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Everything posted by operakatz

  1. Her accent reminds me of Ross Gellar's attempt to transition away from the fake British accent he mindlessly adopted first day of teaching class...
  2. The actress playing the creepy daughter reminds me SO much of Olivia Barash (who played Sylvia in that infamous Little House on the Prairie clown rape episode)
  3. Ugh the hollering and squealing is exhausting. And what is it with adding "uh" to the end of every wordUH, I knowUH, dudeUH, wowUH. I like Raven, Sam is amusing me, and Tom is fun.
  4. I had similar thoughts about this. I've called Rachel a gaslighter most of the season. She digs the hole then blames someone else when she falls into it. This finale was not at all entertaining. I honestly couldn't directly watch a lot of it. Rachel continuing to insist Tino did not apologize is just, well, insane. And every time he referred to a journal entry, she accused him of making things up. No one can win with that. She's a nightmare. And I'm actually angry watching her get validation for the abusive behavior from Jesse and other studio guests.
  5. My eyes hurt from all the rolling during her segments. She's completely ridiculous, unreasonable, has zero self-awareness...she'd be a nightmare as a girlfriend or wife
  6. He ticks several boxes, however. Blatant lies. Denial of having said something. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/here-there-and-everywhere/201701/11-warning-signs-gaslighting And, no, I do not confuse general lying with gaslighting. I have been in situations where it was a very serious and dangerous problem. I became very familiar with it when a close friend of mine ended up in an emotionally-abusive relation that pretty much destroyed her life for several years. I don't dismiss Luke as just being immature. He raised my hackles all season, especially with some of his outbursts, fist clenching, body slamming, and controlling language.
  7. Continued gaslighting. It appears, at least from what we saw, to be his go-to. And that is a red flag. He also seemed to insist on re-explaining over and over, refusing to allow anyone to have their own response to his words or behavior, as if only his view of things was reality.
  8. Regardless of any producer manipulation or editing, Luke clearly and regularly showed the red flag of using gaslighting as a go-to response to being challenged. That is a very concerning character trait.
  9. It made me angry, watching how damned hard these people worked, doing incredible work...that D&D shortchanged the ending of this show the way they did by rushing through such important events/character evolutions. Such a shame as the production values were really mindblowing.
  10. I loved the bit with the new Small Council where Bronn said, "Soon there won't be no more coin" and Davos replied, "Any more," and Bronn retorted, "Are you the Maester of Grammar now, too?" I loved that throwback to the Stannis/Davos banter way back "Fewer."
  11. From last season: "Swear this to me, Varys,” Dany asked in response. “If you ever think I’m failing the people, you won’t conspire behind my back. You’ll look me in the eye as you have done today and you’ll tell me how I’m failing them.” “I swear it, my queen,” Varys promised. “And I swear this,” Daenerys promised in turn. "If you ever betray me, I’ll burn you alive.”
  12. Do we know if a resurrected person is still fertile?
  13. Wow, that was tense... Arya to Death: Not today. Hot damn, that's our girl. Lady Mormont, bow down. RIP fierce girl.
  14. It's actually a look currently on the runway, specifically Dior. It's not at all Tudor, structure quite different. But Helen of Cry is typically derivative.
  15. I haven't gotten very far with the books but it was clear to me the bones were someone we knew due to Claire's reaction/intuition about them and the method of death, apparent race/sex of victim, etc.
  16. Thinking about it a couple hours after watching episode, I remembered that I felt like "Huh I thought they were better actors than this" which later led to "Huh, wonder if they were putting on an act for LF's sake."
  17. My read was that she was surprised and impressed with Arya with a good dose of "holy sh*t" in the mix.
  18. Castration would automatically make him a eunoch. The full monty style of castration (removing full genitalia) was mostly a thing only in China and Vietnam. In most other cultures, it was typically removal of the testicles. Sometimes as Shermie pointed out, the term would refer to celibate or impotent males as well.
  19. Yea because just means we will have to sit through another confrontation and more of Negan's monologuing.
  20. The length of time for reanimation is directly related to plot convenience...
  21. Lorelei did specifically mention the regular public ceremony was going to happen as planned...
  22. I don't see that possibility. I think we would have seen some indication they were intimately involved in that timeframe. However, has no one considered the One Night Wookie as the possible baby daddy? Based on her telling of that incident and how impulsive it was, there easily could've been a lack of birth control in use.
  23. We have had breadcrumbs throughout series that Rhaegar and Lyanna was a mutual love affair and that Robert is who spun it as abduction/rape. Even Oberyn didn't use those terms when referring briefly to it in 4x01 when telling Tyrion Rhaegar "left Elia for another woman." So I would not be at all surprised if they'd discussed names for the baby. In the 6x10 Bran flashback in the ToJ, it just doesn't seem to be a scenario of a traumatized abducted/raped woman. I assume D&D just are trying to draw out the mystery a bit more...
  24. As far as we've seen, she has not been told that the ships harbored in Meereen were burned, as that happened after she was already gone.
  25. Yea, but since Hodor was Hodor from beginning of this tale, means it had to happen because it already had. Ugh.
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