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Everything posted by mamadrama

  1. "Fitness related content"? Seeing as to how this is coming from a person who seems to think that "modifying" a workout means sitting in a chair and Vogueing, I'm guessing she films herself molesting whatever poor sap comes over to visit her and calls it a day.
  2. In the previw for next week we can hear Le Dudezer Blur saying something like, "I saw how things went down with Chase and..." (I think he's referencing rabid fans). But she supposedly got this tutor AFTER she and Chase broke up, so...
  3. So either things went down pretty close to what were seeing and Whit is totally delusional about Le Dudezer Blur OR he truly was interested in her and post production is having the time of their lives in the editing room. Either scenario should have Whit examining her life choices.
  4. I'm so sorry about your dad. 😞 I didn't know that. I have power of attorney for my mom and she has a living will, but that only allows me to make decisions for her if she's incapacitated. Like during surgery. She's not ready for me to have any kind of guardianship. The laws and restrictions suck when you really are trying to help, but if we didn't have them in place then people would be declaring each other mentally incapacitated left and right and making decisions for their own benefits. Like Dee Blanchard and Gypsy. I agree about the stubbornness. These aren't people who are old and feeble, these are people who probably don't want to make changes because they like the way things are and don't like being bullied by their toddler-acting daughter (the one they created). Glen is still able to hold down a job and Babs can keep herself and the house tidy, film a reality show, and have functioning relationships with those around her. I don't think Glen will ever have Whitney become an official caregiver to him and Babs. My guess is that he'd move them into an assisted living facility first. He's no dummy. I really enjoyed the other women in the episode. The house they stayed in was cool, but LOTS of those have gone up over the island and it's becoming a problem. Developers are taking over the wetlands and it's becoming really congested and sad.
  5. Yeah, my little one was so close to getting vaccinated. I know it won't completely protect them, but I'll take whatever precaution I can. Yeah, Whitney does talk out of both sides of her mouth. She's crazy hypocritical about a lot of things. SHE can do X but others can't. It's exhausting. Re: the whole "caregiver" thing... Whitney is not her parents' caregiver. She arguably has one herself. Her parents are still of sound mind and are still physically and mentally able to take care of themselves and each other. I'm 41 and had a stroke 2 years ago. I am still able to go to doctors' appointments and confer with them about my ongoing care. I still have issues, but I certainly haven't needed my mother to make decisions for me. If Whitney becomes her parents' caregiver down the road (and I don't think she will) then they can cross that bridge when they get there. As of now, however, none of them are there. The only person in this situation who seems to have trouble making healthy and safe decisions about their own care is Whit.
  6. I totally forgot about her trip to Maine! So during the pandemic, a period in which she supposedly rarely the house and saw anyone, she traveled to Maine, SSI, France (for 6 weeks), the lake house, and Asheville... It's weird when your little corner of the world gets attention like that. You feel very protective of it. I don't want to get into a whole COVID discussion, but does anyone else find her views of it confusing? She acted like she was taking it very seriously with her isolation and masks, but then took a lot of trips. She got vaccinated but now acts like she's completely protected and doesn't seem concerned about the fact that she can still get it or pass it on. I know you can't just stop living, but so much of what she's done feels hypocritical. My 10yo has COVID right now so all 4 of us are quarantined. She's not having breathing difficulties but, as many kids do, is having a lot of ocular issues and inflammation. It's not pretty.
  7. Whit wouldn't have to worry about paying to redecorate their bedroom then because Babs and Dadwee would have more than enough dough after they collect from the resulting lawsuit.
  8. Unfortunately for the Dudezer it opened up just long enough for her to come over and plant herself there for 6 weeks. She oughta hook up with 90 Day Courteney. She also invited herself to Spanish "es no parm Corney" Antonio's house.
  9. I know lots of highly educated, religious, straight arrow people who have gotten caught up in drugs. The shit doesn't discriminate. But, yeah, he looks unwell. He's aged 10 years.
  10. Thanks! I'm bummed that Whitney got to go and I didn't. We didn't travel over the summer. Between my son's Hodgkin's Lymphoma and the pandemic we've pretty much stayed hermits.
  11. And the "fat cow" or whatever on the tour bus? You know, politely written on the banner, where it could be removed, and not on the bus itself? And the "fat leprechaun" at the parade?
  12. I hate Whitney's fake voice. "Oh, that's lovely!" She was wildly jealous of the other women. Also, that photographer looked average to me, not a "big girl." Whit enjoys putting others down. Anyone else concerned about Todd? Whititis, maybe? An allergy to toxic bullshit? That park has Native burial mounds. It's kind of a big deal. It really is beautiful. Me in the park: When your hair's the same color as the Spanish moss... Lots of bike paths around SSI. There are benches for you to stop and rest: My husband in the park: Causeway: My DD riding her horse through it: My son in the park:
  13. You're not alone. My friends in the village are saying it absolutely was and that they filmed that same scene twice in different locations.
  14. I 110% believe that the fat hecklers in this situation were part of the production crew. The people I know in my SSI Facebook group are pissed. I have no doubt that this happens, but I don't believe this was organic. It wouldn't be the first time that the show has used production staff to pretend to bully Whitney.
  15. .I don't know why that posted twice... What is it with her and traveling? "It feels so good to get out!" Bitch, all you've done is go on vacation during this pandemic! Lake House, mountain house, SSI, 6 weeks in Paris...
  16. Okay, so I live part of the year on St Simon's, about 3 blocks from their rental house. 1. NOBODY would ever bring blankets or yoga mats to that park and lie down. Ever. That park is beautiful, but it's a biking/walking park and it is FULL of Spanish moss (bugs) and fire ants. Fire ants everywhere. Like, horror movie level. Picture below. 2. I'm calling shenanigans on the people who screamed at the fat girls. They were there on the off season which meant mostly locals. The people on SSI are warm, friendly, and welcoming. In the 10 years I've been there I've never heard of a fat person being heckled. Ever. My mom's 400lbs and gets out every day on the beach, paths, etc. She prefers it there because people are so friendly.
  17. I actually do, too. I was just disappointed to learn that if I'm on a tour of Italy and I stumble upon a derelict villa I can't just throw some money down and expat myself to Florence.
  18. I understood what you meant. You were using the "surface level/outside" definition of "superficial", not the "fake" one. 😊
  19. I've decided that this poor dude had NO idea that he was playing the part of her love interest. He was just some local videographer production hired when they were in France. He just wanted to earn a few extra bucks for studio time so that he could lay down some new beats. Now he's watching this whole thing unfold in horror.
  20. A hostel in Turkey will run him around $6-18 per night depending on whether it's a dorm room or private. That's not terrible but when you add it on to her apartment and those expenses it could add up.
  21. Look at you, asking the real questions! 😊 Seriously, though, I do the same.
  22. It depends on where he teaches. My highly educated, published husband is a college professor at the #1 school in our state, one of the top schools in the south, and he earns less than my mom who teaches for the local school district. University budgets have huge variations across the board and have been steadily declining
  23. It's like TLC managed to take every horrible, boring HOUSE HUNTERS INTERNATIONAL couples and gave them their own show. I feel like every one of these couples is frauding or trolling us this season. Bini and Ari? I think she married him so that he could get a Green card. She's secretly been in love with him all this time but it hasn't been reciprocated. Or he's gay. Or Andro is dating Ari and Bini is dating his ex and all 4 of them are frauding us. No way did Ellie sell her pizza place OR her condo. It really says something when Kenny & Armando's biggest drama is that his daughter is sad that she lost her free babysitter. Sumit and Jenny are just sad. I'm embarrassed FOR her. I've known many Hare Krishnas and they frown heavily upon sex outside of marriage. They *might* let it go for devotional devotees, but not for missionaries. The temple leader was totally hor, though. Like an Indian Father Tiffany. WTF are Corey and Evilin still doing on here? And why is TLC pretending They HAVE to be trolling us. She's not that awful and he's not that stupid. Although his face was never more punchable than when he was talking about the prom dress in his talking head. I may have zoned out. How are Alina and SteVen going to live in Turkey? You can't just decide to up and move there. I have friends there and it's hella hard to get residency, especially for Russians. How will either of them work? I hate it when they make it look like you can just up and move to wherever you want, whenever. (Looking at YOU 'Under the Tuscan Sun.") I guess I don't give AF about any of these people. The only one I find remotely interesting is Steven and Alina, and that's because I'm not sure where it's going.
  24. I'd never heard of these so I did some Googling. So you basically cook them, drain them, pass them through a sieve, dehydrate them, and add a shit ton of butter? Except for the dehydration part that's how we've been making them in my neck of the woods since the last century. Adding butter to emulsify the dehydrated potatoes makes me think of instant ones. I like my potatoes creamy (no lumps) but I prefer them fluffier. They should've called this season "Master Purees."
  25. I caved and watched the call. By the end of the convo my 14yo son and I were holding on to each other and shouting, "Make it stop!"
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