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Posts posted by Reghan

  1. 8 hours ago, ghoulina said:

    Agreed. I thought the Saviors set up was creepy and pretty cool. Old school horror with a lot of suspense. But then Negan came and started talking. And talking. And talking. Throw in the cliff hanger and it was just way too heavy handed. 

    I didn't mind his talking and talking. We have to get to know his character and what better way to get to know someone then listen to how they talk to people?

    The setup was super creepy...that whistling...*Shudder*

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  2. Also some honorable mentions that belong in my favorites...

    Nelson's Sparrow


    North Mammon



     The Uncanny Valley




    My top 6 worst episodes would probably be...

    1. The Fight

    2. Drive/The Bond- I know they are two different episodes, but in my opinion neither is a memorable enough episode to be placed on its' own.

    3.Route 66- Why was this a thing? Hayley's dead, no need to bring that back.

    4. Zugzwang- Stop killing people Reid loves...

    5.Restoration- Did we really have to bring Morgan's rapist back into it?

    5.5- The non Garcia half of Burn...Blah

    6.Public Enemy...boring. 

    • Love 1
  3. 13 hours ago, amensisterfriend said:


    Awww, please do it anyway if you're so inclined! I have a lot of unpopular opinions too, and diversity of thought is what keeps places like this fun and interesting, so please don't think you'll be judged or mocked :)


    Okay I shall post them


    2.Mosley Lane

    3. Entropy



    5.5 Burn-This is 5.5 because I loved Garcia's half, but hated the unsub. 

    6.Exit Wounds


    I couldn't choose just 5!

  4. Reid in a BDSM shop? Haha that's not something I thought I'd ever see. 

    I personally loved the exchanges between Garcia and Alvez. They weren't too over the top. She's just got to warm up to him a little. She doesn't like change as has been established previously. She misses Morgan and she doesn't want to see him replaced so it will take a little time, but I'm sure they will be friends in a few episodes.

    • Love 3
  5. Tyler SHUT UP, pay attention to your child...and stop acting like Cate is dying.

    Matt SHUT UP, I honestly just wish he would go be with Farrah since he thinks she's so hot and that would provide some entertainment haha.

    Farrah SHUT UP, enough of the fake crying and the boohoo why won't he just marry my crazy ass.

    Gary, that was actually cute. No bad words to say about it :)

    Maci SHUT UP, No one cares about the venue price. Her segment was boring as hell.

    • Love 8
  6. So as usual Cate's crying and Tyler won't even touch her, but when Tyler is crying, Cate jumps to comfort him. Couple of the year...

    And can someone please get Cate a real therapist...

    Sophia following Ferrari around asking if she's in love with him was beyond awkward, couldn't help but laugh at Ferarri's reaction. RUN SIMON RUN...no seriously the money isn't worth putting up with the "I'm not acting like a crazy bitch," Crazy bitch.

    I really hope Maci puts a fence around that pool. 

    I ship Amber and Bunkie 100x more than Amber and Matt.

    P.S Autocorrect changed Farrah to Ferrari and I loved it too much to change it back LOL

    • Love 15
  7. On 5/12/2016 at 10:52 PM, Danielg342 said:

    1) Is this CM's final season? Should it be?

    2) Should the show replace Morgan or leave the team the way it is?

    3) Which old serial killers/criminals from seasons past would you most like to see again?

    4) Which former government agents/organizations would you like to see help the BAU solve the prison break story?

    5) Should the show attempt a crossover or two?

    6) Any other comments/speculation/remarks of note for Season 12 you'd like to make?

    1. It depends on the direction that they take with this season. They could easily make it to 14 or 15 if they can write well enough to keep a good audience.

    2. No, don't add anyone new. That's the last thing they need.

    3. Cat Allen possibly...Maybe someone that's been planning revenge for years like a relative of one of the more well known killers. 

    4. I'd like a GREAT episode with Emily Prentiss and a GREAT episode with Derek Morgan near the end of the season.

    5. I'm still waiting for that NCIS/Criminal Minds crossover....

    6. More Team, less unsub. More of KV's writing, less of EM's. 

    I know a lot of people would disagree with this, but I'd love to see Garcia kidnapped and Derek/Emily come back to help. Maybe Garcia AND Hotch kidnapped. I've always loved Hotch/Garcia moments and that would provide many.

    Also more episodes like the earlier seasons. 

    • Love 1
  8. I just finished it and OMG that was intense!


    Frances Fisher was really fucking creepy Dx 


    And that ending had me almost crying because I don't want to wait any longer :/ 


    AHHHHHHHH CM Stop with the cliffhangers....

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