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Everything posted by bblancobrnx

  1. I just gotta say, I thought this spoof they did was absolutely brilliant! I was laughing non stop. I was happy to see the cast had no problem poking fun at themselves and the ridiculousness of the show. Kristen saying how she had been living at SUR for weeks, and then her in the background of every scene drinking with phone in hand. It was so spot on. I wonder who actually wrote it. It seemed about as organic as the actual show does. I just gotta say bravo, BRAVO!
  2. So, after Mike throwing Amanda, I was SHOCKED to not immediately see MTV's usual PSA about domestic violence...but then a couple commercial breaks later there it was. Good old MTV. I guess the disgust of all his fellow cast mates, his ostracization, and his tearful apology was not enough to show the audience how awful domestic violence is...they still had the good old PSA with link
  3. This so much right here. 5 vikes a day? Even the responsible functioning tv addict Dr. House was taking way more vikes than that...and treating patients. Probably more like 5 OC 80's a day if we are talking about an addiction that has truly changed Shay's personality as Scheana is leading us to believe. That has gotta be part of the nose job. They must have needed to insert or remove something and that is where they got the access from
  4. I figured out why James is starting to grow on me. He is such a caricature with his insanely chiseled features that he seems like a cartoon to me. His expressions are just so goofy I can't seem to get enough of watching him talk.
  5. Is this new? I never noticed it in previous seasons. Possible she had it and rarely wore iy...but now I am really dying to know
  6. Has Katie always had that small ring in her septum, or is that something new for this season? I have never noticed it before
  7. So, I think the main players (the ones in the opening) make at least $100k for the season, maybe more. I recall seeing somewhere that they made 5k per episode (and this was a season or 2 ago) and were trying to get a raise to 10k per episode. There are like 20 episodes (at least there was last year so I am expecting the same this year) so they gotta be making $100-$200k
  8. Sooooooo, just gotta say that good olé James is really growing on me. I feel like he may be front and center this year in the drama. I loved his "whaaaaaaaat?" After chugging about 12 shots of fireball. He is still young enough that his alcohol use is not yet to an alarming point. A far cry from a 30 - something entering the bar and doing 7 shots in a row. Buuuuut, he should be careful...
  9. I am just now re watching this episode and I think it is hilarious the change we see in Arianna's attitude about Kristen. I guess she no longer is able to just pretend kristen doesn't bother her. Either that or TPTB are trying to make it a recurring storyline again and have told her to complain incessantly about it. I did not realize how much I really did not like ariana until I watched all of the prior episodes back to back and started realizing every time she was on screen that I was annoyed Oh she is there. Right behind Arianna in the intro
  10. I love seeing the new Ariana who is bothered by everything that Kristen does. Gone are the days where she is sitting there saying "Kristen does not have the ability to make me uncomfortable" and trying to act too cool for school.
  11. No you are not! I do miss the bottle Flat Iron Tom flipped in the season 1 and 2 intros that very obviously fell to the floor right after the cut away, but I have a big grin whenever I see the intro. Uhhhhh, cocaine is a helluva drug. Me think he has dissolved so much cartilage that his nose goes wonky and then he needs a repair. Rinse. Repeat. I forsee a nose job every couple years in his future. I finally just watched the first episode and I am totally embarrassed at how excited I am that this mess is back. I actually watched the first 3 seasons in their entirety on Hulu before watching this episode (which is why i didn't see it until today) and I just can't believe how great it is. This mess really is responsible for keeping me warm all winter long. Viewing would not be the same without all of you in this forum. I love you all long time
  12. Oooh how exciting! I had assumed they had always been there because I only checked the first time a few days ago. I haven't even watched the first season 4 episode yet because I am waiting until I make my way though all of the old episodes first. I am on season 2 secrets revealed right now
  13. Is this new? I borrowed my friends Hulu password because I went on and saw all the seasons. Loving it. Been binge watching for 3 days. The biggest thing it is reminding me of is what a disgusting human being Stassi is. Her interviews can be funny, and she has been through a whole lot of crazy bullshit with these morons, but she is a real asshole. I love to watch bad stuff happen to her. Yeah I know that makes me no better ;)
  14. Looks like the producers didn't give schwartz enough of Katie's back story when they paired them up
  15. It looked to me like Schwartz was wearing nylons with those shoes...not bare feet....which may actually be stranger come to think of it. Oh, and was that Jax watching the "Jason Cauchee" fitness app in his tv? Seriously? Was that like a plug for the app or something? Why would he be doing that in any reasonable world? Oh yeah I forgot this was filmed like months and months ago...The app probably was brand new at this point
  16. So do i!!!! Maybe it is 4 inches thick?
  17. Well, here we are in the face of a blizzard and I don't even care. I only care that the power stays on so I can watch this episode several times as I am thirsty to see it after reading these posts. For some reason my DVR did not record the first look, but in some ways that makes it all the better because I will get a fresh 44 minutes instead of only a fresh 33 minutes. Either way I am so excited for this little gem!
  18. Well, I don't think you.can have as much sex as Jax does and not be pretty good at it!
  19. Once again Jax proves what an idiot he truly is. Thinks the only part of a "relationship" that means anything is sex. "Carmen is the best sex I have ever had, and from what she has told me, I am the best that she's ever been with, so why would she want to date other people? I just don't get it." Well, probably because everything besides the sex is absolutely awful and you skeeve her out. It just goes to show yet again how truly juvenile and shallow Jax truly is. He has no idea what makes a real relationship. Everything is only about sex with him
  20. They may shower every day, but when you drink as much as they do while constantly blowing lines of coke it tends to make you super greasy
  21. $5,000 for the ENTIRE first season? Wow! Just WOW! Even $50,000 would not be enough to make me look this bad on national tv. I can make that easily in construction in 6 months without giving up a lick of privacy
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