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Posts posted by wtfsleepyhollow

  1. i think its official, im like the last one who holds there breath when damon is about to die, it lasts a whole 0.0000005 seconds but its there!! because im like, again, what is this supernatural!! OOOOOOOOHHHH!!! LOL!!!

    i had to laugh when he said "I guess the blast threw me back into my body" I was like WTF!! that has got to be the lamest explanation ever!!! is that how souls work!! inquiring minds (and people who never want to die) want to know!! LOL!! omg! i just cant get over that!! its just so damn lame!! 

    talking about lame, magic school, like charmed! yeah, there was a good reason why i couldnt make it through an episode of that show!! i kinda liked this episode!! it wasnt too too bad (i watched sleepy hollow so i mean it wasnt as bad as that yikes!!!) but really i am so sick of everyone using elena against damon its just so stupid! i would like damon to be good just because he once remembered what it was like to be a good person!! stefan is back to being the guy who does awful things and then is treated like the most wonderful person ever!! (maybe by everyone but matt LOL!!) 



    yes, I don`t want too much on Katherine either. And I buy the revenge part but I thought the character was nearly ruined by that OOC obsession with Stefan in Season 5 - Katherine would have put herself first before any crush,

    yes! this is so true!! but everyone who is in the presence of stefan just falls in love him!! *puke* hes the absolute dreamiest LOL!!

    talking about someone who is ringing my name, wtf caroline!! didnt think all that shit in the hands of 3 siphons might cause them to go haywire!! i mean, they were inside you and they ate your magic like it was a sundae!! and isnt that place an archive of magic, isnt that the point of that place?? and the people who made that place, siphons, magical items, kai super psycho wanna kill your babies!! and she agreed to allow him under the same roof, dont forget this is the same guy who murdered his entire family because they hurt his feelings!! he doesnt have a soft spot for his nieces!!

    one really high note, kai's singing, omg!! that was just so much awesome!! "how did you find me, locator spell", "nope, yelp!!" that whole exchange gave me a good laugh!! omg emojis!! who says people from the 90's dont get technology!! even ones who were stuck in a prison world for over 20 years get emojis!! LOL!! 

  2. On 2/25/2017 at 0:27 PM, ganesh said:

    When they opened with Malcolm's vision, I was saying that Molly should be the one who is having visions because it gives her more agency as a witness, as I have said before. And then she did! I hope this is something that continues. 

    Why could they use "tinder" on the show, but not say "instagram." I did like how they went on the dates together to keep an eye on each other. 

    Talk about team BAMF. I loved the shot of Sacagawea wielding that big knife. 

    These last two episodes were fairly watchable. I still find Malcolm's motivations weird. He wanted to get out of his deal, which was a cool plot, but now he's like world domination. It's kind of tropey. It would be more interesting if he kind of wanted to do something good, but by bad ways. Like, I'm going to stop the civil war by killing everyone because I can't die. 

    I kind of didn't like Jenny being sidelined, but I agree with them picking up the point of her wanting to get to know Molly. Diana screamed at her earlier in the season to stay away. 

    OMG! that is a very watchman type of twist!! I cant remember his name, but the super genius who brutally murdered millions of his fellow humans for the "greater good"!! i have to admit i found malcom to be very boring and not a very good bad guy (and this is comparing him to last years big bad!!) however, the episode with his business partner i think the actor had brought an interesting portrayal and he was an interesting bad guy!! but much like you i dont get him, hes just a greedy guy who wants to be worshipped by many and all!! maybe hes suppose to be a younger version of donald trump!! (and smarter LOL)!!

    this episode was very dull, the idea was stupid, the jinn was weak ass!! and the way that they killed him sucked and was a total cop out!! i thought we were actually going to get some kind of god to unleash hell onto this guy, we got a weird pose and how did ichabod not get electrocuted?? and i like the geeky twins! they are very cute and i enjoy their contribution to the show, they actually add something!!

    on to someone who does not!! i havent commented but i sure have been watching, and this actress SUCKSSSSSS!! she sucks!!! WTF!! what, you couldnt find a decent indian girl, or just a decent coloured girl at all!! like at all!! you had one, you spat in her face, now she cant even react to sunlight being shinned in her eyes like a normal person!! i just cant with her acting, every time i see her i want to throw up!! i swear, could she be any worse, bit my tongue i bet she could be!! then there is her bitch faces, her complaining, her "you lied about..." no, they didnt, its a delicate situation and they wanted to approach it the proper way, but she couldnt even do that!! i dont know what to say about her other than i really hope they kill her off at the end of the season it really would be the only saving grace of this season!! 

    someone said that there is a problem with molly being a child and being a witness, pretty much wraps it up for me, i have no other problem with her other than she is a child!! i really wished they had made her an adult so she could be involved with the hunts and then hey problem solved with this waste of space called diane!!

  3. People care about TM, but it is quite obvious that NB was mistreated and has been for a while. We don't know about BTS, but character and story wise, they did a disservice to NB and AB.


    i actually started watching this show because of ichabod, i love the story of sleepy hollow, ichabod crane, and the headless horseman!! i loved it! i have read been a fan since i was a child. so when they made it into a show, i was like yay!! its like watching the movie beetlejuice and then they made a show out of it, which they did, and i loved that as a child too. (i was a strange child).


    so, tom was my initial lure to the show, but my girl, you have to be trippin if you think that she didn't give this show its intrigue, and charm, and just awesomeness. where are the coloured girls?? the mindy show, okay, quantico?? ugh! i heard that muslim girl took off her hijab for a guy (bitch plz) no, we want a real, strong, independent, yet can have a true adult relationship with a man. an interracial couple at that, that is tv gold right there!!


    i think some right wing nut racist was clogging up the phone lines at fox!!


    I don't believe anyone from this season is coming back, not even Lyndie Greenwood. I think if they get a season four they'll wanna act like Abbie never existed, the same way they acted like Katrina never existed this season. Jenny will be a constant reminder of Abbie and I don't think the writers will want that. 


    i got that feeling as well when they were saying their goodbyes at the graveyard, i hate that so much. i really like jenny. i love her street smarts, i love that she could have a relationship with a man, and keep her feistiness!! she toned herself done for no one! and joe loved her for it anyways! he didn't want to change her at all!!

    • Love 6
  4. In a season where he is living without his soulmate and love of his life that has given him his only moments of true happiness his entire life, I'm truly gobsmacked at the audacity of this story.

    If Damon were truly selfish, he would have left Bonnie for dead. Kai legit killed her for all intents and purpose and Damon chose to save her life when he could have let her die legitimately with zero blame attached to him, but he didn't.  Bonnie was standing between his life with Elena and a lifetime without her and he chose to save Bonnie. The whys and wherefores will be debated forever, but there is one thing for certain, this decision did not benefit Damon but he did it anyway.The show gives zero credit for that, the same way it gives Damon zeo credit for recklessly risking his life in saving Stefan in S5.

    The show shows us one story whilst narrating another, it baffles me. 

    is it possible i can marry you post, i mean, im already in love and 2 minutes pregnant with its child :P


    this is how i feel!!


    what gets me is that damon took every single beating for stefan, everyone that was meant for stefan he took it!! he even took the ones that should have been his mother's beatings, even though unwittingly. he even left his brother because he thought he was so damn worthless, and that he would be a serious detriment to his own brother.


    i was thinking, when stefan said he wanted to hear what damon really was thinking, i was like, that he hated himself and knew he didn't deserve anything, what he actually said was what everyone thinks of him. 


    im not the biggest fan of stefan, mainly because they always whitewash his sins, if they wrote him as a person who actually accepted that he had a dark side and worked towards becoming better, that would be interesting. but he written as if he does no wrong!! it is beyond tiresome!!


    rayna, is a psycho bitch. i only go after the baddest of the baddies, so what did beau do?? he seemed like a guy who wouldn't hurt a fly. oh wait, he's black. what did the vamp inside jo do? oh, nothing!!


    this, oh evil, selfish damon, he deserves to be punished for all eternity, because i am so in wuuuuuuv with stefan. give me a break!!

    • Love 1
  5. You know what?  I still haven't figured out what reason there might have been for bringing in Betsy Ross this season.  Think about it--did her appearances in the show change anything?  Yeah, she made the flag, but that's something that could have been referred to in conversation and its secrets exposed in one of Ichabod's many books.  We didn't actually have to see Betsy.  She was an annoyance that served no purpose.


    on top of that, why was she in this episode, she essentially had no point other than to  break ichabod's heart!!


    and it doesn't make sense with katrinia's story either. katrinia nursed a newly defected ichabod back to health, and that is when their romance began, so when did betsy come in?? i thought it was a funny and cute one liner in s1, now they just bring her in for no purpose what so ever!! 


    instead of giving us what we really want, ichabbie!! >:(

    • Love 7
  6. so, i just registered to respond to the season finale!!


    1) i thought, oh she's dead, maybe nicole will just be in someone else's body, they will work it through.


    2) come here to find out SHE LEFT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHEEEEEE LEEEEEEFT!!!!! 


    OMG! I am beyond pissed off!! why would they do this?? she was amazing, he was amazing with her, they were a perfect couple, even if no relationship, they as just friends was amazing!! 


    joe is dead

    we're stuck with boring danny and sophie

    jenny is in the winds ( who knows where she will end up??? is she gone too???) why, why do this to us??? i loved joe and jenny as a couple, they made me love them, and where are they now???? i didn't even get a true reaction to joe's death other than a few tears and a sad face!! joe deserved better, JENNY deserved better!!


    and worse of all, my girl is gone!! i loved this show because of their strong coloured girls!! every time i watch a show, i see a black man all i think is that poor man is gonna die a horrible death (look what has been happening on gotham, and fox owns that show too, i guess this is the new fox pattern). now, abbie gone, she's dead, and so are ichabbie!! i just can't!!!


    goodbye sleepy hollow, i will always love and remember you in season 1 and 2 and in fanfiction, but the show, and the producers go fuck yourselves, you buried yourselves!!!

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