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Posts posted by jtallman

  1. If Lonnie is so worried about being forgotten, he should sell his crap and donate the money to a hospital for a new wing that would be named after him, or to a college for a new building.

    Also, sounds like Linda will be back to amassing crap again in under six months.

    • Love 11
  2. I was actually clenched during the Jon Snow-Sansa Stark reunion scene, because I was convinced someone was going to jump out of the shadows and stab them both. I was that convinced the Game of Thrones writers weren't going to let us have this.

    Daario had such a flat, American accent in this episode. Has he always sounded like that?

    • Love 2
  3. This show has always been hard to watch, but this season in particular has been brutal. I'm afraid to tune in next week to see what brutalities will be visited on the community. I thought thalidomide would be the worst plot. Boy, was I stupid.

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  4. Chuck's psychosis is fascinating. He can apparently power through it occasionally (though not in the copy shop, I guess because he was still worn out from going to the bank hearing and the stress of dealing with the aftermath of *that*). I hope he's not dead.

  5. How is Adam now the sanest person in this group? I remember his character from Season 1, the crazy artist. He's evolved the most, I think. The others--particularly the women--not so much.

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  6. Yep. I can't understand why out of EVERYONE in the world they chose to cast Cuba?! He's got zero charisma. OJ was tall, dark and handsome. He was charismatic and that's why so many people loved him. Cuba just looks goofy, and he's got this Michael Jackson voice going on. He's not a very good actor, and it's sad to me that every time he's on screen I am completely taken out of the immersion and remember, "Oh, that's Cuba Gooding Jr." in an otherwise stellar cast.


    Exactly this. With everybody putting in these fine performances, Cuba's is just not hitting the mark.

  7. I have read other recaps where the writer suggested Carol was actually freaking out during her captivity. I agree with Eve that she was playing timid to get the Saviors to let down their guard.

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