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Everything posted by RealHousewife

  1. This is true, and I say that as someone who thinks the ladies took it too far with her this season. Lisa somehow never knows she’s stirring it up... She had no idea Scheana had an affair with Eddie. She didn’t know Brandi would be uncomfortable constantly dealing with a mistress of who was once the love of her life and father of her children. She never meant for big mouth Brandi to find out any big family secrets to spill. She never knew Eileen was married three times. She’s supposed to be the smartest on the show, but she had no clue Eileen was uncomfortable even though Eileen said she was being “grilled,” and the other women picked up on her discomfort. Remember, Lisa thought it was just the two of them having a chat! She forgot about the rest of the table and cameras rolling. She didn’t mean to hurt Yolanda, Mohamed, or their kids talking about the children’s personal health struggles. She accidentally revealed which of Kim’s kids had the mental breakdown at the reunion seasons ago. All the women who say Lisa suggested they talk about certain things are lying. All of them! These things have been consistent from season 1. Now, as much was I said this got too mean girl this season, Lisa didn’t deserve it, and I don’t blame her for ditching the rest of the season and possibly the whole show, I don’t think the other cast members are evil people attacking an innocent saint either. That’s the part I think is messed up. There are some viewers who are tearing apart the other ladies, and I don’t think it’s cool. It’s true the women should have given Lisa benefit of the doubt and not all go against her when she’s mourning. All of that is wrong. But as Vanderfabulous as she is, I’m not one of those Lisa does no wrong fans. I enjoy her as a reality star who stirs it up, just as I enjoy Rinna in all her messy glory. I don’t buy that it’s “pure coincidence” or just “British humor” or something with her every time someone calls her out on something. Lisa has too high an IQ for that. I love her on the show, but I also enjoy the other women for the most part and don’t think they’re all horrible jealous people.
  2. Regarding lying, I think there are fibs and then there are serious lies. I think once LVP lied about not being available for an event (I think Kim's daughter's graduation) because she had just flown back from somewhere and went to one of her restaurants. She was probably exhausted and didn't want to shoot. Big whoop. Now if my friend planted a nasty story about me, entirely different. It is really weird for Dorit to still want Lisa's friendship, unless she thinks it was someone in Lisa's camp, not Lisa herself.
  3. I do think Kyle had a valid point. Just trying to figure out their friendship history. :)
  4. I know Kyle may seem too much, but when many women in her position would have nannies, and there are so many "regular" parents who don't care what their kids eat, make them be little adults as soon as possible, want them out at 18, or raise kids who end up in all kinds of trouble, I can't personally knock her parenting style. All her kids seem to be doing well, and that is saying something since they are Hollywood kids. They could have ended up like their cousins or the Kardashians, but her girls have had no scandals and go to school. I love how close her family is, and if I were to pick a RH mommy, I'd pick Kyle.
  5. Maybe PK wasn't sure until his friend of many years insisted on her children's life she had nothing to do with it. That would sway my opinion. I could see him thinking maybe someone in Lisa's camp leaked it unbeknownst to Lisa. I wish we'd find out who the heck did it. I don't believe Lisa did. I read somewhere another housewife did, but who? My coworker recently used the word "nipped" in reference to an animal, and he's an American guy.
  6. 😂 I'm curious about the history of PK's friendship with Lisa and Ken. I know there are friends I have where there have been gaps in the friendship at times, but technically we do go back many years. My guess is that's the situation with PK and Lisa and Ken. I bet for years Kyle was a much closer friend, but that PK may have been buddies with Lisa and Ken many years ago in London.
  7. I don't believe in blind loyalty. If my friend swore on her children's life, I would believe her though, and I wouldn't want to be friends with someone who sold a story about me either. What I do wonder about Lisa, is why she said she didn't properly read the article or contact Dorit.
  8. lmao I caught that too. Camille always gives good TV, intentional or not...
  9. Exactly. It’s like black lives matter. There’s no implication white lives don’t. Debating racial issues can be so exhausting I don’t bother with coworkers anymore.
  10. A lot of people love the show, including friends of mine. I’ve tried giving it a chance more than once. I don’t find any of the cast members interesting. The RHOBH are beautiful, glamorous women who have a lot going on-Hollywood careers and connections, gorgeous Porsches, mansions, paparazzi at their weddings, etc. VP Rules are full of folks around my age I feel I could know who just happen to work at SUR and perhaps their behavior is more outrageous. I don’t covet their lives. No offense to all the lovely posters here who are fans! We all have our tastes. Some people don’t get why anyone would spend their time watching RH.
  11. 😉 Yeah I don’t like that feeling either. I like LVP and feel for her this season, but I don’t think the current situation is solely due to jealousy. There are things I like and dislike about all of them. Who I side with also varies.
  12. Lol! I’ve seen enough Lala to know she’s not my cup of tea.
  13. I have only seen a little bit of VP Rules. How did Lisa treat Kristen?
  14. At least this time she said she's been around politics all her life, not IN politics all her life.
  15. Camille has really been through hell. Bless her. I hope her new guy treats her well.
  16. I agree with a lot of this. Rinna does have self awareness, and there are times I really relate to Teddi. I don’t do well when someone snaps at me the way Erika and Dorit have at her. I also appreciate punctuality. I don’t find her the most interesting on the show, but that is only because I find her pretty down to earth and normal. My one criticism of her is that I’d wish she’d been gentler on LVP, but I think she genuinely smelled a setup. I don’t think Teddi is evil, but I’m one of the few who has things I like and dislike about all of them. Lol good thing I made this thread for all the unpopular opinions! 🙂 I don’t think LVP is trashy like Brandi, but I do agree she doesn’t exactly epitomize class and that she gets away with stuff and is still considered the classy one because she’s rich, older, elegantly beautiful, and has the posh English accent. If it were an American chick half her age with boobs constantly out, p***y jokes, talking about blowing her husband on national TV, just a general naughty humor regarding everything from her pets to breast exams, no way would she be considered classy.
  17. I don’t know about sexual abuse, but her ex boyfriend physically abused her. I think she also felt emotionally abused by Kelsey, but I could be remembering wrong.
  18. When Camille or anyone insists a woman must be lying about an assault because she may not have told anyone when it happened, it is hurtful. I’ve never experienced a man raping me, but I’ve had inappropriate touching happen numerous times. It can be really embarrassing to talk about, especially if you’re young or the circumstances are different. Sometimes the person who abuses you is a relative/someone you love. Sometimes you have no one to turn to period. So many factors play in to why a woman or child may or may not tell anyone.
  19. I wonder if there's any possibility of that now that Lisa is on the outs with most of the current cast.
  20. Some people have no problem being in the public eye, but I feel the same way. I wouldn't want to be a youtuber myself, because I like my privacy. I don't think there's anything wrong with being one, as long as you're not promoting products you don't use. I think there are some youtubers who are more honest than others. I know people who youtube, and none of them pretend to use anything they don't.
  21. I don't know much about Kesley, but I did see that with Camille. She enjoyed showing off her perfect little figure, discussed her "beautiful breasts" in front of the husbands, bragged about their lifestyle, and Kelsey's fame. I remember her saying Kyle was jealous of her and called Mauricio the local Beverly Hills realtor, compared to big, huge star Kelsey Grammar. I've never hated Camille, but some of the things she said season 1 really were not nice, and then the comments about LVP a couple episodes ago weren't the sweetest. I've never seen her as someone who's intentionally mean, but she can when be she's drunk or her feelings are hurt. I do think she's good TV, can laugh at herself, and smart enough to not keep making the same mistakes (for the most part).
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