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Everything posted by ReadMeLattice

  1. It doesn't matter if Chelsea makes more. She is with Aubree 95% of the time and thus her contribution is already hugely disproportionate. Also, the child support is based on the payer's income alone, taking into account the school tuition, insurance, etc., that the parents have chosen. It makes no difference how wealthy or poor the other parent is. Also, Adam also makes TM money, not just personal trainer money. He claims at least to make around $150,000 while Chelsea makes $250,000. Regardless, that is not (legally) significant. It's about equal shares of parenting, not who happens to have more money.
  2. Yeah, we haven't seen Zosia's or Alison's breasts, I don't think. Zosia in particular always wears a bra.
  3. Taylor called him out on that lie on Twitter. He has 4 overnights a month. I actually think that Adam knowing what would be better makes him worse. Jenelle had a FAR worse childhood than he did and grew up seeing a ton of abuse. Combine that with her obvious flat affect, addiction issues, and untreated mental illness, and she probably truly doesn't get why she is criticized so much. Fighting like that was a prerequisite in her house and both her siblings are also screwed up. It doesn't excuse it but I believe she truly doesn't understand entirely (mind you, there is some deep selfishness there, but I think part of her really just doesn't get it and thinks she's fine) due to her extreme emotional damage and lack of inherent empathy. Who knows if she just naturally doesn't have it or if she lost it as a kid. Adam, meanwhile, had a decent childhood and both parents, wasn't around a ton of abuse as far as we know, and clearly knows what he should be doing, yet he continues to not do it, to eschew accountability, and to vilify Chelsea for showing the world who he actually is. I don't think Adam is deeply emotionally damaged, he just doesn't care about anyone but himself and does what he wants when he wants. If that includes seeing a kid or two and hugging them for a photo, cool, if not, oh well. I think he always believed he was better than Chelsea and is surprised the world doesn't agree. He also seems quite shallow and now that she's "hotter" and has a clearly superior guy, he's probably embarrassed. Jenelle-- I can't pinpoint it, but she never seemed to think herself superior to the guys she was with. Her relationships always just seem like rampant, unchecked codependent Daddy issues in motion. "Please love me please love me please save me." In many ways she's still a child herself. She needs therapy and structure but she'll never get it.
  4. Meanwhile, there are still black men in maximum security prison because they used crack in the 80s.
  5. You can sign away your parental rights-- I think Adam wanted to when Aubree was first born?
  6. I was 24 when I met my husband. But he was 37!
  7. Yeah, I agree that all the surgery is weird. Maybe they feel pressure because they're on TV? More than anything else, TM2 is a study in how money and fame affect people.
  8. My butt is definitely that disproportionate (or even more) and it's natural. Happens a lot with short girls. I actually really like it. It looks weird on Kail because she has such a boxy, unfeminine frame. And we're used to seeing her not look very fit or curvy. I don't think it's a trend...curvier bodies are just more popular now rather than super thin. Even her fake butt is really not that big at all. I think stockiness can be attractive, but meh wrt Kail. I've always thought Kailyn was nice looking. Not gorgeous, but nice looking. It's her own choice what she wants to eat. That bowl of chips looks like it was placed backstage for more than one person...
  9. It's mostly neutral now, but I assume it'll be negative in a few years.
  10. It wasn't 16&P, but it was season 1 or 2 of TM. She also got surgery and could barely move and he had said he would help her and then never showed up.
  11. I mean, Adam is the one who straightforwardly called his kid "that little mistake" and said he wished he'd never had her. Maybe he cares about her now though?
  12. I think he'll continue taking photo ops with the kids to look good but wouldn't even know what to do (or would just drop them off with his mom) if he had them for more than 48 hours. I don't think he'd be a better day to day parent by any stretch of the imagination. Most telling is the fact that both Jenelle and Adam have been roundly critiqued. If I was criticized by that many people I'd change my behavior. Instead, they double down. The selfishness is intense with those two.
  13. Not gonna lie, she looks damn good.
  14. 20-something percent calls themselves cohabiting/coupled of the unmarried segment, so that leaves quite a few. Also, cohabiting couples are still much more likely to break up than married ones. But yes, it's definitely changing.
  15. It's in an old episode (or two), so it's definitely true. Now, though, I have no idea. I thought he had moved past the denial stage but the ongoing wheelchair crap has me nervous.http://hollywoodlife.com/2014/04/15/leah-messer-daughter-ali-wheelchair-corey-simms-denial-over-condition/ Ali is in a wheelchair here, so clearly the photographs aren't the issue (and a little girl would have no problem being photographed in a wheelchair unless her parents did). When a teacher reported that Ali was being neglected, the lack of wheelchair repair was one of the issues. I would assume it's disorganization/laziness on Leah's part and denial/embarrassment on Corey's.
  16. That's what he said before, that Leah 'let' Ali use the wheelchair too much and she 'never needed it' around him (and Miranda agreed). He basically acted like it was spoiling her and allowing her to be lazy to use the wheelchair and she would continue to get better at walking over time. I had hoped (and believed) that damaging attitude had changed, but maybe not? It was somewhat understandable when he was an uneducated, ignorant 20-year-old, but come on. You've heard the same thing from the doctor in front of us countless times, which means you've heard it many times that we haven't seen. Now it's just willful denial. I almost hope it's just laziness.
  17. Ah, you're right, I confused some of the stats. Latest overall stats that I could find (of newest studies, post-2012) are 47% overall, while over half of women will have a child out of wedlock at least once--so lots of the babies being born into marriage are half-siblings, etc. And 71% of women without a bachelor's degree will have at least one child out of wedlock, while if you have a bachelor's degree it's only a third (I was shocked by that difference). Among millennials--not just teens but women under 30 was how they defined it--it's a majority (64% overall) who will have at least one child outside of wedlock, so it's expected to grow. Statisticians expect the majority of all births to be outside of wedlock by 2025. I don't know what to make of that or if that's good or bad, it's just a different cultural landscape, I guess. Which will lead to more conversations about this kind of thing (the politics of name changes, etc). http://www.slate.com/articles/business/moneybox/2014/06/for_millennials_out_of_wedlock_childbirth_is_the_norm_now_what.html
  18. I'm personally pretty traditional too and took my husband's last name. But clearly Aubree isn't being raised in that kind of home and Chelsea already had a child at 16 without being married, so that ship has sort of sailed, lol. I just don't think it should be assumed either way, especially when the majority of children today are born outside of wedlock. Many moms are more of a parent than the father and the dad doesn't "own" the child in that situation any more than the mom. That said, I agree that it would be odd to just suddenly hand over Cole's name to Aubree. He isn't her dad. And if she wanted to change it to Houska, she really should have done it earlier. I don't think it's horrible to do it now or anything, but it's odd.
  19. My point is not that she should have Cole's last name but that she should have Chelsea's. Adam is her legal birth father, but Chelsea is her legal birth MOTHER and is no less her parent than Adam (actually much more). The practice of giving a child their father's name instead of their mother's is outdated and sexist anyway, especially when the parents are not even married and Chelsea has raised her since birth. Adam had no interest in her and does not have primary custody, or any custody, for that matter, besides visitation. I don't know what they're trying to change it to, but there is literally no reason her name should be Lind instead of Houska except for the fact that Adam has a penis. That's literally it. I didn't say, there's no reason for her not to have Cole's name. The fact that Chelsea has a uterus should not determine whether or not her own daughter can have her name. Chelsea is her parent as much as (and again, more than, but for the sake of argument) Adam is. If nothing else, there's no reason she shouldn't have a hyphenated name. Parents are 100% equal by nature--and Adam actually chose to be LESS than equal, but even if we're not going there, there's no reason besides sexism to give her only her dad's name. If she wants to change it to Houska, what difference does it make except that she has her other equal parent's name?
  20. She seems to really enjoy the wheelchair, and she doesn't fall while she's in it. She's never seemed embarrassed by it and the times we've seen her in it she was having fun. If anyone is embarrassed by the wheelchair, I would assume it's Corey and/or Leah. And based on the fact that they hemmed and hawed and avoided fixing the wheelchair for so long, I very much doubt that they are keeping up with the doctor's orders re: the wheelchair.
  21. It does not take that long to fix a wheelchair and they have plenty of money. Honestly, what Corey and Leah are doing with that is child neglect and pure laziness (I hope it's not still denial). At the time he had custody, and now it's 50/50, so I blame both of them.
  22. Ah. Well, then, yes, there's no reason for her last name to be Lind. Chelsea is her full time parent.
  23. Seriously. Why not go for literally anyone with a job? That's, like, MOST guys.
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