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Posts posted by Babyitsmb

  1. 55 minutes ago, Evil Queen said:

    I have only watched this off of FYI. I know they started showing it on A&E as well but still stick to just watching on where I had been. I agree it is a cop out when its the same company producing and A&E owns FYI. As well as the matches being the "experts" faults and drama being productions (as well as the idiot "experts"). 

    So now you are going back to saying "successful couple" and before that none and before that successful. We are not talking ratings and ratings was never mentioned nor was the success of the show. It was about the couples. I'm confused on which the information is you are supposedly getting here and passing on. 

    I'm getting off of here I think I may have given a little to much information about myself 

  2. 35 minutes ago, Evil Queen said:

    This has nothing to do with the ratings and the show being canceled. This was not mentioned until recently. You said you were told by "your contact" a successful couple was going to happen from this season. Then said there wasn't and now you said there is. I have seen you say you think there will be which is fine but different from being told by whoever else that there is or isn't. I was trying to understand this back and forth you give on what you are claiming you are getting from someone on the show. I don't need to be told how ratings work or not. I think most of us know how it works. 


    24 minutes ago, jenrising said:

    But you just said your "source" claimed all of the couples broke up, so why did you report this to us if you don't believe them? It doesn't make any sense. 

  3. 37 minutes ago, Evil Queen said:

    This has nothing to do with the ratings and the show being canceled. This was not mentioned until recently. You said you were told by "your contact" a successful couple was going to happen from this season. Then said there wasn't and now you said there is. I have seen you say you think there will be which is fine but different from being told by whoever else that there is or isn't. I was trying to understand this back and forth you give on what you are claiming you are getting from someone on the show. I don't need to be told how ratings work or not. I think most of us know how it works. 

  4. 53 minutes ago, Evil Queen said:

    I have only watched this off of FYI. I know they started showing it on A&E as well but still stick to just watching on where I had been. I agree it is a cop out when its the same company producing and A&E owns FYI. As well as the matches being the "experts" faults and drama being productions (as well as the idiot "experts"). 

    So now you are going back to saying "successful couple" and before that none and before that successful. We are not talking ratings and ratings was never mentioned nor was the success of the show. It was about the couples. I'm confused on which the information is you are supposedly getting here and passing on. 

  5. 31 minutes ago, crazychicken said:

    No the experts were quite clear from the start if they did not believe in the matches the show would not go ahead Dr C banged on about it constantly online, so the crap matches are the experts fault the drama is productions fault. The channel is a cop out it is still produced by the same company, they both contain the same content during season 2 I noticed that A&E's previews were more dramatic but the show was the same (FYI had a few extended scenes that were

    31 minutes ago, crazychicken said:

    No the experts were quite clear from the start if they did not believe in the matches the show would not go ahead Dr C banged on about it constantly online, so the crap matches are the experts fault the drama is productions fault. The channel is a cop out it is still produced by the same company, they both contain the same content during season 2 I noticed that A&E's previews were more dramatic but the show was the same (FYI had a few extended scenes that were online after but the show was the same). I just watched the A & E preview for the next episode and it was way less dramatic than FYI's, they do not seem to be promoting the show very much online anymore, I wonder if they will dump it.

    from the point of view of the show its always the cast fault that's why whenever the experts got into hot water on the 6 month later show they would always turn in back on the cast after they put Jessica and Ryan together I knew those experts weren't going to come back those were horrible matches

  6. 15 minutes ago, crazychicken said:

    That is what is strange to me, production call the couples successful if they choose to stay married on decision day but the whole premise of the show was to see if science could produce long lasting marriages. I can not remember who remained together at the 6 week mark but by 6 months all season 2 & 3 couples had split, so I call all those marriages a failure. Just looked at wiki 5/9 stayed together on decision day so they claim 55% success while in reality it is 22% at least until Jamie gets offered a divorce special. So my answer is the matching process sucks and is to blame, as other have said it is just an entertainment show now. Due to the drama content I struggle to root for any of the couples and that is solely down to production. The first season the biggest drama was Doug lied about a cigarette and Vaughn suggested a threesome it was just a,lot more organic. I would love for the show to go a less dramatic route so that I want to see the couples succeed, that is why I still love the Australian version.

    You can't go the less drama route when it's on a and e that's why I wish the show would go back to FYI where they were able to be more serious and make sure the couples were 100 percent right the problem isn't the matching the department is the casting department you can only match what your given 

  7. 8 hours ago, Evil Queen said:

    Yet didn't you say earlier when the show started that your contact said that at least 1 or 2 were a success? So now its no one? 

    I didn't think it too long before talking about another season. The way it is nowadays with all types of shows. Its not just reality. Heck Castle fans found out what, a week before the last episode that it was going to be the end? Nashville was about the same way too. Some shows weren't given the go ahead either until the last minute of the seasons. But during that whole mess with Season 2, they already had the next season married and filming. This last season it wasn't to long in that word was out that the next batch was married and filming. So I can see the Chicago set already on their way to getting married and filming. Which of course the link wouldn't be working for applying to the show if they are done casting the next season and they are set to go. Now I wouldn't be surprised though IF it was the last season considering how the show has been after the first season but that is the "experts" and productions fault for casting more for drama. 

    I heard the show was going to be successful that means different things to different people to us that means a successful couple to the prodcuers and network that might mean good ratings like last season it was a success to the producers and the network because it got good ratings but to us it was horrible now I think their will be a successful couple this season because how can you have a so called experiment go on 3 season without that so called experiment turning into the bachelor where you have couples that don't last long but they don't care because the ratings are amazing I've worked for this production company before they are amazing at what they do I might go back into the production field but I've switched careers 

  8. 1 hour ago, biakbiak said:

    But it didn't take them that long to announce the season, the couples were married in April (see original spoiler thread) so been less than five months which means they probably haven't even filmed the reunion so it doesn't seem like the filming to air was much different than previous seasons and this network usually announces specific premiere dates only two or three months beforehand. 

    It was longer I think but I do believe this season is a make or break I think their casting for another season but the link they gave on Facebook no longer works

    the one difference I do realize from season to season even tho their going through the same casting process it does seem a little rushed they are letting people like Heather and Ashley through that they didn't let through the first season it's either the two completely lied on their questionnaires and to the experts or the casting professionals over looked somethings

  9. 12 minutes ago, ctbabe said:

    I dont believe it. 

    That's why it took a and e so long to announce this season because I think they were waiting for the results of the show to end filming I thought it was going to get cancelled because they were getting really bad headlines from the Ryan and Jessica situation they really messed up castings himcasting him

    15 minutes ago, HZAnita said:


    Oh nooo!:(  I'm disappointed, but not surprised, I guess.

    Nothing I wrote there is something you should be disappointed in I just heard something from a former person I interned on another show with will see if it's true

  10. That's why whenever you hear the producers of the show talk they are very happy with the show because the show makes money and the producers get paid to put together a show that brings ratings they don't get paid based off of the successful couples

    Once the show is green lit and the filming starts they can't just go redo a whole show if their isn't successful couples what usually Happens after the first couple seasons the network will give the go ahead and see the outcome then green lit

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  11. 45 minutes ago, crazychicken said:

    For me knowing who stayed together would not ruin it for me, I would probably watch more intently to see how their communication and connection developed. I feel they are actually shooting themselves on the foot with the drama as I start to become annoyed at the participants so am no longer rooting for them to last. It is the dramatic editting of the show that has turn it into the mess it is today the first season was so much more authentic even with Jamie involved.

    From what I heard from someone close to the show none of the cast is this season will be successful he didn't go into detail now I know for producers a good season is good ratings but I think he meant a successful couple because the last two seasons had amazing ratings but it was looked at by the wider public as failure 

  12. I want to stress again as someone that has worked on a reality tv show editing team don't read to much into the previews or the episodes now they are trying to create some unknown so you don't know the ending of everything could predict the ending by now then there would be no point in watching the ending

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  13. 9 minutes ago, Enero said:

    I agree on the WTF. I guess once again the previews for the next episode implied what doesn't actually happen. Or worse they do have sex and never do again due to a lack of sexual chemistry. Shocker. Not. Lol. 

    I can't believe Heather and Derek are still hanging on in episode 8. It must be for the money. I wonder if they get compensated if they make it to the end?

    It would be hilarious and shocking if they were the only couple that continued on after the show. Not likely, but still, the thought of that happening would make for a great twist on the show.


    I agree about the kissing, to a point. Nick IMO wasn't always awkward with the romantic gestures. During and after the wedding, even the first day of their honeymoon he wasn't awkward with the kisses but then things got kind of weird. They even stopped holding hands. Don't know if the producers asked him to do this to bring some drama to their storyline or what. But it was just strange. 

    All of that said, I do think Nick and Sonia will become real friends.  They IMO seem the most genuine in their affinity for each other or maybe they're just dam good actors. Lol. 

    I'm guessing they will last or atleast stay together on the final she just seems so happy about the experience for it to be a bad outcome and their is little hints here and there

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  14. 3 hours ago, Jellybeans said:

    How do you know?  I believe you but am wondering...

    It says on the guide website where it gives you the 9 of the epd and it tells you kinda what the themes of the epd is

    57 minutes ago, crazychicken said:

    Surprises me as well, considering she checked out day 2 and they do not look like they move in together after the honeymoon I thought that she would choose to bolt at the first opportunity.


    I am also a bit WTF about Sonia & Nick going to a tantric healer, maybe it will kick start something but he just looks so awkward even kissing her I can't imagine him doing this session well.

    We are on epd 6 7 next week so it's not that long

  15. 1 hour ago, cecig75 said:

    She could've have said thanks, but no thanks. She had to know what this show was about and she would have cameras following her for 6 weeks. If I was paranoid about that, I would've never signed up for an experiment like this.

    The truth is she doesn't like Derrick. I was really trying to like her...there's only so much you can blame editing for. Let us not forget Ashley and Ryan D. 

    I know people love to bash Derrick and the other guys, pick on Sonia and Lillian's looks, and even talk about Heather's resting b%*&^ face, but we have to remember this is all for ratings.

    I recently met someone who has ties to reality tv and was contacted by an agent to be one of the eligible suitors for Vanessa's dating show. The agent went over how many dates he would be required to go on and how he would be compensated, but he declined because he's looking for real love. 

    It proves we are watching Days of Our Lives mixed with a little Bachelor...

    My friend went through the process for the first season of married at first sight he had to go through 5 interviews a 100 question questionnaire a full background check and another full meeting explaining the show to him it was impressive he ended up deciding after all that the show wasn't for him but he did tell me they were serious about what they were doing and it didn't seem like they were picking the best looking to be on the cast even though he was kinda wealthy 

    At the end of the day the experts have to get the matching right you can cast the best people ever but if the experts don't match them with anything your not going to get the credit 

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  16. 11 hours ago, Evil Queen said:

    Agree...IMO the only reason someone would all of a sudden want one is they find out there is money or something of worth to keep to themselves and don't want to tell that person out of fear they take it all. IMO Lilly doesn't come off as if she would be like that but in the end you just never know with people I guess. I guess I could have asked for one years later since I had no clue that when my Grandma died she had set up her living trust to give us grandkids part of things at 45. She covered things pretty well in the trust that no one could have it unless we each stated so and who. Otherwise it goes back into the trust and split up again to everyone else still living. Which I have been married to long that I wouldn't even have though to bother or cared to. Yet with this show, like I said, I think its to create drama between them. 

    Sam does a blog now too doesn't she? SMH I think Nick is the worse with doing this though. While some got things out of it after the fact, they weren't promoting (aside from Jacklyn) businesses. What they got was after the shows and they would have had no clue those things were to come. IMO though it comes off in VERY bad light seeing people promote their businesses and that is when you start to question the person's motive. 

    Honestly unless we see it we have no clue. Sure we know it covers what comes in since its been said but I bet if they ask to cover anything during the show that it would be as well since they could be working their everyday jobs on top of filming and probably wouldn't want to share even that. I just call this all created drama though.

    my friend lost his business because he thought he had a prenup but the business took off during the marriage so yeah you got to be careful

  17. The prenup doesn't do the full job it covers what they walk into the marriage with it doesn't cover the assets made during the marriage so let's say they are married a couple of years and good money is made the other partner may be in for that money so a post prenup makes clear any money made during the marriage stays with the person it's made with

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