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John Ramos

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Everything posted by John Ramos

  2. Now that I thnk of it, I wish we'd seen a cut to her apartment with all the warmup pumpkin carvings of his face.
  3. Honestly the most memorable Sarah line in this episode is "Your Snow Patrol CD."
  4. Definitely room in my heart for both Ashmores. Re Killjoys, doesn't he play a buttoned-up gay character?
  5. I think we didn't mention it in this episode, but we definitely reference it in the future!
  6. Thanks for the info about school counselors! ...especially because Veronica could really use one when she applies to college, but WE'LL GET TO THAT. That's awesome. We need more effective PSAs about mental health, in my opinion. (Preferably better-acted ones, but still.)
  7. "Just me, Ohndrea's baby, and Eudora Welty." (@Tara Ariano @David T. Cole)
  8. New theory for @Sarah D. Bunting and @Tara Ariano re Erica: They wrote her as a slow five-year-old to forestall questions about why she couldn't pick up a phone and call Dylan from Brazil instead of trying and failing to leave a gum note.
  9. If @Sarah D. Bunting hadn't killed me, I would want to go rewatch the ep where Grams epically smacked him down for his churchy homophobia.
  10. Thanks so much for spitting up this piece!
  11. I think @David T. Cole was just mad that the Canon submission wasn't "Home" from The X-Files again.
  12. True, and yeah, the last 2-3 eps have not been good for that theory.
  13. Both of us were at least a couple eps behind when we wrote these; wasn't clear he was going to recur. Otherwise we definitely would have included him!
  14. I couldn't do that to everyone/myself. But it is on YouTube.
  15. @Nick Rheinwald-Jones: I actually had several straight male friends who watched it, but they were nerdier types who were less hung up on the masculinity of the activity. It's funny to think that Seinfeld was the first time I realized it could be a shameful secret.
  16. @Tara Ariano, Veep has been so good this season that it inspired me to do a rewatch while the current season is still going on, and you'll be happy to know that when Selina first becomes President, there's a bit about how Canada will get hurt feelings if it's not her first foreign visit, and she's basically like, "Fuck 'em! What are they gonna do about it?"
  17. I still remember opening a package to find a VHS tape with the title "Lies My Parents Told Me (Like That This Show Is Good)."
  18. I'm biased by my longtime love for Speedy, but I think he's really good in the Baz role. He's aged into being able to play somewhat paternal pretty well.
  19. Yeah, I didn't even want to get into the reverse-reverse speech. So unsettling.
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