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Posts posted by Uncle JUICE

  1. 2 hours ago, Madhattter said:

    Once I could see through the fog of my rage at the obvious set ups and Malia's spoiled brat behavior and lack of compassion and Captain Sandy's unprofessional favoritism of certain crew, I realized I was bummed out for another reason. This season started off under the theme of women in leadership positions, in a pretty much male-dominated industry. They made us think we would be celebrating them and this change for the better. Instead, these women, and their horrible, Mean Girl behavior, are going to end up setting things back for other women. It reinforces the stereotype that women are catty and competitive and don't root for or support one another.  And yet they are so hypocritical and see themselves as shining examples of women triumphing in a man's industry.  



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  2. I like the woman in the bathfitter commercials, who says "I wasn't sure WHAT to expect!" at the beginning of the commercial. Lady, you signed the contract, right? With the company BATH fitter? Did you not think you'd end up with a bathtub / shower? Like what did you think were the other options? Did you think you'd walk into the bathroom you paid to have redone and find a kitchenette?

    • LOL 10
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  3. On 7/31/2020 at 8:10 AM, Haleth said:


    I also love the Dr Rick commercials.  "You don't know him."

    "Okay remember, you aren't assisting him, you hired him." Those commercials are outstanding. 

    On 8/11/2020 at 8:28 PM, Winston Wolfe said:

    There's a regional commercial in the New York-Tri State Area that I love. It's for some kind of family-owned landscaping company - Cambridge something. The patriarch holds a family cookout (that doubles as a Board meeting) for his two sons and grand kids - and every single one looks exactly like him. Even the grand-daughters. Damnedest thing I ever saw. That guy's got some really strong genes.

    FUCKING Armortec. I hate that whole family so much because of these commercials. Came bridge...paving stones. with armorteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeec, they'll always look like new!

    I want to Patsy Parisi their pool 

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  4. 1 minute ago, dleighg said:

    The part I hate about that ad is the guy who's running the "show." He looks so strange-- he has tons of horizontal lines/wrinkles on his forehead (even though he doesn't seem to be particularly old). It makes me think of those joke T-shirts that have a fake body builder body drawn on. He just doesn't look real!

    AGREE! It still bugs me that he doesn't react at all when fifty senior citizens all raise their hands. A real person would have been like "WOW, for real? Even the ladies in here clean their gutters?!?"

    • LOL 1
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  5. Bonus entry: some life affirming ad has been running lately (along the lines of "Pass it On" or something) where an apparent early-era Belieber goes into a barber shop with two dickhead friends. He lets the barber finish an entire haircut, looks at it, says "Shorter." Ok. Barber gets back to work. LOoks at it again. "Shorter." Eventually gets to the point where the barber shaves his head clear so he can prompose (don't get me started on this shit) to a girl who has either lost all her hair due to chemo or had some other medical condition that caused it to be lost (though her eyebrows remain intact?). WHY ARE YOU WASTING THE BARBER"S TIME? If you want a clean shaven head, (a) START by saying so to this man so he can get on with his business, or better yet, SHAVE IT YOURSELF. Fucking asshole. How long does it take to notice your barber's cutting a quarter inch off when you want to go down to the skin? I hope the barber charged him for three fucking haircuts. Asshole kid. Also not sure I love the "Look, prom date, you're a freak because your hair is gone, but now that my head is shaved, it's appropriate for us to go to prom as one freak and one knight in shining armor who shaved his head, even though I'll have to do so again before the prom and I'm not promising I'm doing that, I mean I have to be in pictures forever, right?" sentiment. If you want to go to prom with her, just ask her, That's the way to make her feel most normal, not by drawing more attention to the situation. 

    • Love 12
  6. Like many, I'm spending mornings with CNN until I can't take anymore thee days. The commercial I hate the most is Leaf Filter. At one point the sales douche is in a room full of senior citizens, he says "Raise your hand if you clean your own gutters" and literally EVERY HAND GOES UP. What the motherfuck? Did they all decide to attend a "We Clean Our Own Gutters" convention? If so, why ask them to raise their hands? And if not, what a fucking coincidence! Then there's a younger woman who says "DAD! I keep telling you it's dangerous!" HOW OFTEN ARE YOU HAVING THIS DISCUSSION? Is it something i need to be doing with my older parents? Like should I be calling them and asking "oh and before I hang up, you're not cleaning those gutters AGAIN, right? We've had this discussion!"??

    Also the side hooking bra...only because I want to imagine a world where some couple is in a passionate embrace and one of them can't figure out why the fucking bra has no hooks.

    Does it count if I hate how much I love the Progressive ads? 

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  7. 2 hours ago, Tango64 said:

    Larissa abandoneed her children and came to America with dreams of living the gold digger life in Las Vegas. When you find yourself begging to be let into in a cement block house in the middle of the night to sit on a cheap bed with Christmas lights on the wall, arguing about ownership of an old phone and what a broke gay guy said about your vagina, you have failed in your mission. Go home.

    I wish I could like this five hundred times. Tremendous. 

    • Love 11
  8. 4 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

    I can't believe Tim told Mel all the details of his cheating!


    I keep wondering what PURPOSE do these details serve their relationship? He fucked someone else, do any details make the main point of the story materially different, or the outcome more acceptable? You either accept it and move on or you don't. BTW these two fucking suck, whoever said they were the most boring is right. 

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  9. 13 hours ago, MargeGunderson said:

    You’re right, Jennelle, I wouldn’t believe how much of an asset you are to many companies. I don’t believe it a bit.

    I think her autocorrect bit her on this one. She must have meant "how much of an assHOLE I am."

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  10. 23 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

    "That meat is RAW Michael!  Are you trying to make me an Ethiopan woman?  CAUSE I AIN'T ETHIPOIAN!  I am American!  Did you talk to the female server?  I'm done.  I AM DONE!!"

    This is a DEAD ON Angela. It's like you're writing her lines! Except it's "AH am done." 😀

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  11. 2 minutes ago, Ucross said:

    Raw meat is very common in US Ethiopian restaurants; I've had it several times and the way it's prepared (and its condiments) is delicious. Many Americans enjoy these dishes at scores of restaurants in larger US cities. https://www.latimes.com/food/la-fo-raw-meat-20110714-story.html

    I don't get the impression Janice and her husband are huge Ethiopian restaurant folks, and where they live, in Princeton, they're pretty scarce. I'm not saying it's not good or common, all I'm saying is she didn't have a revolted response a la Grangela, as a way to point out I don't think she's nefariously xenophobic. She ate it without a huge fuss is my point, where Angela barfed (or spit out soda is my guess really) just being near an open air market, and hooted and hollered the whole time they were there. 

    • Love 11
  12. 15 minutes ago, Jel said:

    Those guests seemed like genuinely nice people. I bet they felt terrible about Kiko.

    i would have liked to have seen Hannah  day she suggested the menu because she did. 

    I said there's no way I'd have left that dock farewell without informing the guests loudly that I appreciated their time on board and their compliments, because I got fired during their trip, just to make Sandy look like shit. THat guy's not going to work mega yachts anyway, he's not really cut out for it, he'd be a great member of a team, but he's not a one man show. 

    And HannahTOTALLY sucks for not owning up to that menu fiasco. 

    • Love 5
  13. 32 minutes ago, Lassus said:

    It's an age-old debate, but I certainly get it.  All the work you're doing, and all you get from this person watching is "SO PRETTY"?  I think it's valid.

    In fairness to the person who said it, though, by nature isn't most of Malia's job out of the view of passengers once you're beyond the water toys? Chances are they don't know the level of work or effort those people have to put in, or how complicated being a bosun might be...I mean I've watched like 13 seasons of this show and I'm still not sure why the anchor thing is so frigging complicated! And all she said was you look pretty doing it, not "Wow, what a job you're doing even for a girl." And in fairness to Malia, I guess it wasn't like she was outraged or whatever at it, maybe not even annoyed. 

    ETA and in fairness to me, by the time this comment even came up I was totallyI annoyed with the whole show in general and with myself for even watching it. Might have been a little bit of me looking to take it out on whoever said something next. 

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  14. 14 hours ago, Mr. Miner said:

    I don’t care if Hannah is popping valium all day. What she should be let go for is using the word “patisserie”. 🙄🤷🏻‍♂️

    Mrs. Juice picked up on this one too: she said it was a very "lady douchebag" thing to say. Just say bakery, you know that meathead has no idea what you're talking about. And he ended up getting a cake at a pizzeria. 

    Weighing in on the Malia stuff, I don't have an objection to her complying with maritime law (she is extremely professional, whatever else you might think, she's NEVER doing a half ass job). I think the way they showed her discussing it with the Captain was sort of off putting, I wish she'd taken a less colloquial approach. Something more formal or maybe less "gossipy" sounding would have been totally different. Especially if she'd been able to express tat "I am legally obligated to tell you this, even though I'm not entirely comfortable doing so." My main beef with Malia this week is that when the female guest told her she looked pretty working the boat into the dock, her talking head was like "I wish she said you look powerful!" Do you REALLY need that level of validation? You're the bosun on a 60M yacht. You manage three meatheads. You rescued a guest on this charter. Truly powerful people don't need to be told they're powerful. That said, totally team Malia so far, but I'm reserving the right to change opinion once her stupid boyfriend arrive. And Hannah, clear out if she needs to get her fuck on. 

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    On 5/9/2020 at 4:04 PM, Morrigan2575 said:

    That fight scene with Maul and Ahsoka was brilliant. 

    Third best lightsaber fight in the entire franchise. Luke Vader I, for sheer significance not to mention the narrative that plays through it, Rey / Ren I for style and substance, then Tano / Maul. The fucking music is insane. 

    • Love 1
  16. On 8/2/2020 at 7:52 PM, CrazyInAlabama said:

    (they called arson 'terroristic acts' or something like that)

    This is one of my favorite things about Pole. He got that letter, squinted his beady little eyes at it, and was aghast! "Terroristic acts! What do they know? That's ridiculous! TERRORISM?!?!? All I did was stalk a woman and burn down my own property, how is THAT like 9/11?" 

    Fucking moron. #freeKarineee

    • Love 3
  17. 3 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

    I think Deavan knows that no matter what, her mom will always be there to catch her, and to take care of whatever children she gives birth to.

    I think you can say the same about Ariela, except for the taking care of the children part. I think I read Deavan's mom is a bit of a social media...uh...presence. And I know this is a terrible thing to say, but there's something about giant thigh tattoos that just scream "long history of emotional damage" to me. And I have tattoos! I don't know why that particular tattoo sends up a flag (it's on the same list as face tattoo, front or side of neck tattoo, and knuckle tattoos that spell things), but look, I'm just being honest and living my truth. 


    8 minutes ago, Neurochick said:


    But I still felt the judgement oozing off of Janice and looking at Bini's family as if they were stuff on the bottom of her shoe.  

    I read that as caught off guard by the raw meat ritual, but to her credit she didn't do what Angeloa would have done. She partook without a production. 

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  18. 1 minute ago, Neurochick said:

    Thank God for that.  If Janice did that, her daughter would probably follow Deavan's example, have a baby with a man child she barely knows.  

    Eeeeh...little late on that score :). I really don't get how hard it is to manage birth control properly. GO ahead, have a vacation fuck sesh with whoever you want, but BIRTH CONTROL. 

    • Love 10
  19. 2 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

    So what do you suggest?  Dragging her back by her hair?  

    Sometimes you have to accept things.  Doesn't mean you agree with them though.

    I don't think that's her plan, to drag her back by her hair. I think she's just made this trip to see with her own eyes and to provide her daughter with honest parental feedback, maybe some "cold light of day" perspective that might have otherwise be or have been obscured by her love for Binyam, as they hadn't seen each other in months. Her daughter likely has a history of overlooking the massive challenges in front of her in relationships, and it seems Janice isn't basically Deaven's mom ("GET ON THIS PLANE WITH ME NOW" essentially). I could be wrong, but I get the feeling that Janice is only there to say "The no hot water thing, that's going to get pretty old, no?" or "Their drinking water reservoir is cleaned with leaves, hm, that's unusual." At the end, if Ariela is like "Hell or high water I'm staying here," I think Janice will tearfully depart, waiting and knowing that eventually she's going to have to bail her daughter out of this mess, hoping that she hasn't burned her US passport in the meantime.  

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  20. 11 minutes ago, magemaud said:

    Dr. Carmela Pettigrew is actually a board certified OB/GYN who heads a women's health facility called the "Rejuvenation Clinic" in Savannah, GA. I don't think she's Angela's usual GYN, but she agreed to be on the show, possibly for free television advertising. 

    I really want to learn that she's the one who made Michael's shirt, honoring the female genitals. 

    • LOL 4
  21. 9 minutes ago, athousandclowns said:

    I can not get over that doctor making that call to her. What a load of crap. 

    Wait, you mean you think that wildlife area they were at DIDN'T have free wi-fi to facilitate Ungee's call with that doctor??? Are you telling me that emotional scene was FAKE? I'm not sure what to believe anymore. I mean if you can't get your biopsy results feet away from a monkey humping its fist or fingering another monkey's butt (Honestly, this is why I don't go to zoos, not a legit moral objection but because I've seen way too much strange monkey behavior to explain to my kids at a young age...."That monkey just loves the other monkey and that's why he's got his finger in that other monkey's behind, it's how they show love" is not a really fun sentence to deliver), what kind of world are we living in?

    And with all her a-hootin and a-hollerin, I just wanted a monkey to drop down from a tree and fuck Angela's ear furiously while they tried to pry it away and Angela ran headlong into a tree knocking herself out.

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