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marina to

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Posts posted by marina to

  1. For those who didn't see The Problem with Jon Stewart, I really encourage you to check out the YouTube channel to watch the clips and/or listen to the podcast. He made a point on that show to have a diverse room and to promote his writers to share their perspectives so it seems he took the diversity criticism to heart. This makes me very excite to see what happens now.


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  2. Since the previous thread was closed and the one person who responded repeated what I already knew, I'll ask again. When the show came back after the writers strike, did Dulce every get to finish out her week that was cut short by the strike? I hope that short time gets taken into account here and they make sure her and the other correspondents who didn't get their week get more time.

  3. I remember when the Lac-Mégantic derailment happened but I had no idea that much was wiped out. After that I know there were calls for tighter regulations in Canada but I don't know how far that got. Anyone know?


    Answered my own question. A mini series was done this year. There was more tragedy. At least one of the first responders later took their life.


    And they're still trying to build a bypass of the town.


    And some regulations were tightened up but there's still a lot that the railroad companies are hiding from municipalities.

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  4. I appreciated that despite what some people seem to have taken from this episode, he repeated again and again that what Hamas did was terrible. I've saw people say he was minimizing what Hamas did but I don't see it at all.

    For me, I've never understood why terrorist attacks are considered justification for wars. Isn't Mossad considered one of the best intelligence and special operation forces in the world? Why aren't small task forces being talked about? Why does the response always seem to to kill 3 times the amount of innocent people the terror attack killed?

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  5. So happy that John won the bird contest. He had way too much fun spending corporate daddy's money on that one. 

    Same old story. Ask people to do what there should be twice the amount of staff to do. Dollar stores here in Canada aren't usually that bad and a lot of the ones here in Toronto have security guards. Granted though, we generally don't have that many food deserts thanks to our grocery cartel. They all have discount grocery stores that compete with dollar stores.

    Dollar Tree has tried to make a dent here but our big gorilla is Dollarama. I decided to see what they made last quarter:


    Sales increased by 19.6% to $1,455.9 million • Comparable store sales increased by 15.5% over and above a 13.2% growth the previous year

    Bad times seem to be good for them too.

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  6. On 10/9/2023 at 9:10 AM, JustHereForFood said:

    Also, this will probably not be popular, but that woman who was for homeschooling because to her the curriculum was too whitewashed looked like the same type of fanatic to me as parents who don't want their children to learn about slavery or LGBT+ people. She still supports the flawed system that is against people like her, just from the other end. I get that she's probably right about the curriculum, but the correct way IMO would be to try to change it for all schools, not to create one for her own children. Plus, you know, parents can still let their children go to school AND teach them the other stuff they want them to know in their free time.

    What free time? If she is responsible for dinner, laundry and getting children to bed, or even driving kids around to extra curricular activities, there may not be the time to counteract the messages they are getting that their history is not worth mentioning and that they are less than the white kids. She mentioned how it was making the environment uncomfortable for the child and you are branding her a fanatic for wanting to shield her child from in-your-face racism?

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  7. On 9/8/2023 at 6:41 AM, phlebas said:

    All of this may change in my mind if I hear that Melissa Navia or Melanie Scrofano is unhappy with her lack of screen time. Or are traumatized by having to sing.

    Can't speak to Scrofano but Navia is a musical theatre vet and may be more unhappy she didn't get to sing more.

  8. On 3/26/2023 at 11:12 AM, Lantern7 said:

    The “M’Wanda” or “muh Wanda” thing . . . is that derived from televangelists, back when John and Rachel were goofing on them? It’s just weird.

    Yes, it started with the televangelist bit and has just carried over.

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  9. On 6/19/2022 at 9:20 AM, aemom said:

    The actor is legally blind, so perhaps filming is a big struggle for them, and their agreement with the show is that he is on more sparingly than the rest of the cast.

    I know this was a long time ago, trying to make sense of why he wasn't being used, but I know said actor and for years he's made a living touring one-man shows across the country. He's adapted to the little vision he has, so a lot of filming would not have been the issue. Just want it on the record. 😉

  10. I have known the actor who plays Hemmer for a long time, and it's my bad it took me this long to watch the show. I was thrilled when he was announced because he's every bit as open and dignified as the character he played. So it was a shame I had to fast forward through much of this episode because I don't watch horror. (I value my sleep. Could have done without this horror turn in the show.) And like so many have said here, I wish he hadn't been killed off so soon. I would have loved for him to show off more of what he does. 

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