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Posts posted by Uncle JUICE

  1. I need a new batch of folks in these franchises man. I am sorry, but you absolutely lose me with all this very, very clear fakery. The news that you might have cancer is not something you tell your partner for the first time at a monkey farm. "Hm, I might be facing the ultimate threat, and I need to tell my wife...where should I do that....hmmm....aquarium, no, no....zoo, a little too broad....I got it, monkey farm! I just hope they aren't jerking off while I'm talking. Or maybe they'll just take a break and not fling shit at us. Now, where are my benson and hedges?"

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  2. 1 minute ago, magemaud said:

    Didn't Pedro's mother and sister demand expensive gifts be sent to them in the DR? And Devar's family, too? I think we've seen several cultures on this show where the children are expected to send money back home to their families and it's been an ongoing point of contention between the couples

    Yes and yes...and to be honest, it kind of makes me uncomfortable as a viewer. THese other cultures are constantly being shown as grubbing for prizes, it might be occasionally true but aren't there SOME decent non-materialistic llooking folks? Couldn't we have a scene wherein they just interact as normal families do, without handing someone an invoice? 

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  3. 5 hours ago, mamadrama said:

    Until my own novels took off and started bringing in more income than my freelancing, I supported my family of 4 on that money. We weren't rich, but we did very well-and this was during the recession. I was a ghost writer for true crime and health books, but I also did web content, blogging, white papers, etc. Most people think of magazine articles and ghostwriting NYT bestselling celebrity cook books when they hear "freelance writer", but the majority of us who earned a living from it didn't have projects that exciting. I usually had around 5 big-budget projects a year. They were PLRs or ebooks that the client wanted written as a freebie or funnel. These ranged from $3,500 to $8,000. But I also got a ton of little $100-500 projects that filled in the gaps. Most people just wanted website content. The pay was low, but I could often get those jobs done in just a few days. One year I was the ghost writer for this woman who ran a Wiccan company. I posted one "Wiccan centered" blog post per week. Took all of an hour to write them, and they covered my car payments. Most of my clients came through Elance (now Upwork). The cost of living is low here, but if Ari didn't have housing costs I think she could have been supporting herself. If she was committed I think she could do it in Ethiopia, too. She would probably earn more than Usman 2.0 with his dancing and rap career.

    Just wanted to say I remain eternally jealous of your career :). 

    • Love 7
  4. 32 minutes ago, magemaud said:

    And she’s a super sexy nerd who dreams of becoming a lawyer 

    LOL, that was a very sneaky winner of this week's "headscratching comment" contest. Also props to whoever called out Coltie's ridiculous "hangover" look. Honestly guys, how hard is it to just go get him drunk enough to BE hungover? Come on production team.

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  5. 1 minute ago, Jeanne222 said:

    Actions have consequences!  Ari will never learn that as long as mom continues cleaning up her messes!

    Going to a foreign land, having unprotected sex and now pregnant!  Ari is too old for all of those poor choices.

    But enabling mom steps in again!!!

    I know what you mean, but in fairness, the mom tells us she had an ulterior motive that the surprising state of the hospital undermined: she wanted to give Ari a reason to come back to the states. I don't think that's exactly enabling her. And I get actions have consequences, but let's say that baby gets some terrible illness they're not equipped to handle...should the baby have to pay that price just so Ari's mom isn't "enabling" her terrible choices? 

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  6. 26 minutes ago, steff13 said:

    Regarding Tim and Melyza, Melyza has known that Tim cheated for a year, and apparently chose to forgive him.  If you forgive someone, you have to forgive them.  You can't continue to rehash their mistake over and over.  Personally, I would have dumped him.  But she didn't, so she needs to draw a line under it and let it go. 

    I really love Armando.  And he's absolutely right, it's not fair for Kenny to expect him to be as "out" as he is.  

    1000% true here. It's not to say you can't remember it, but you cannot continue to poke the person with it. It can't be a weapon only you can use, and against which the truly penitent have no defense. This relationship is essentially over if it's been seven months and she's still asking specific questions about it and bringing it up, she will never be happy and he'll basically be a beaten dog, cowering in fear for the next time she brings it up, the next fight it has nothing to do with. I'm not saying she's at fault AT ALL for what he did. But once you choose forgiveness, you have to commit to that. That unfortunately means that you can't constantly pick at the scab, because it'll just get infected. Part of the problem for them though is they're on TV, and that's their story. It'll ALWAYS come up. 


    8 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

    Ariela and her mother!  Mom needs to allow Ari to clean up her own messes.  Enabling at it's very finest!

    It's not just Ari though. It's her grandchild. It's one thing if they're forced to bail her out of some crazy impulse leased apartment in Belize or whatever her story was. it's another to know their grandchild is living in squalor (objectively it is squalor, I'm sorry). I say good on the mo for at least being honest about her assessment of the hospital, which looked like something you can count on. The problem is what happens when the baby goes to live outside the hospital, or if there are post-birth complications. It's just safer in America, that's how the mom sees it. 

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  7. 10 hours ago, Meowwww said:

    Pole had a business for a minute training police dogs I think? 

    Translated: Pole was the guy they put in the protective gear to sic the dogs on when they're training. I can 100% picture a bewildered Pole with a fifty yard head start and a bewildered look that turns to terror as he breathlessly tries to run faster when he hears the guy releasing the german shepherd yelling "Balls, Chainsaw, balls!" as the dog closes in on him. 

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  8. 8 minutes ago, poeticlicensed said:

    I  suspect you are right. Nobody gets to be a detective, without being a patrol officer first, unless they have a very specific skill set and education.  I bet he "detected" those files, hence he was a detective. 

    They're making it seem like he has a Mike Ehrmentraut-esque backstory when in reality he was never in any way anything other than an intern at best. 

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  9. 1 minute ago, suzywallis said:

    Yes, please!  I am new to this shitshow as well.  What did he do, besides have the poor judgment to go out with Larissa?


    Absolutely nothing we know of. This is all a story they're inventing, like all of these "friends" Larissa has. THey all are somehow intimately aware of some horrible shit Ericky did, but it's all soooooo mysterious. It's a classic "There's something I haven't told my fiancee, and I'm sure they're not going to be happy when they hear it!" then cut to commercial. I hope at least this reveal is creative. "Ericky was running a dogfighting ring" is my hope. 

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  10. This show is sucking more and more every week, and directly in proportion with the proliferation of scripted scenes. Right now Paul and Karine and MAYBE Asuelu and Kalani are the only interesting people on the show. Colt and Mom's Brazilian Misadventures are a total sham. Well done, Colt, too, for detecting the producers wanting to see how far you'd debase yourself by putting on that speedo and flashing out your moobs on TV, and good for you for limting it by inexplicably keeping the shirt on. Asshole. Larissa clearly moving in with Ericky and his boyfriend (can we just be real and admit that dued is clearly a gay acting student and his room mate was his boyfriend? Because what other explanation is there for all these shenanigans? Is acting REALLY as hard as these people are making it look? I fucking hate the Larissa story line so much, but don't sleep on my hatred of the Jess and Colt storyline either. 

    Also it's pretty clear they've gone to the "ugly American" well with Angela. She's a fucking idiot, and gross, for sure, but suddenly she's aghast hat he wants her to make a Nigerian dinner, while they live in Nigeria? I'm an AMERICAN WOMAN, here's this gross fucking pizza and get me mah cigarettes! 

    The invented backstory with Andrei, too, enough. It's soooooo critical that he was a detective and left under shady circumstances and it's only coming up now?? Fuck them. 

    • Love 12
  11. This show's a fucking snore. They ought to cut Meleeza and Cheesedick immediately. They're what, eight episodes in, and I think they've had four segments total, and not a one of them in Cohlohmbia yet. Cut them and give more time to watching Kenny inexplicably seem shocked that he's not in America anymore. I need the answer to why they didn't move to Florida together, rather than Kenny going to Mexico. Britney and Yazan can get the ax too, I just don't for one second believe she has any interest in something other than television. Her whack ass eyelashes falling off all over the place, aghast that she isn't being treated like an American woman. YOU moved THERE. It's not THEIR problem. Sumit's friends bagging on Jenny seems rather uncool, especially since both their wives punked their asses by telling them they're not going to be at the meeting.

    At this point I don't even like the pillow talk for this show. 

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  12. 15 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

    Not that I recall.  That was strange.   Maybe Michael's parents when they showed up at the apartment?   Surely Brittany, as pretty as she is, will leave as soon as possible!

    Does the show make them sign a contract to stay so long?

    no, that's the genius of this show. They learned from other reality shows whose main premise is to essentially take advantage of people's willingness to debase themselves. It's the opposite of the Teen Mom model. That show started out basically as as study of poverty among American youths, and how single moms struggle, then became basically real housewives by starting to pay them six figures a year. Now it's a study of how poor people mistreat money, for the most part. THIS show pays $1000 an episode, I think $1500 if you're a couple on the same episode. It's enough money that if you're a barista with a habit of traveling to Tunisia to see your fiance but don't own your own car, you have to take it, but not so much money that it's going to ruin one of the things that makes the show interesting.  I mean it's a little dark to think of it as a consumer, but it's pretty obvious when they start sending these dummies all over the world they're not on their own dime anymore. There's just no way that one girl with Azan, Nicole I think, can afford a single trip to Tunisia, much less multiple trips. 

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  13. 2 hours ago, TzuShih said:

    I think Father Yazan has a soft-spot in his heart for Brittany.  I just envision this "thought bubble" over his head as he daydreams:  "Hmmm...if I wasn't married to this shrew, I might have had a chance with Brittany,..praise be..." ❤️

    Someone's writing 90 Day Fanfic over here. 🙂

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  14. 12 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

    My thought is once she has the baby and has to get things from the market place or find a good pediatrician or even try to find a Mommy and Me class of some sort...suddenly the adventure of living in Ethiopia will seem a bit much and that Princeton may not be edgy but it is easier to take care of a baby when everything you need is readily available as well as clean water, parks, and decent plumbing.  

    Please let there be a scene where she asks Binyam "Is there a Mommy and Me class? You know, at the Montessori nearby?"

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  15. 8 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

    And she's having a baby. How pathetic. If she was living back in the US I'm sure her parents would hire a nanny for her but what is she going to do in Ethiopia? Above all else, why would a spoiled brat that doesn't know how to do anything want to have a baby? Boggles my mind. 

    This mentality of hers speaks to the upbringing she had, a cardiologist and a nurse in Princeton: no matter what insane adventure or fuck up she was on, her parents had the resources to help her out, and were really supportive over the course of her life. For good or ill, her life has always "just sort of worked out" according to her I'm sure, when reality is "It worked out when my parents helped me financially or legally." It's just what parents do a lot of the time, especially parents with money, and it's really hard to avoid. It always comes from a place of good intention, and you're not talking about overdrawing a checking account or something trivial. What is a parent going to do when their daughter calls them from Ethiopia and says "I need to get this baby and I out of here, there's a civil war going on here," say "Sorry, hope you learned your lesson"? 



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  16. 19 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

    Well if she did that, it would be kidnapping, since Ariela is a grown woman.  

    However, you do have a point.  Last night, I thought Ariela and her mom were two princesses who thought they were better than this "Ethiopian man."  Maybe the issue is that Ariela's mom is used to her daughter having all types of adventures, and that's okay, except now she's expecting a baby so it's not her life, it's another person's life that will have to deal with it.

    Interesting in Pillow Talk, Anny, Robert's wife was like, "People live like that in my country and we know how to deal with the conditions."  It makes me wonder.  What's the percentage of high blood pressure, strokes, heart disease, high cholesterol, depression, anxiety?  Just curious.

    I didn't think of it this way, but that seems pretty accurate, the bolded. She was, after all, married in Argentina and lived there for a while, who knows what her mom's take on that was, but as a woman who's about ot be a grandmother, she's pretty rightfully concerned. I know that people in Ethiopia have babies just fine, but Ariela's mom is playing the percentages: it's not nearly as safe there as it is in the US to get medical attention. It's just different, but that doesn't mean she has to be happy about it. 

    AS far as the prevalence of the conditions you cite in other countries, it's probably pretty difficult to ensure you're comparing apples to apples given a relative wide variation in the availability of healthcare and people going to the doctor for various checkups where that stuff would be discovered. But there's no one that just "knows how to live with germs," germs don't give a fuck about that.  

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  17. It seems the minority position, but I am all for Ariela's mom. I cannot imagine the level of self control it took to see where her daughter slept the night before and NOT grab her by the ear and take her right back to the airport. Instead, she addressed things extremely rationally, completely respectfully, never came across as talking down to anyone or trying to manipulate the situation in any way. The woman is a health care professional. Asking questions like "How long does it take you to use up all this water?" and "How do you clean this tank? Leaves, okay, got it" are obviously meant to make SURE that her daughter sees things beyond her hot well intentioned Ethiopian baby daddy. She knows her daughter well enough to say "You can't live here, there's no refrigerator" and rather ask "Where's the refrigerator" and "What's the plan with these wires" and "Leaves instead of soap, okay." I love Ariela's mom and my heart breaks for her thinking she might have to leave her daughter in that situation. 

    Otherwise this episode was a fucking drag if you ask me. Brittney is clearly doing this to try and up her profile for her whack ass rap "career." nothing made me laugh like TIm's pillow talk observation "Not another rapper, jeez" in the first episode. And Sorry, but David on Pillow Talk, stop with your Jewish jokes. 

    10 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

    Brittany is ignorant.  As soon as she said, "I'm not Muslim, I'm black."  Really Brittany?  What about Usman?  Better yet, Malcolm X, Mohammad Ali, Mahershala Ali, the first Muslim to win an Oscar.  

    Brittany is the type who'd say, "Mens trying to control me" if someone told her to wear a mask.

    I don't blame Yazin OR his family.  If you want to be with a devout Muslim, then you have to accept that culture.  Brittany is a brat who was probably spoiled by her father and because of that she's ignorant and stupid.  Yazin was frustrated with her ignorant self.  YES you have to wear the hijab if you're going to the home of a DEVOUT Muslim.  

    She needs to go back to Miami and twerk until her ass falls off.  

    I really hate Brittney so bad, you have captured why. The part where she's not Muslim she's black is amazing: guess you can't possibly be both. Answering it in that way is insanely ignorant.

    • Love 24
  18. 2 hours ago, bichonblitz said:


    Larissa is useless and boring. Who ever in TLC land thought we would want to continue to see her is wrong. Her 15 minutes should be up soon. 

    I said something along these lines last night. There are two groups of cast members on this show: the ones who are still SORT of real (Pole / Kareenee, Kalani / Assholu, Syngin and Tania) and the ones who are on it for TV (Andrei / Libby, Angie / Michael, but FAR more extensively are Larissa, Jess and Colt). If you cut Angie and Michael (she's basically using the show as a way to subsidize trips to Nigeria) and Colt / Larissa (they're trying to score another reality show a la Faimly Chantal), you can reduce this program to an hour. Libby and Anrei will be fine, they had the show create the whole Moldova experience for drama if you ask me. 

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  19. 2 hours ago, mamadrama said:

    When he was threatening to jump into the poop water I kept wanting Karine to hand him a condom and say, "Good luck!" 

    I was actively rooting for a fish to swim up his dick, but my wife said it was probably too small for the fish to find it. 

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  20. 53 minutes ago, Kid said:

    Yes, Brittany, this is EXACTLY what you signed up for. You just didn’t know it.  

    She basically clicked the "I agree" box without reading the terms, sorry hot stuff, but you're bound by them now. It will never ceases to amaze or aggravate me that these people are aghast that not everyplace on earth is America. 

    9 minutes ago, mmecorday said:

    I think Zazan is on drugs. He doesn't seem to be all there most of the time.

    His parents are related. That shit starts to take at toll. 

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  21. 1 hour ago, charmed1 said:

    When folks like Karinne and Akinyi say their expectations of the United States are based on movies, I’m always curious what movies they’ve watched. I don’t watch many movies anymore other than documentaries so I’m actually genuinely curious what they’re watching and how the U.S. is represented.


    1 hour ago, heatherchandler said:

    Probably the rom-coms (are they still called that?) where the woman has a crappy job, but still a huge perfectly decorated apartment or house.  Or the Nora Ephron movies like "You've got Mail" where Meg Ryan owned a struggling bookstore, but had a pretty nice apartment.  Or Father of the Bride, Home Alone, Clueless, the Proposal, Mrs Doubtfire.  All of these movies show "normal people" with very nice homes.  If I was watching any of the popular movies, and didn't live in the US, I would think that is the norm, too.

    I guess they haven't seen Joker?

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