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Everything posted by ctbabe

  1. Positively giddy like ready to pull the plug or I would stay with him...
  2. I totally agree with you. She just didn't believe him.
  3. I think he said No then he changed his mind and said Yes.. that might be the twist
  4. We specifically asked our insider.. he said it's false.. David would never agree to look like a cheater while Ashley would never agree to look cold
  5. Let's change the topic ;) Preview for next week. http://www.aetv.com/shows/married-at-first-sight/season-3/episode-13/preview-final-decision-pt-1
  6. Ashley Houser has lied and contradicted herself a lot. I am assuming it's to shift the blame from Ashley. There are so many examples I can cite but I do not think its necessary (this is from her SM not thru a spoiler).
  7. According to David's response and 'the insider's info', AH only visited for 5-10mins so I don't think that counts for much.. I am wondering why its ok to give Ashley the benefit of a doubt and David none. Just thinking.BTW I respect your opinion
  8. Let me also play devil's advocate. Ashley's friend, Ashley Houser was the one that accused David of being on the phone a lot. I recalled that David responded immediately on that she was lying and she kept quiet. From that little SM interaction, I can conclude that those allegation was false. Also Ashley inferred that he was bothering her off-camera when Dr C met with them so I am confused. BTW accusations from Camp Ashley has been conflicting.
  9. I don't know where people are seeing the negative traits in Tres. I see a young man that wants to take things slowly.
  10. Just thinking. What could a spouse do to deserve this much bitterness? Lack of attraction? Trying to get drinks with another girl when it's a 4 weeks marriage, shouldn't amount to having her friends and family insult him. If he had actually had drinks with the girl. I wonder what they would have done. Or is it due to the hate in social media? Then he should be lucky, he divorce her then. A spouse that turns on one at the slightest problem is a very Dangerous enemy.
  11. I really think David tried to help Ashley by indirectly giving info to favor her.. like the examples you cited above and also when he said they had kissed off camera. I just don't feel the respect is mutual. She like mean tweet. She adds people that say terrible things about him. It's just terrible.
  12. Could you ask your producer source if editing was that far off? I don't believe the editing was that bad but I am keeping an open mind.
  13. Normally I would never get involved in digging out spoilers or dirts abt a participant. I was so pissed with team Ashley for starting/spreading the rumors after the 2nd episode. Once they saw that people were against Ashley, they started the rumor and started referring people to the rumor they allegedly created. After that didnt work, then we were suppose to wait for txtgate. When that also didnt work, then Davina reached out to Ashley through Ashley's mum to figure out how to make reduce the backlash and shift the blame. (Let me not bore you with the story). How low could one go? Even if you don't like your spouse, at least show a little respect for him. I am still waiting for Ashley to own up to something. At least she should show that she learned something from this experience. I can bet it that the backlash would reduce.
  14. Ok.. I understand your point. I just want us to be very sure of what happened before we destroy someone's life. We may be after the production Company but they would nt suffer the consequences to these allegation, if they are false. David will
  15. 2 criminal defense lawyers have reviewed this case and they both said that this case is more of disorderly conduct but people are known to cut weird deals with prosecutors. I just feel that people are hoping that this true so we can excuse Ashley's bad behavior. If this is true, maybe he shouldn't have been casted. Should we hold a 10yrs allegation against someone without knowing the fact.
  16. Anyone can write an article/blog on a gossip website, It doesn't make it true.. SM 101. For example I can write about how Ashley was a prostitute in 2010 and it's absolutely false but a handful of reader tend to believe everything written on the internet is true. BTW when the website ends the article with 'who knows', it's all a rumor.. I totally feel that way too.. can we just conclude that if it's really them, they both did less than stellar things while young. How about we focus on what happened from the wedding till now? Just saying.
  17. 1. It's not feasible to cite one's source. If I reveal my source's identity, I would definitely lose. My source stays in ATL and knows both Ashley and David. Most of the spoiler had to be sanitized to avoid putting our source in trouble. If I wanted attention, I would put my full name in the post. It's left to the readers to determine which part they believe. I am also hoping some parts are not true but a couple of things our source said has already be proven true. Remember this is the spoiler page, what would become of this page without spoilers.2. Most people on this forum are not on facebook and twitter. Information are more authentic and believeable when seen in their natural form instead of when paraphrased. Remember you just said you dont really believe spoilers when the source isnt cited. I also don't think anyone here sends it to the participants but I could be wrong. 3. I don't understand why people would following the participants SM account, leave unwanted/insulting comments.. it's fine to talk about them in a forum but to personal attack anyone of them is so wrong.
  18. Observation from twitter. Tres and Vanessa: these 2 do not refer or tag each other on twitter. This all started from December. I think they might have separated in December. I am still hoping they are together. Neil and Sam: they are so lovey dovey on twitter especially Sam. Tagging him every second.. Sam practically lives on twitter so every other tweet references Neil. David and Ashley: this week David stopped tagging Ashley in his tweets. Even though he still write team dashley, he no longer add her to his tweets. I am thinking he saw all the things that her people wrote about him. Her mum calling him a cheat and a liar. Ashley just kept liking favorable tweets as usual. BTW David is hosting a big party for decision day.. he invited all the cast. I wonder if his wife would attend.
  19. It's all speculations until the mug shot is provided. Why was Ashley also chosen too? She was emotionally unavailable for this process? Very very wrong for this process..BTW if Ashley's past means nothing then David's past shouldn't mean anything. Just saying
  20. Lol. She lost her job. I already explain in my previous post. It probably could have been phrased better. I would update it.
  21. That's for the reunion.. Our source doesn't know what the twist but we know it affects Ashley & David and Neil & Sam.
  22. There is a big twist on the decision day.. that might be why they are stretching it out.
  23. I think you are right. I can't believe they would spend the 2hrs airing the decision and not get to the decision
  24. I think 2 stay married at the 6weeks mark but I am unsure of what happens to Tres and Vanessa at the 6months mark.
  25. Next week's show is a 2hrshow. Maybe that's the 1 and 2
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