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Everything posted by ctbabe

  1. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=764554063687147&id=334832696659288&fs=5
  2. The kitchen in the bus. It's actually not bad Remember how Sam was loving Nwill on twitter. She really fooled us till the end.
  3. Did you see one of the previews where someone proposed (not sure when) with a princess cut (circle diamond) ring? I think it was Tom. I wish Heather hadn't chosen that wedding dress. It wasn't flattering at all.
  4. They are all so upbeat on Twitter. Based on the unfiltered interview, I am not getting a good vibe abt the relationship from Derek's friend. Heather didn't have anyone from her side interviewed. Hopefully they are at least friends.
  5. I definitely think Lillian and Tom are still together. Nick and Sonia are either bestfriends or are still married. Sona liked a tweet supporting Nick regarding his records. That's a good sign. Also on Sonia's instagram account, she is flaunting her ring. Not hiding it like the other season people. She also wrote abt how this was the most amazing journey of her life. Definitely good vibe. According to the episode guide, the marriage counselor intervened in Sonia and Nick insecurities. The experts are stepping in early. That is definitely a big change.
  6. I noticed that too.. he definitely needs to chill out on liking and retweeting. I think he is new on social media. It seems most if his accounts were opened becos of MAF
  7. Actually Tom posted a picture of the kitchen on his bus on twitter. It looked bigger than a NewYork studio apartment. It definitely isnt as bad as we think.
  8. What if all three couples are still happily married? {Thinking out loud}
  9. Very True. I really hope we have no Ashley this season. I heard she is a United staff, not sure though
  10. I really hope not. She is the least active one on twitter. I am getting a good vibe from Sonia and Nick. Even Tom and Lillian are friendly with one another. No bitterness YET..
  11. Its too early for the digging drama. I really hope and wish Heather isn't like Ashley. She is giving that vibe. BTW who saw the preview where one of the grooms gave his bride an engagement ring. It looks like during the honeymoon. I am cautiously optimistic.
  12. I have missed you guys. Let's hope for a stress-free season
  13. Hmmmmmm... what did she lie about? I hate cryptic messages. Just say what you have to say..
  14. I just read through the bubble dalton post. It is DEFINITELY NOT David's mum. It might be a friend but absolutely not the mum.
  15. Dan19790 says a lot of things that doesn't mean he is right. Dan is either her superfan or Bf. He attacks everyone and anyone that calls her out. He does a lot of namecalling. I won't take him too seriously. I remember a couple of people being accused of being Ashley's mum in this group but that doesn't mean it's true. Since she didnt hide to call her out on facebook, i dont think she would need a twitter account to bully Ashley. I just don't see it.. just my opinion.
  16. I have read a couple of Bubby Dalton's post and I don't think she is the one. She already made her feelings know abt Ashley on her Facebook page. I don't think she would hide under an anonymous name to bAsh Ashley. Do you have proof? Might be a fan but definitely Not his mum in my opinion.
  17. I never knew David's mum is on twitter but I know she communicates through her Facebook page.
  18. I like this comment.. Hey Neil, How did the cameras affect your personality in terms of the viewers and Sam getting to see the "real" you? It seems that you were very conscious of the cameras the entire time and never got entirely used to it. Was there anything you really wished the show aired that happened off camera? In the same vein, how much of your decision was based on things that happened off camera? permalink [–]WhichNeil 1 point 20 minutes ago Hi /u/RewindtheParadox, If you were to ask my friends and family, they would agree what you saw on tv was the same as you would get in person. Sam talked about "two Neils," which I explained, I treated the camera as if it were someone I would treat with respect. I cuss and make fun of my friends all the time, there was some verbal awareness, but no fundamental differences in personality or morals. -Not really. I thought our story was represented accurately. Most of the factors that influenced my decision were witnessed by all, maybe 20% were off camera items. Great questions!
  19. On Tres issue, it seems he desperately wants to be liked by all. While on one of my favorite mafs reviewer's YouTube site, I came across the comment below by Stacci Godwin. 'Tres is such an asshole. He completely changed after the show. His social media account is a trip trying to clear his image and stuff. He's also DMing people about how 'emo' Vanessa was or something. It's so disrespectful.' IF he is really DMing people to look like the good guy then he really is classless and shitty. My issue with Ashley and now Tres is that even though you might not like your match, still treat them with respect during the marriage and during the broadcast. I have people at work that I don't like but I get along with them so the job done can get done. BTW Mad props to Sam's dad and Neil's mum for treating their Daughter_in_law and son_in_law with huge respect. I have never seen Sam's dad trash Neil through this whole season. Neil's mum could have easily gone on SM and trashed Sam but she showed how an adult should act by staying away from SM. The opposite could be said of Ashley's mum and David's mum (though she waited till the end to trash talk Ashley). I think they should also screen inlaws because the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
  20. I think she had a coach bag not Cole haan.
  21. It has been stated that all participants are offered therapy from an independent psychologist after the show. It seems Neil smartly took the offer.
  22. Neil and Sam's knot interview https://www.theknot.com/news/married-at-first-sight-neil-bowlus-sam-role-post-breakup-building-friendship-6410 Key takeaways 'We asked Bowlus if he has forgiven Role following their Married at First Sight experience. “I think that everybody has a different level of forgiveness and how you forgive people,” he acknowledged. “For me, I do forgive Sam, and I equate that with being friends with her. I don’t hate Sam by any means whatsoever. Her change is admirable. I’m very proud of her. I understand our relationship and what we’ve had, and I’m thankful for that and I value it. But there’s the other part of forgiveness. I can forgive and still have an amicable relationship, but forgive to have a deeper romantic relationship, that’s different.“' “She’s a different Sam than I knew coming into this, and for her, for me, for everyone, that’s a great thing and I’m extremely happy for that,” he continued. “Is that gonna change my feelings on it? I don’t believe so. After Decision Day, I had a ridiculous amount of therapy on my own to talk about it and work through all those feelings.' He really is done with her.. she did too much damage.
  23. Since she is the only 'genuine' one, I am assuming she is distancing herself from everyone else
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