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Everything posted by syzygy

  1. I 100% can't agree with these posts. Sure, if there was an ACTUAL emergency and Rocky was in danger and not responding, then opening the door would've been justified. Someone explain to me how "man gets angry that woman told other people they were hooking up, tries to deny/confront/gaslight her about it, since she doesn't want to deal with his petulant ass he forces the door open" qualifies as an emergency? Rocky might act pretty off-kilter but she wasn't exactly in danger of like, going around cutting herself or something, he was only concerned with making a scene and trying to pretend like nothing had happened between the two of them. Personally I found it unbearably creepy. A boss shouldn't sleep with you and they should definitely not be bursting into your living quarters to confront you about it, either. (Note that I'm not saying that Rocky is at all blameless for her part in the hookup, but forcing someone's door open because you can't wait until they come out to talk to you about it?? How is that at all okay?)
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