr old woman (almost) and I can make my own food decisions, thank you. Anyway, as we're about to say goodbye, I mentioned I was watching Whit. Straight off she says, "I don't even watch that show that much and I just want to smack her." Ha! Is it obvious we shared a room growing up? And yeah, I caught Whit's big behind as she undressed. WTH??? She has no self pride or sense of modesty.
  23. Actually, I never heard that phrase before and was just sitting here thinking how much I like it. I am supposed to be cleaning up my language, but like Whit, my efforts are halfhearted and don't seem to be working. I think I'm gonna have to add 'absolute fuck' to the repertoire.
  24. So freakin' glad I didn't read this at work. There is no way I could have told anyone what I was laughing about!
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