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Everything posted by RealHousewife

  1. I agree what Kyle’s said about Lisa probably doesn’t help. It is also definitely a weird thing to call a BFF a manipulative chess player. But so many other housewives have said negative things about Lisa. So the women’s attitude toward her may be different if other cast members didn’t also feel manipulated or whatever. I think Kyle feels like she’s held to a higher standard with Lisa, and that’s what frustrates her. I agree that Lisa seems more loyal when you’re on good terms with her. I even remember when Kyle and the others were questioning Taylor about her abuse and her knowledge of the letter Russell sent Camille. Lisa said “this is your friend,” wondering why Kyle was questioning Taylor. She was also one of the few (maybe only) who gave Taylor benefit of the doubt she had no knowledge of the letter Russell sent Camille. It seems Kyle values honesty more, but Lisa is more about loyalty. Sometimes I see Kyle’s side, but sometimes I see more Lisa’s. I really wish Kyle had shown more sensitivity and loyalty to Lisa this particular season. I’m honestly kind of surprised because Kyle seems like a super sensitive person. And I completely agree with the second part, that’s pretty similar to the way I said I wish Kyle handled it too. I think both honesty and loyalty are important. I’ve been in the middle with friends before, and it isn’t a comfortable position to be in. (And in Kyle’s defense, it seems like she’s the one always stuck between two close friends. Like when Lisa wanted Kyle to back her up with Faye. The times Lisa’s backed Kyle up have been against people like Camille or whoever is new on the show, women she’s not exactly besties with. I don’t recall a Kyle vs Mohamed situation for example.) But Kyle still didn’t need to add to all the crap Lisa’s already getting from the group.
  2. That’s what I think too. I’m sure they wish Lisa continued to film with all the women and would for sure do the reunion, but besides VP Rules, she is the fan favorite of RHBH and has been every season. They may get rid of a cast member or two to bring in people for Lisa to shoot with. I don’t see them letting her go.
  3. But she’s been in politics all her life! 😉
  4. I get why Andy wants that from the standpoint of someone who is trying to bring in the ratings. A lot of viewers enjoyed their friendship when they were getting along and not just frenemies or work friends. They’ve had a lot of cute moments together throughout the seasons. They’re the two OG’s left. Lisa is the fan favorite, but Kyle is the one who gets along best with other cast members. They are the anchors of the show and have been since the beginning. They are two of my favorites personally. Who I side with varies season to season, sometimes episode to episode. Lol Lisa was so hurt by Kyle, already vulnerable, and that was hard to watch. I love that Kyle is so forgiving and doesn’t expect perfection from people. That’s probably why she has so many friends and can get along with cast members better. But I wish she’d learn that you can’t just say whatever happens to be your honest opinion, throw in I love you, and it will all be okay. Did she expect Lisa to admit to something she didn’t do? I don’t know what she thought would happen when she went to their house. I get why Kyle is suspicious because as fabulous as Lisa is, one of my criticisms of hers is that she does put image above friendship at times. Kyle’s not always wrong. I just don’t like how she confronted Lisa. I wish Kyle told the other ladies, “I don’t know how this story got out. Sure, someone accused her of selling stories years ago, but there’s never been any proof. Your guess is as good as mine.” She didn’t have to say there was no way Lisa or her camp has anything to do with it if there was any doubt in her mind, and she would have still remained honest. I think since these two were friends before the show ever even started, it’s possible for them to make up. When you have so much history, the hurt can get really bad, but all the love and memories sometimes do make you want to forgive and forget. I think if Kyle were to apologize to Lisa (really heartfelt), there is possibility for Lisa to forgive. I think Lisa just doesn’t appreciate hearing from her (or anyone) if all it’s going to be is, but “I love you, can we just move on?” I love you’s are nice only when you feel actual love from the person saying it. Apologies are only meaningful when someone is sincerely sorry and doesn’t want to hurt you the same way again. She’s tired of forgiving someone who seems to see more negative than positive in her.
  5. Ditto about BG! To me this was sort of like the milder version of what BG said about Joanna Krupa. I don’t think it was as mean, and Camille was drunk, unlike Brandi. But it was the same sort of comment that can really embarrass someone. I’ve already seen posts about possible causes of Lisa’s alleged bad breath. I don’t know if she’s had dental problems and there’s truth to what Camille said or not, doesn’t really matter for me. It all says more about Camille than it does about Lisa. Before this, all I heard was Lisa walks around smelling really good actually. I think Bravo folks and fans who’ve met her said she smells like roses all the time. A lot of us fans forgave Camille and felt sorry that she was so hated season 1, but she sounded like season 1 in that particular scene. Again, I don’t think she’s nearly as cruel as Brandi, but she definitely has a mean bone. I know it’s been discussed Lisa throws jabs too-I admitted I didn’t like her jabs about Dorit being this gassy snore she didn’t want to share a room with. I don’t enjoy that kind of humor and would rather someone just tell me she’s upset with me. But I don’t think Lisa would sit there with a group of women and crap on someone she’s on good terms with, especially when said person already feels like an outcast with this group.
  6. Aw that is so cool! I’ve heard LVP is even prettier in person! She’s gorgeous on TV, so that is saying something. Always thought Ken was adorable. I’m glad they were gracious with the fans. So many people in entertainment and sports aren’t.
  7. Yes, I’m someone who thought Camille joining might be a good idea, as she seemed sensitive to LVP when she was vulnerable (unlike some of the others), and she does bring the entertainment. Not anymore. I want it to be less cattiness, not more. I’m not saying I hate her or she’s evil. I just want more lighthearted fun on the show. Even though I said I didn’t like Lisa’s jabs against Dorit, Camille’s did rub me the wrong way more. Lisa wasn’t there, it’s a group of people who don’t care for her right now, and Lisa thought Camille was one of two people in the cast who were being kind to her. ETA: Teddi said in her blog that Camille said even worse things that we didn’t see. I wonder if it got so bad Bravo didn’t air it? Maybe it will be aired later down the line...
  8. I personally didn’t like what either woman said. Teasing can be funny and harmless. But making fun of a friend’s teeth, gums, breath, alleged gas and snoring, none of that is funny to joke about on TV imo. Most women want to come across somewhat ladylike.
  9. Thank you for posting this. I gave Dorit benefit of the doubt with the dog, LVP benefit of the doubt with Radar, and I give Rinna benefit of the doubt that she wouldn’t make fun of how LVP’s brother died. If someone else did what she did, I would be like WTH? But like you said, there have been jokes about Rinna and her pills for awhile, it’s nothing new.
  10. I never noticed anything wrong with LVP’s teeth (not that I really checked them out), and I think Camille’s teeth look great there-straight and white. I do feel self conscious of my teeth now...
  11. Yeah, unfortunately that is what it's looking like, sad. I know Lisa is a gorgeous woman with a beautiful life, but she is human. Friends mocking you like that would hurt anybody.
  12. Bleh, tonight's episode really rubbed me the wrong way. It's become too bitchy, and I don't blame Lisa if she ditches the reunion and is completely done. I don't think one has to be perfect in order to be treated decently! Last week's episode she was attacked by a longtime friend in her own home, and this week's episode showed one of the two people she thought she had as a friend make fun of her teeth. I was really grossed out, and I'm not some "Lisa is perfect" viewer. Yes, I think she can stir it up to get the storylines going, and I am not a big fan of that jabbing type of humor. It's not for me. But that is all so damn minor compared to the stuff the others are guilty of. Lisa has never been part of a gang-up, never bullied anyone, never been so cruel to a friend, never two-faced. She doesn't deserve this catty bs.
  13. I don't think it makes you an asshole to notice. We all have eyes and notice random things, but to make fun of your friend on a show for the world to see like Camille did? Asshole move!
  14. Woah I can enjoy Camille and see sweetness in her at times. I thought she was going to have LVP's back this season, despite feeling manipulated by her in the past. That whole scene was classic mean girl. I would be so hurt if a so-called friend made fun of my teeth or anything to do with my appearance on national television. It also makes me extra sad for Lisa because Lisa's said Camille's always been sweet to her in an interview. Um, NO! I don't like the cheap shots about Kelsey either. Yes, he did her wrong. But I think talking about their sex life, his privates, his kissing, all of it is inappropriate and embarrassing. She does have kids with this man. I have my criticisms of LVP and at times thought she overreacted to the other cast members. But whether they realize it or not, the group has become a gang. I do choose to give Rinna benefit of the doubt she didn't know how LVP's brother died. There is a difference between making light of being teased for popping pills and making fun of losing a sibling like that.
  15. I'm not saying I like a lot of her behavior, but I don't see her as this inherently cold, heartless person. She seems like a sweet girl-when she's not angry! lol I absolutely agree that she has a temper and could be kinder when she's been wronged. I have a friend like her. She has this soft side, but not everyone sees her that way. I'm someone who does because I am a good friend to her, and she appreciates it. It just depends on how she feels about you. Like Erika she comes across very strong, and she does have a temper. I think stuff Erika's been told and witnessed about Lisa throughout the years (the talk of Yolanda & her children's illness, LVP's treatment of Eileen, constant jabs against everyone, the way LVP kind of poked her when she was new, etc) has rubbed her the wrong way, to the point she probably thinks the whole group being against Lisa is justified. Do I think she could have been more softhearted with Lisa? Absolutely. Ditto how she reacted to other people in the cast at times. But I still think she's much softer than the cold ice queen image some folks have of her. There's not one person in the cast I think is perfect, nor do I think any of them are evil. I think some of them have genuine grievances, but they are all overreacting to the point where it's hard to side with any of them when Lisa is so outnumbered, hurt, and grieving.
  16. I enjoy Sara. I find her so likable and will miss her on The Talk. She is a professional and class act. I have been so annoyed with Meghan McCain on The View and ranted about how I wish she’d leave the show yesterday. Wrong host leaving one of my shows!!! I totally understand Sara has a family and acting career though, and I wish her all the best. I hope she comes back to visit. 🙂
  17. I don’t think Erika has come across well since season 1. Not sure if it has to do with editing or not. I found her harsh with Dorit, PK, Eileen, Kathryn, Teddi, and LVP. Her temperament is not good. She also has a victim mentality. And I’m saying this as someone who likes Erika in a lot of ways. I think she’s actually a softhearted person underneath the tough exterior. I like that she doesn’t seem out to get anyone or manipulate anybody. And superficially, I think she’s a complete knockout. I love how glamorous she is even if I wouldn’t be caught dead in some of her ensembles. I’m a pop music fan and find some of her songs quite catchy. I agree with the poster who said she’s entertaining because she is so unpredictable and over the top. Even though I’d like for her to stay on the show, if she was ever given a good edit, imo it was only season 1.
  18. I don’t think Erika’s natural nose was bad. Her work was pretty subtle. I think she’s kind of like Jennifer Lopez. Always beautiful, but money for the best hair, makeup, and skin care just helped them both make the most of what they got. Oh to be that rich! I wouldn’t have a full-time glam squad, but it sure would be nice to afford the best makeup artists, hairstylists, and dermatologists. It’s that whole, there are no ugly women, just poor ones! Lol
  19. I admit I’m not sure about her friendship with Faye either. Kyle may see her flaws but love her anyway. I never read Faye’s book, but I agree with the general consensus just from quotes that it sounds exploitive, hurtful to many people, and not something a friend would write. I think Kyle’s made it clear she doesn’t expect perfection from friends. She just doesn’t want people who are toxic for her to be around or users, people like Brandi and Cedric. If Faye has shown her a lot of kindness, I can understand their friendship. I have friends who’ve done things I completely disapprove of (driving drunk, affair with a married man, cheating on husband). I’m not saying this is the same as what Faye did. But if they are friends who I see a lot of good in, are kind to me, and don’t keep repeating the behavior, I keep them as friends. No one’s perfect. I’ve known some really beautiful people who have had some ugly mess-ups. My guess is Faye is someone who’s capable of being bitch, but at the same time she’s been a kind and caring friend to Kyle. I actually liked Brandi her first season and didn’t like Kim or Kyle at all then. For the majority of the seasons though, Kyle seems like one of the more nice and normal housewives. She seems much easier to get along with than Brandi, Kim, Carlton, Adrienne, Yolanda, Taylor, Camille, etc. She definitely rubbed me the wrong way with the limo scene season 1, Game Night season 2, and most recently her treatment of LVP this season. I don’t think she’s perfect, but I honestly do think she’s got a good heart.
  20. I’m so sorry for your loss and what you went through. You sound like a caring and strong woman. My thoughts and prayers go out to you. I also don’t want to judge anyone for grieving. I didn’t judge Meghan for her time off, tearing up, none of that. My issue with her is strictly the bitchiness.
  21. I thought that was so sweet. That was a really thoughtful and generous gift she gave to cheer up her friend. Since season 1, Lisa seemed more into the friendship than Kyle. I’m not entirely sure why. I’ve guessed that it’s because Lisa isn’t from LA, doesn’t have sisters and maybe doesn’t have the countless girlfriends Kyle seems to have. To me LVP seems like someone who is so busy with work and family and is probably more quality than quantity with friends. I see her as someone who has fewer friends, but truly loving and caring about the ones she has and being more ride or die for them. Kyle seems more of a social butterfly who wants to be friends with everybody, but the friendships may not all exactly be deep. I could be wrong about both, but that’s my impression watching the show since season 1. I’ve experienced feeling like I’m more into the friendship, and it’s a hurtful side to be on. I’ve also experienced having a lot going on, not being able to be there as I wish I could, and sometimes friends not understanding. There are times I see more Lisa’s side, and there are times I feel like Kyle was totally right to have felt hurt by Lisa. But this season I don’t like how LVP is being treated at all. If a dear friend of mine recently lost her only sibling to suicide, had a million things going on, I would only want to support her. I think Lisa really had a special place in her heart for Kyle. She seemed so excited to see her when she first got to Villa Rosa, and was so hurt when Kyle wouldn’t even give her the benefit of the doubt. I don’t think LVP cares too much if someone who’s nothing more than a coworker treated her that way. Kyle was so much more to her. I wonder if their friendship will ever be repaired.
  22. I wish someone called her out for how hypocritical and inconsistent she is. When someone wants to get a word in and she’s not finished, it’s “I’m talking!” Always in a a very defensive tone, even rude to Abby, who’s supposed to be one of her good friends. One time I remember her trying to stop someone (probably Joy) from making a comment when Abby wasn’t finished speaking, and Meghan said “Let the Republican talk.” Her hostility to Democrats is something! When the OG View host wants to finish speaking after she let Meghan have her turn, it’s part of Joy’s job to listen to her? Is it not part of her job to listen to the other women? She needs to let go of this superiority she thinks she has over Joy. Joy is a very bright woman, a lot older than Meghan, and achieved everything she has without riding on the coattails of anyone. Being John McCain’s daughter and having all the military service in her family doesn’t mean she’s above Joy or anyone else in any way, shape, or form. I know so many people who’ve served in the military and are so much more humble about their ACTUAL service. She’d probably want constant praise on a daily basis if her ass actually served. I liked everyone making a point to share condolences and being respectful of her father, but I don’t like it when the guests kiss her ass as if she’s done anything other than be a big huge brat on TV. When discussions get passionate, I think most people want to interrupt now and then before they lose their opportunity. Sometimes you lose your train of thought, the discussion can completely change direction, run out of time for the show. I get all that, no matter who it is. What I don’t like is someone who thinks it’s cool to constantly interrupt (like when Meghan wouldn’t let Sunny talk during the abortion discussion a little while ago), or someone who is nasty whether she’s the one who still wants to talk, or she’s the one who wants to interrupt to get a point in quickly. Can you imagine how Meghan would react if one of the other women literally wouldn’t let her speak or smugly told her it’s her job to listen to her? Her head would explode. I hope today’s episode doesn’t include yet another attack on Joy. She deserves a lot more respect than she’s been given since Meghan’s bully butt joined the show.
  23. I enjoy The View, except for Meghan bullying Joy.
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