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Posts posted by Willowsmom

  1. 2 hours ago, sATL said:

    Ummm.. the yard stork... Matt (or his underlings) painted one side pink for the new grand daughter?  So what happens when you look at the thing from your living room?  

    They saw the highly first grandson's name. Classy huh?


    It would be very easy for Matt to move nearby and go to work at the farm every day.  But then Caren would want to move in....

    • Love 5
  2. 17 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

    I just love her hair. Gorgeous. She is so blessed. I suppose there is little chance that Ember Jean won't have curly hair. Jer's is super curly too. 

     I like that photo of them on the beach too, but, why is one of her feet tanned and the other very white? 

    Not sure Tawdry's curls are natural. I think she's had help from perms. Even in Oregon there's too much humidity to straighten hair for long.

    • Love 1
  3. 14 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

    I just had an idea occur to me about the resentment, jealousy, anger.....whatever you call it, that Amy has with Matt and Caryn and family events.  (Amy admits she's NOT okay with it, so, it's by her own admission that she's VERY bothered.)  I've been thinking it was an issue over Matt. Perhaps, she's jealous or still has feelings for him, but, NOOOOO.....I may have missed it.  Maybe, it's jealousy over the adults kids and Caryn.  I mean, what if they get along with Caryn better than her?  They all seem to like Caryn.  And it was AMY that Tori expressed concern with who would go off on you, if she got upset.  (A few seasons ago, she said that on camera interview with Zach, Jer and Aug sitting beside her and they agreed.)  So, I just wonder if that's it.  Hmm.....No doubt they love and adore Amy, but, maybe, they don't have to be so guarded with Caryn.  

    Or maybe its the fact that Matt screwed the help and refuses to fire her? How could the kuds favor the wiman that hurt their mom so bad? And why would they take Matt's ( if any) side when Amy was almost a single parent most of their lives?

    Amy is far more relaxed and happy she doesn't have to put up with Matt's crap.

    • Love 16
  4. 8 minutes ago, Whyyouneedaname said:

    I thought Matt had ask her if he could build on the property and if it sold he would be reimbursed for what the new house cost, no.  I know in the past he's wanted her to help him build but the most recent was just wanting his money back if he built it then it was sold.  I can't imagine living next door to an ex, cordial or not an ex is an ex. Wasn't the old house he burnt further away from the main house? I never understood that move, that could have been remodeled and fixed up to where it would accommadate him.

    Matt said this recently but Amy refused to agree or disagree.

    No sane person would agree to have Matt in charge of a budgeted project. You could never trust him to stay on budget or not to cook the books so you wound up paying. Is he gonna want the investment or fair market value?

    Frankly the property will be worth more with a second house and Matts just being selfish.

    • Love 4
  5. I think part of Amy's anger is being continually pushed by producers to say something rotten about her ex.

    Some people seem to think the divorce was a long time ago but it's only been a couple years and Amy has to see hwr tirmentor every day. He should man up and move.

    BTW Caren' 2013 divorce forbids her from having the kids at the farm. Doesn't rhat suggest her ex knew something?

    • Love 9
  6. 33 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

    The only thing that I can surmise is that a nice portion of Amy's salary comes from TLC. (Yes, there are farm proceeds, salsa, speaking engagements fees, etc. that she receives income from, but, I would guess that at least $100,000. per season comes from TLC.)    And, while the adult kids get away with living off the farm, if she moved off, she might not get as much air time.  And, for the sake of assuring her place on the show, she must stand her ground. I get it. I don't fault anyone for preserving their livelihood. Plus, Matt is fine with Chris staying with her there, so, I guess, why not stay there?

    Chris' excuse about leaving the dinner table without explaining, was pretty lame.  So............what's the real story?

    Amy's kids grew up in that house, there is no reason for her to leave. And a lot for her to stay. And the way Matt is trying to weasel it away from her is pretty tacky and low class.

    If it were me Carens butt would have been fired a long time ago. The divorce was only a couple of years ago and it has become increasingly clear that Caren is a homewrecker. Having to smile and make nice cannot be easy even though Amy is far better off without Miserable Matt.

    • Love 10
  7. 2 hours ago, Rap541 said:

    And most of the clientele move out within a year. Tiny houses are a scam, in my opinion. They're certainly not long term viable options for a family.  I swear, every time I see a tiny home show where they are shoving a child into a small cubby hole, I find myself wondering if they realize that children grow. And children can hear mom and dad screwing in the loft directly above their cubbyhole. 

    But I digress. :)

    Actually I think tiny houses would be a great way for Jer and Auj to build their wedding retreat business on the farm. They would need an area to set the tiny houses but like 5 to 8 would give them a nice size and then they could set up a big yurt as "the meeting hall" where they lecture the retreaters. People could do work on the farm projects as part of their "togetherness" and have paint ball fights and or quiet reflective walks, depending on taste. 

    Hell, maybe *I* should start a wedding retreat!

    We all know there will never be a marriage retreat business. Too much work.

    • Love 2
  8. 28 minutes ago, kicksave said:

    Amy just shuttled the kids to school and back...I never saw her helping them with homework or being involved in any way with their studies. She was way more into their soccer game and practices. She paid little attention to Molly's volleyball or her other activities. Molly had her own inner drive and desire to excel in school...the boys were intellectually lazy and got away with bad behavior in school and doing what they wanted with little to no consequences. Matt was busy building up the farm and side businesses. Amy was out on the road giving speeches and doing her foundation. Jacob was left to his own devices and ended up getting expelled from the Christian school they all went to and becoming a drug user. Didn't even finish high school...quit going and finished up online...left home and wandered around with his girlfriend and dogs smoking pot and fighting with people on Twitter. All in all despite her homespun persona with cooking, baking and making jams and salsa, Amy did not too much nurturing. And Matt did little fathering. Both had their favorites...Matt with Jeremy and Amy with Zach. Thankfully, Molly spent a lot of time with her paternal grandmother who was supportive and spent quality time with Molly. Jacob was basically raised by Mike the friend of the family that did a lot of work around the farm...when he died from that accident with the pumpkin thrower, I think Jacob suffered a lot and became angry and belligerent. I found it interesting that Amy chose going on motorcycle trip with new boyfriend rather than staying home and being present for an impending birth of a grandchild.

    There's more than one scene of Matt yammering on about how useless education is. If he said it on national TV I'd bet he drilled it into the twins. Their distain for education should be laid at Matt's door.

    If I was Jacob I'd be proud of being expelled from a " christian" school for thinking on my own. Btw either he finished on line or he didn't finish at all, it can't be both

    I don't blame Amy for putting time with Chris first. Tawdry has been extremely clear how she feels about Amy. And I'm sure Amy has seen the clip where Tawdry and Jerkamy are grousing they're gonna have to limit Amy's granny time. Heck I'd never go to see that kid.

    • Love 7
  9. As much as we don't like it CtM is doing things right.

    Young midwives most likely wouldn't have stayed long. They would have either moved up or gotten married. The fact that Trixie is still there is really odd for the time.

    British shows don't seem to put longevity ahead of reality like M*A*S*H did.

    British actors are also different than Americans in that a job is a job and no reasonable part is beneath them.

    • Love 10
  10. 4 hours ago, winsomeone said:

    Some have said that Zack is smart, but I just do not see it. To me, he has always come across as a bit slow. He has the personality of a slug, is not all that great in looks either..just what did Tori see him him I wonder? For me, the thought of them purposely having more children, when the risk of them having dwarfism is so great, is just repulsive. Zack has told how it has affected his life in a not good way, and he wants to create more kids to have to go through what he has? Not very smart and very selfish. Just my humble opinion.

    I don't know if I see what Tori sees but I do think Zach is far more sensible than Jerkamy. And shy, which is often translated( incorrectly) as slow or lacking personality. As for more kids, I wouldn't do it but can see where Zach wouldn't see it as an issue, since it's his reality.

    • Love 6
  11. 2 hours ago, chenoa333 said:

    Jeremy looks like a crazy homeless person in that pic. And I love the last comment: "Moms! Please share all the travel tips you (have) for flying babies." Dang, her poor grammar had me believing there is now such a thing as babies who have wings and fly.

    But God loves Tawdry most so of course her kid can fly without wings.

    • Love 3
  12. 5 hours ago, Ceindreadh said:

    Cabot Cove would be lower because remember Jessica spent about half the episodes traveling which obviously reduced the number of deaths there. 

    True but there are about 56 episides if DiP and about 230 of MSW. So about twice as many deaths in Cabot Cove. And I suspect San Marie has a larger tital population

  13. 1 hour ago, Calibabydolly said:

    Is the DW not a "mobile home"? Why can't Matt just MOVE THE DARN THING to a location on the farm way away from Amy and the big house? He could put it on a better foundation so the floors don't creek or wobble, like he was complaining about. He could do some LP customization to it to make it more friendly to his situation, not only being a LP but using crutches. He just wants to whine and kick and hiss like a baby! This way Carin would not see Amy and Amy would not see them. Am I wrong?

    Basically no you're not wrong. But he needs somewhere that has sewer (or septic) water and electricity. And he wouldn't be winning against Amy and that's what this is about.

    If Miserable Matt bought a house elsewhere Caren would move  in so fast he wouldn't know what hit him. Staying where he is is protecting him.

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