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Everything posted by ctbabe

  1. She defended him on twitter when someone said he was so needy.. she said we were still trying to figure things out but she delete the comment later. I am sorry I don't believe the he didn't communicate off camera. She never said anything on the diary cam and even when the camera was around. She inferred that he might have been affectionate towards her off camera, when she was talking to Dr C. Also remember they went to get the fish on their own. I see this as face saving, sorry. I don't even know where to start regarding Sammmm... it take a lot to forgive THAT type of behavior.
  2. I totally agree abt Ashley not wanting to look bad on camera. Same with Neil. ItS like after 3weeks, I still don't know them. She is just so wrong for the show.
  3. I swear I feel like they were given extra clips because I must have missed most of these. Even Ashley defended David when someone called him needy on twitter. BTW What would you guys expect from him after that bombshell, holding hands with Ash (Damn no touching is even allowed) and singing kumbaya? Of course it would take TIME to figure out what to do next. If I were him, I would start acting exactly like she was acting after the honeymoon. Playing on my phone and minding my own business. The tolerance level would reduce drastically because this is a lose -lose situation.
  4. I don't know where to start dissecting this comment. 1. 'The tv David is not the real david' because he is pushing her to get physical. I think because the show is Called MARRIED AT FIRST SIGHT', He was expecting someone that really wanted to get married like him.he wasn't expecting sex from her just hold hands and TALKING. 2. The pity party you are talking is always done on his diary cam. What is the benefit of a diary camera when you can't say how you truly feel? After Dr Pepper's visit, he wanted to talk abt the visit right after And Ash wasn't ready. He said his peace and respectfully left. I actually feel that Ashley is more aware of the camera than he is. If you know him personally and have proof of how manipulative he is, please present it. However based on what was shown I disagree.
  5. Thank you so much for your comment. I started wondering if some people were given extra footage of David raping and sexually assaulting her. Please read all the knot interviews by both parties and somethings might become clearer.
  6. I think they were goodnight pecks not kisses.I could be wrong though
  7. Hmmmmm... I thought Ashly's friend said he ignores her. How can he be forcing himself on her when he doesn't acknowledge her? Pleaseeeeeee
  8. Why is she living on twitter? Does she still work?
  9. Why would they need 3 episodes for a txt msg, if she doesn't care? This is a get out of jail card for her. I do believe a lot of things happened when the camera wasn't there. Ashley cares but is stuck on the 'type'. If I were David, I would stick in there, collect my pay and get out.
  10. I totally agree. They blame editing when things don't go their way.
  11. David actually responded and called Ashley's friend a troll. He said she wasn't at their place for more than 5mins so I could she know anything.. Ouchhhhh
  12. Did you see how David addressed her on twitter? She really should have stayed out of it. Saying he might be cray cray to use the L_word... #twitterbattle
  13. I don't blame David for this interview. He has to defend himself. I don't call this throwing her under the bus, Its called clarifying misconceptions. Of course she wasn't going to do the fish bowl even off camera
  14. I would try. Findings: 1. On instagram, Ashley said she was asked her longest relationship and she then said how long she had been single. I think she is inferring that her 9yrs relationship wasn't the last one. 2. She wasnt too freaked out on the wedding day. Someone that was present durin the wedding said she settled down and went with the flow as the wedding g progressed. I would write the rest later.
  15. I sort of got more inside info from a super sleuthing fan. I am going to go easy on Ashley for NOW. Apparently editing played a part in some moments..
  16. She is not related.. she is just a troll.. I am kind of disappointed that Ashley liked one of Daisychain mild comments. She needs distance herself from people like that and follow Sam SM playbook.
  17. Forgive me, I am about to vent. Major venting... I hate when people feel that they have to insult one to make the other look good. Why can't we like both of them as individuals and dislike them as a couple? Or better still even if they are trying to get people to support Ashley, don't call David names? That was also my problem with Davina... her friends, Chris and Ryan said terrible things about Sean just to make her look good. Read what a terrible person wrote on twitter. When we have people thinkin this way, it's just so sad @DaizyChains @ittybittykity @jlnchi2 @Neil_MAFS @Ashley_MAFS @David_MAFS love ashley...feel bad she is stuck with a chinky monkey stalker needy guy @jlnchi2 @DaizyChains @ittybittykity @Neil_MAFS @Ashley_MAFS @David_MAFS ...that is way harsh David came in with an expectation of a marriage. @DaizyChains @jlnchi2 @ittybittykity @Neil_MAFS @Ashley_MAFS @David_MAFS he reminds ne of a stalker guy i dated. My family adored but still today tries @DaizyChains @ittybittykity @jlnchi2 @Neil_MAFS @Ashley_MAFS @David_MAFS reoect a womans right to choose who gets into her lady parts @MyRemdiamond @DaizyChains @Ashley_MAFS @David_MAFS completely disagree. He has been very patient & respectful. He tried 1 kiss. @DaizyChains @MyRemdiamond @Ashley_MAFS @David_MAFS that was wrong he knew she didnt want pestered her n then force it while she was locked in a cage @DaizyChains @MyRemdiamond @Ashley_MAFS @David_MAFS your so blinded by the tv created guy your blinded to ashleys personal space so u can see love on tv
  18. Hmmmmm... it was suppose to be a surprise dinner to celebrate the end of finals. Since it was a surprise dinner, I don't think he should have told her. After the finals, didn't she check her phone to see if she had a missed call. Why didn't she respond before her drive home? I read a gossip website (idiotic thing to do) saying that David is acting the victim so Ashey could look back. She is looking bad by herself, she doesn't need any help. Most of the stuff he says are from the video diary. He should be allowed to vent in his video diary and not have to worry about what everyone thinks.
  19. I also think that's the mistake. But I think it was a setup by David to make her jealous because how else would the bar chick get Ashley's number. If i were in this scenario, I would probably do the same, to test my spouse. She wasnt feeling him anyway so why not test her.
  20. Is it possible the keep watching Ashley is saying might mean she fell for David and he messed up? I am trying to figure out the big mistake from David.
  21. I totally agree with everything you said. I noticed the Ashley's mum and supporters feel the best way to make her look good is to bash David. This is actually backfiring because it is increasing David's supporters. I hate when people think I have to support the women on the show because I am a woman. The women supporting women rubbish. 2 of the women this season are not nice. Do I dislike Ashley as a person? Nope. Did they (producers and expert) do David wrong by matching him with her? Yes. Is she wrong for the show? Yes. Why would you sign up when you are in nursing school? No matter how pushy and needy David might look, she definitely doesn't deserve him. I am still waiting to see the episode where Sam changed. She was just horrible and we are already 20 something days into the experiment.
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