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Everything posted by Nanna

  1. Me, excitedly to my husband last night: “The Duke of Windsor is back in this episode, I’m O happy!” That actor really nails the part. I think he probably believed his own story about wanting peace and whatever by this point, and also his resentment against his family was big enough to justify siding with the enemy to himself, I guess. I also liked Philip this episode, which is a first - they kind of seemed like a good couple here, with all their differences. Also, the funniest part was when the duke of Windsor REALLY didn’t like the idea of being associated with TRADE. For the upper classes trade is the worst and most vulgar. A great detail - and hilarious that he thought he’d be better at the diplomacy that consisted of entertaing. So basically doing the same thing he did anyway, but now with a “purpose”. Boy, what a shallow human being.
  2. I think there's some sense in the bread thing? Something about moldy bread actually containing penicillin? Of course Ma didn't know about antibiotics, but the wisdom of ye ole times...
  3. Oh, Clare, shut up and leave the show already. It's not nice to say it, but isn't Brandon kind of an okay boyfriend in this episode?
  4. Kelly saying that she "tried everything to make it work with Valerie" is rich. Exactly what did she try and when? Perhaps she's referring to the last episode where she included Val in the dinner she was making at the house where Val lives (that was so big of her.) And what's with the "we can't both live in this house"? She doesn't actually live there. It doesn't really matter since she's there all the time, but if I was in Brandon's (tiny) shoes, I'd be pissed - now Kelly's the one to decide who lives in the house? I liked that in Kelly's retcon fantasy, Val says something about her going to Dylan now that Brandon's turned her down. Which is precisely the kind of thing Kelly does over and over again, nice that she somehow acknowledges it herself. Also, her saying that Val is inconsistent about who's the love of her life ... really, Kelly? Are you sure you wanna go down that road? David saying that he doesn't know what more to do and then mentioning bringing condoms is HILARIOUS. As if the condoms are what will finally make her give in. "Oh condoms?! You must really love me."
  5. "Went to my favorite coffee shop. Meet (sic) some friends from school." What's the point of writing something that vague and non-specific in your own diary? This sounds like a writing exercise or one of those texts you read when you're trying to learn a new language. Why not write "I went to the Peach Pit where I met Donna and Clare" - because, let's face it, that's her favorite coffee shop and her only friends from school or anywhere. I simply can't stand that kind of infantilising "love symbols": the baby voice. The magic wand. Barf. Last, but not least: did Val only bring one bottle of bubbles? Did that get three people drunk? (I also complained about a whole bunch of people getting drunk on one vodka melon in the Real Life episode, guess my alcohol soaked scandinavian lifestyle doesn't really match the cleaner life of the Hillsters.) ETA: I now see that she brought at least two bottles. Makes more sense.
  6. LVP hs got to be Mariah. For writing a stupid book about angels (barf), for assuring Brandon how great he is and last but not least for being totally inappropriate: it is just not okay to show up a a person’s life and tell him he’s dating the wrong person. We know that he doesn’t give a shit about Tracy, but it is really not her place to give advice about that. Just think it and shut up about it, you don’t know any of the people involved and you’re talking to angels. Idiot. And also: was it really this season that Brandon was in Texas. It seems longer.
  7. Yeah, I came here to make that exact point. “Let’s go catch our own food and be really close to nature ... like every day of our lives.”
  8. Cindy obviously fled Hong kong to avoid seeing Brandon.
  9. Donna looks like a serial killer in the shot of her and Felice. On the bright side she hugs ALMOST normally in the next picture instead of her usual weird stiff fingers hugging.
  10. D & D do look good! (And I want that red shirtdress). But didn't Donna already reach the "it's all up to me what being a good girl means"-conclusion in the episode where she talks to her priest after meeting him in the adult section of the video store? But then again, this show is not above repeating storylines, Saint Kelly and the runaway kid is really a repeat of Brandon and the "You suck!" kid. (Not that I remember how this story ends so I could be surprised but I really don't care enough to be)
  11. Add in that Kelly was the one to brutally dump Brandon (after cheating on him with his friend), so perhaps he's kind of right to expect that she should come to him if she's ready to be in a relationship with him?! I don't want to be on Brandon's side ever, but I get why he's waiting for her to make a first move, seeing as he loved her before and she was ready to dump him without any real warning. On another note: it is weird that the writers only know how to write the most unpleasant stories kind of well: Sue Scanlon's creepy uncle, the Donna and Ray abusiveness story, Val's monster of a father. When it comes to normal relations between siblings or whatever they have no idea how ti write a good story. How old is Randy Spelling supposed to be? Why do they act as if he's 12? If he's 16 or so, I'm sure he can handle having consentual sex without having some big talk with Steve.
  12. Donna, take your shoes off when you're on the bed. Felice has raised you to higher standards than wearing shoes in bed.
  13. If any of you are interested in false confessions you should check the out the case of "Thomas Quick": https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sture_Bergwall Several very interesting books are written about him in Swedish, I don't know if they're translated, but it is probably the most extreme false confession case ever. (Hint: if you give a very mentally ill and drugabusing man drugs a positive attention + coach him enough, he'll confess to be a serial killer)
  14. Great episode. I went ahead and watched the first two episodes of The Confession Tapes, and it's both heartbreaking and shocking. That the police would call that guy's job and make sure to ruin his life if he didn't testify was really ... I don't know what to say. On a positive note, it's very well made and def one of the better true crime shows out there.
  15. That's gotta be the coldest response ever to someone saying "I love you". And Brandon is supposed to be the good guy, the boy scout and so on?! He and Kelly deserve each other. She's the worst friend to Donna and generally just the worst. It's actually kind of involuntary funny that Donna consistenly through the show has been the good and lotal friend, but when she needs friends no one really has time for her.
  16. I think there was a line i Scream about Tori - something about the main character wondering who would play her if her life was made in to a movie. Her bf(?) says "a young Meg Ryan" but she guesses that with her luck, it will be Tori Spelling. IIRC.
  17. How nice for Donna. All of her friends treating her as a hysterical wolf-crying idiot (Okay, I'll excuse them for the idiot part) when someone is actually threathening to kill her. Sigh. And acting as if it's weird to be scared of a guy who almost raped her not that long ago. On the other hand, this is a show that wanted us to think that a year was more than enough to totally get over your son/brother/best friend accidentially shooting himself to death, so why am I surprised? On another note: Tracy should realise that Brandon only slept with her because some one else was interested in her. (Oh boy, have I been there in my early twenties, guys who weren't the least bit interested until competition came along and they had to enter the territorial pissing contest. Wait, perhaps I slept with Brandon?!)
  18. So, this is a sentence I never thought I would write (my English teachers should know how I'm using what they taught me): I'm looking forward to the hostage situation. Donna's weather girl stuff is so awful that killing everyone at the tv station seems to be a fair response.
  19. I'm not sure if I ever really watched this stretch of episodes (I certainly don't remember much of it) - and I've definitely never seen Brandon play the jeweler (well, maybe I blocked it out) and I'm SO HAPPY that I'll get to hear our hosts have rage strokes over it. Your pain is my gain.
  20. The old folks ARE cute (and I must be getting old since I find the chancellor to way more attractive than Brandon). It must be killing Kelly that her sister is so pretty, how can se be sure that she herself is the prettiest in the world? She looks good for once, though, so perhaps the christmas spirit is good for her.
  21. I just came here to say that - why is Steve not expelled? He admits that he stole the paper and submitted it as his own, so ... Does he even have to write another paper? (I get that no one is supposed to care about Steve in this plotline, but it is still weird not to end it by "Steve has to take the class again and do some work", but whatever). I actually want to side with Brandon for once, I get why he doesn't want to admit to cheating when he didn't (wouldn't be good for his presidential campaign when someone digs up that he avoided being kicked out for cheating by admitting to cheating, Bran the Man knows his way around campaigns now), but the problem is that he brays so much about everything that it is unacceptable even the few times when he is justified in his braying. I must admit that I love Steve's "no one can humiliate Steve Sanders more than Steve Sanders". Spoken like a true expert in fuck ups. In real life, however, I feel like something like this would have cost him a) Brandon's friendship, b) his place to live, and c) his girlfriend, becausd Clare wouldn't be caught dead with a stupid cheater.
  22. I'm saving listening to this episode for end of holiday trainride (booh) on Friday, så for now I'll just admit to having shoes very much like Donna's clodhoppers. They cost me a sprained ankle and since then I have looked at platform heels with suspicion.
  23. Is it wrong to think that Donna's outfit is kind of cute? (At least she would have looked good the ladt tine anyone saw her if she'd died while trying to rescue Bambi). On the other hand, Kelly looks SO bad. I really hope Garth is pregnant, there's no other excuse to dress her in that dress.
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