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Everything posted by Totale

  1. Nah, he has problems with those who can't burn. Dog.
  2. I don't care about the off-show stuff, it's just life. But I was surprised to see him get beat on tacos a second time, especially since the challenger's tortillas seemed kind of iffy.
  3. I hear folks often wish they were on its shores on a hot day in the barrio. I'll show myself out.
  4. I was wondering if they'd take "Nat King Cole and...........his daughter".
  5. Not sure about my winning strategy for the show, but my strategy of being busted for possession of some nefarious substance or going to rehab after I win is firmly in place.
  6. Call me an old curmudgeon, but I hated the April Fool's show. First off, there was no judging in the first two rounds (psst, you FN interns assigned to lurk here, THIS DOES NOT WORK! Tell the boss the remaining part of your rapidly diminishing audience strongly suggests you edit out 4 minutes or so of gratuitous sob stories and put the judging back in, and don't try anything that stupid again.) Then I felt horrible for the woman cut in the first round and totally understood why she had a blubberfest. It's probably been the focus of her life for a couple of months before filming, and she puts time into it and takes time off work and spends her own money to travel and stay in NYC and they FUCK HER UP with their stupid theme episode bullshit and send her away crying and feeling like crap. Chapter and verse on why they can't get any talented chefs on the show anymore, who wants to spend their own resources to do that? Then as several people said above by all appearances they rob the Southern guy who really was more consistent all along, even if he didn't get stuff in the fryer on time in the first round (and that fryer looked pretty weak, I wouldn't be surprised if they turned it down Hell's Kitchen style as part of the "fun"). Just horrible all around and one of the worst episodes I've seen.
  7. I figured Blondie was out as soon as she said she was salting up her meat because "the judges like that". If she were on "Chopped" she'd be right, but she had to choose Donnatella (little-known fact, her last name is Italian for "moron"), who seems to have the most delicatest palate this side of Chris Kimball. I know she judges on ICA but since I don't watch that one my only exposure to her was on some other failed FN competition show, where people had to gently remind her not to eat clamshells and such placed on the plate as decoration. I was left thinking she'd eat my car's muffler if you put it on a plate in front of her, then complain about the smoky taste. At this point I'm betting Symon vs Stone for the final with Auggie in third place if it plays out as a triple, like last year. Alex's other cook and Flay's both seem like cannon fodder to me,
  8. Umm, you mean 7PM EDT (since 7PM EDT is 6PM EST), right ? We have to be pedantic here, it's the Jeopardy! category...
  9. I just watched the catfish po-boy battle and while it was fun I got a whiff of foreknowledge (in not fix) in the first half when the challenger put cojita on her quesadillas. Just seemed like sort of an oddball ingredient to have hanging around the pantry, especially when it was a lot more obvious to go Italian with the ingredient rather than Mexican. There was an ingredient she used in Part Two which struck me in the same way, although I forget what it was. They can go out between rounds and get things like fresh catfish if tptb don't "know" what the second round will be and maybe she requested it then, but then again maybe the first round is a face/heel matchup.
  10. Given that she was all broke up about her recent breakup I doubt that's it. I think cooksdelight nailed it.
  11. I thought Bach was too easy for FJ and remembered Boston had the Handel and Haydn Society so that's the guess that sent me home.
  12. I knew 1 wasn't a prime, but somehow had gotten it into my head that two wasn't, either, so I smugly placed my bet on 37.
  13. On what was the de facto first season of this show (America's Best Cook) one mentor was knocked out the week before the finals, but it slips my mind now who it was.
  14. I've come to the decision that corned beef is pretty much corned beef no matter what I do and just made a supermarket one in the crockpot, which came out as they always do. I did spend some time researching and making colcannon and was pretty pleased with the results. Has ATK/CC ever done that dish?
  15. Ted's goodbye to August implied they'd be giving him another chance to stick up our living rooms soonest. I'm guess I'm too hard to please personality-wise, I wouldn't rush to sit down for a beer with any of this crew.
  16. Two of us ate it over three days, I think. I have that problem with lots of ATK recipes as feeding six seems to be the norm. Some stuff (anything with fish) really doesn't reheat well, and even if we're going for two days/four servings it's sometimes hard to translate the quantities. Helps that I can put it away like nobody's business and am usually restraining myself.
  17. Why would they want an old man penis, he asked innocently ;).
  18. It was OK for a while, but I thought everybody got out of CC in two years. I could do without the constant pimping of it on The Soup, but I could do without all the pimping of people and shows I've mostly never heard of. I just assume it's like even more commercials (of which TS already has a shocking amount), except I can't skip over them as easily.
  19. Just a couple of weeks ago, in the episode "Chicken and rice get an Upgrade", they called it "Rice and Pasta Pilaf".
  20. Can we all agree at this point that they've scraped through the bottom of the barrel of potential contestants, or can it still get worse?
  21. So, done by next week, then? Add an afternoon for editing and they're good to go for the summer.
  22. I made the Rigatoni with Beef and Onion Ragu from a few weeks ago and was very disappointed - extremely bland, there was something offputting about the texture and i couldn't even taste the expensive pancetta I bought special for the recipe. The homemade Rice-a-Roni from a couple of weeks ago came out great, was far more economical and wasn't much more work than the boxed version, although I disagreed with Julia that the dried spices in the boxed version didn't taste very good - I've always liked the stuff.
  23. We lived in Somville (yer gateway to Meffa) for 20 years and so had to watch this - amazing to see the kind of crappy floor through apartments we lived in back then are now renting for 1800 a month, and the shabby buildings they're in cost half a mil. Make no mistake, the camera hides it some but those "living" and bedrooms are small, for the bedrooms a real big one would be 14' square and the living rooms and kitchens aren't much bigger. My biggest headscratcher was the so-called designer - does she not own a tape measure? She didn't "expect" the chimney to be where it was when they finished demolition? She was surprised at how little room she left to get by the cabinets to get into their breakfast nooklet?
  24. My wife got it, I didn't, even though I read a bunch of the books when I was a teenager and she has never read one. What screwed me up was the first-person narration. I didn't remember the books being in first person (don't have any to check).
  25. Plus on his squash puree, Symon insisted "Put some ginger in it" and then got to the judging and said "There's too much ginger in it".
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