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Posts posted by syzygy

  1. What's with the weird NYC hate in this thread? Yes it used to be pretty bad but it's a lot safer nowadays. A couple weeks after I turned 18 I moved here for college - was I just not supposed to go? God forbid someone who is 18 (which LisaR's older daughter is) be unsupervised in NY? I don't get this line of thinking. I mean, I'm here and alive 7 years later and being unsupervised in college at 18 in NYC didn't kill me. Hell, since we lived in jersey, my friends and I would sometimes wind up in NYC alone to go watch broadway shows or whatever. Not at night, granted, but it's not like we were robbed or kidnapped as teens while wandering about. Yes, LisaR's daughters might not appear to be super street-smart but I know nothing about them, and leaving them alone in NYC for a night is probably no different than leaving them alone in BH. Just wanted to throw that out there.

    • Love 14
  2. 19 hours ago, Adultosaurus said:

    I don't like Katie, either - but side-eyeing the hell out of this statement.

    It's interesting, because during this episode I was actually thinking about how Katie is quite pretty even if she could afford to be skinnier. And I said this a couple episodes ago, if anyone should not be on TV it's Kristen - she's ugly inside and has way too high of an opinion of herself considering how she, well, looks. And if anyone is overweight it would be Brittany this season, who has gained a lot of weight, but hasn't had much showtime and generally comes off like a nice person so it doesn't feel as acceptable to make snide comments about it.

    I said this before as well but it's hard not to be petty when watching such petty people. But there is plenty to comment on aside from their bodies/looks, which are typically much harder to change than, say, fashion. I thought Katie's get-up at the Porsche dealer was doing her absolutely no favors, and I don't understand that nose ring at all. To me it looks ridiculous. (A side piercing would look better if she wanted to do one...) I also thought Lala's asymmetric dress in her talking head just looked... bad. On the flipside, I like how one of Stassi's recent talking heads matched her shirt color to her eyes.

    • Love 2
  3. 2 hours ago, Pop Tart said:

    Mean girls aside and however much Katie has gotten a big head this season, I can't agree with how 'nice' Schwartz is and too good for Katie. I know it's probably pretty producer/storyline driven, but him asking Ariana to stand up for him after Katie made it clear she didn't want her in the wedding party? That's deliberately stirring the pot and adding tension to the day for the woman he supposedly loves. 

    This combined with the fact that he seems to be closer to the other Tom and often throws Katie under the bus when he's talking to him, just not cool with me. Katie in her talking heads will express a wish that her fiancé supported her more, but I don't hear her dumping on him to her friends. When the whole prenup discussion happened, Katie didn't think it was a big deal, but when Schwartz told FI Tom, he made it seem like Katie caused drama about it.

    Hm, I do think it's true - I've been in a position where I just haven't been supported and it sucks. You do want someone who can be there for you and have your back. In Katie's case, a lot of that just happens to be petty mean girl opinions where you can't even talk to someone if they're not on the approved list. I mean, I watch the show and I think it's ridiculously juvenile bs that they pull, and I reckon Schwartz sees it that way too. Even so, I suppose there are scenarios where it's reasonable to expect your SO not to talk to someone who is terrible or who has hurt you (or your friends) in some way. It's just the entire cast is terrible and I admit I can't remember who's wronged who, and how.

    I still think Schwartz is probably too nice for her, but yeah, the lack of a backbone when it comes to his own girlfriend is disconcerting. He strikes me as the kind of guy that makes a great, loyal friend but maybe not as good of a boyfriend. And if we are being generous to Katie, then finding out he went to therapy about the wedding is shocking - but she should have probably taken a breath and listened to what he had to say instead of shutting him out. That's just going to cause more problems.

    Basically they both have their faults, as people. I just think Schwartz would probably be happier with more sane people who don't get into crazy drama all the time.

  4. 2 hours ago, terrymct said:

    I'm going to take a slightly contrarian view. Kate is right. This is a workplace. The crew members are being paid to do a job. By this point in the season, the stewardesses should have the routine down pat and should automatically be tidying up the rooms during breakfast and dinner. Everyone should be carrying their radios. The guests should never wait on the staff. That's what the staff is being paid to do. If people don't like providing prompt and flawless service, they shouldn't be working on these mega yachts. Each season, some of the stewardesses seem to treat Kate and Ben like they're Mom and Dad and try to play Mom and Dad off one another. Is Mom being mean? Go wheedle Dad and get him on your side. Is Dad being a pain? Go torque Mom up and send her toward Dad.

    I don't think that's contrarian at all - I completely agree. I think the problem is that this is a TV show, so most of the people on this boat don't have the experience (or work ethic) that employees would on an actual charter boat. So you get Captain Lee or Kate trying to boss around people who give no fucks. There have been so many times on this show that we've seen someone completely talk shit to their boss or someone who outranks them and nothing happens except that they then have to keep working with each other on the boat while hating each other. In non-reality TV these people wouldn't dare because then they'd be out of the job. (I know that we've seen Lee replace people, but I think that's only after Bravo gives him permission.)

    Like, a lot of the animosity throughout the seasons basically stems from being told to stop slacking off and do their jobs. Like, duh, that's what you're supposed to be doing? And then they act like the chief stew or Lee or whoever is the bad guy for wanting shit done. 

    I'm not saying Kate is a saint, and her fake smiles/tone probably get grating, but I get the sense that if you just did your job properly you wouldn't run into that situation. (Baring regular personality conflicts I suppose...)

    • Love 6
  5. I admit that I watch this show because it's mean girls, IRL. (Or on reality tv, that's kind of the same thing, right?) Season 1 absolutely slayed me with how huge of an asshole everyone somehow managed to be and I've been hooked ever since.

    I just find it unbelievable that girls their age are still acting like they're in high school. Hell, even high school isn't like that for most people. Clapping at Scheana not being cordial to Lala? Yikes, not a good look. Nor was it when Scheana ignored Lala's question for a few seconds - I mean, you could even see how awkward it was in person, and a part of me believes that even Scheana realized how dumb it was and that's why she blurted out her (equally dumb) explanation. I'm glad that Lala's response was to incredulously laugh it off because, seriously, who acts like that? Being given the silent treatment can actually be pretty shocking so my heart went out to her in that moment.

    And yeah, Lala is hardly innocent herself. She's said and done a lot of shit, but from the get-go she was disliked by a lot of these girls. I don't really mind her as much as the others since I feel like she has moments of self-reflection and actually tries to make things right sometimes.

    Oh, and poor Schwartz. Like, he's an actual nice guy, so while if it was someone else about to marry bitchy Kristen I'd say they deserved each other, Schwartz really doesn't. Same with Brittany being too good for Jax.

    It's interesting because I feel this show also brings out the worst in a lot of us viewers. I am normally pretty forgiving of TV characters (especially when it comes to looks of ordinary people, y'know?) but when some of them have such vile personalities it's hard not to rag on them for everything. Like how can Kristen be so full of herself when she's probably the least pretty one there? Yeah, see? Petty. I'm sure if she was an actually nice person I'd have never said that. Oh well.

    • Love 8
  6. 48 minutes ago, LucyHoneychrrch said:

    I really liked Ben until he started dating Emily. Now he kind of comes off like a bumbling dunderclunk. Unsurprisingly this is the same reaction I had to a lot of ex-boyfriends -- great from a distance, a cringeworthy nightmare in practical application.

    I totally agree. I've generally liked Ben on the show (except when he throws hissy fits over cooking, aka his job) but I guess we've seen his immaturity before and when it comes to actually dating people... well, we can see how that's going.

    Not sure why he was so surprised about Emily wanting to be social for once. Their relationship is already awkward on screen and well-adjusted people like to see their friends. That in particular was very awkward imo.  

  7. Ben and his brother literally do sound identical, it's kind of crazy. I wasn't always looking at the screen while watching and for a bit I thought it was Ben talking until I looked over LOL.

    I do kind of wish Kyle/Sierra would get over it. I think Kyle is letting things rile him up for no reason - Sierra handled this entire thing pretty immaturely but he's not going to get any kind of real further apology from her because she doesn't think she did anything wrong. (Or if she ever realizes it, I think she's still too immature to really deal with how she treated people and will just keep pretending nothing happened.)

    I do find Kyle's attitude otherwise pretty refreshing. Dude's who he is and gives no fucks. Actually, though, if he has a girl back home then he really DOES need to get over Sierra stat because even if they're in some open relationship or on a break, he really can't be mad if another girl ain't into him. 

    I don't think he deserved a night in the master suite either but he did ask and Kate did give him permission. I didn't need to know why he wanted a night in the master suite (isn't spending a night in the master suite reason enough?). I think it's crazy how disrespectful the deckhands were with the room and the boat in general. I get that those sorts of things happen when plenty of liquor is involved but maybe don't drink so much if you can't handle not wrecking the entire place?

    • Love 4
  8. 2 hours ago, Duke2801 said:

    Hmmm...  but did she get fillers in her neck, arms, and thighs too?  Cuz those were certainly puffier than the season past. 

    And of course the new double DDs were certainly adding to the overall "bigger" look.

    Brittany definitely gained a ton of weight. I'm not one to body shame or something but it always makes me wonder what these people get up to that they gain so much weight. Stress and partying, probably. I'm somewhat vain and I think I'd probably at least try to stay in shape if I was on a TV show, but I've had a couple times in my life where I've ballooned up a bit as well and it can just sneak up on you as you're living your life. 

    That's why I was a little surprised to hear them calling Katie fat but saying nothing about Brittany, when Katie really didn't look that different. (edit: I mean it's not that surprising because I assume they don't have any real beef with Brittany so they wouldn't have a reason to call her names, just that in terms of gained weight she takes the cake... ha ha..) I also noticed that after James/Lala showed up and started all the arguments, Brittany was nowhere to be found. Like she wasn't sitting with them on the couch anymore and didn't reappear that entire night. Wonder what happened.

    • Love 6
  9. 5 hours ago, ryebread said:

    That said, Sierra said she was texting with a girlfriend.  Just because Kyle said she was on the phone with a guy doesn't make it true.  Either he assumed or flat out lied that it was a guy she was texting with and tells Kelley it was so.  Then Kelley calls her a dick and acts like her dad on the dock by telling her she wasn't going to mess with Kyle.  When she smiles (like she does all the damn time) he says, "Keep smiling"? 

    To me that was so aggressive.  If I was Sierra I would have interpreted that like, 'Keep smiling' or what?  You're going to wipe it off my face?  Gross.  Roid rage?

    Right after that, Sierra decides she's not going for dinner. The guys start walking to the restaurant but Kelley follows her.  Kate tells him to mind his own beeswax so he starts leaving the boat. When Lauren is hanging back with Sierrra, Kelly barks, "Lauren. Come."

    Seriously, dude?  She's not your dog.

    (bolding mine)

    Just wanted to point out, on the boat Kyle saw her texting and asked if she had a guy back home (I forget what he phrased it as - a male interest? some weird turn of phrase) and she muttered "mmhmm" or something like that. That's when he got the impression that she was texting a guy back home and that's what he told people when they came back from the trip. Sierra later claimed she was texting a (girl) friend.

    I think probably Sierra didn't understand what he asked at first, or maybe later she saw that he seemed hurt and denied it. Either way, it really didn't warrant Kelley's response. I totally agree, he had a very aggressive/demanding manner and people who have that kind of attitude can end up being scary to deal with. At least in my personal experience.

    • Love 3
  10. I think Sierra definitely acted really immature on the date. She really just should have not even agreed to go, or made it into a group thing if she wasn't actually interested in him. (They could have downgraded to getting some coffee together on the island or something - less pressure and not stuck with each other for hours on a boat with no escape.) If I'm not interested in a guy romantically and not interested in the activity of fishing, I would not have accepted such a proposal. That said, although I think she totally mishandled the whole thing, I can understand that it was most likely coming from a place of immaturity rather than real harm.

    Kelley on the other handed really needed to mind his own business. It's not that I don't agree that Kyle wasn't somewhat wronged, it's just that Kyle handled it just fine himself and I feel like Kelley was overly aggressive about it. I've had experience with guys who are pushy and use a demanding tone when talking about what one should or shouldn't have done and it's never led to anything good later on. I think he really did cause additional drama. And his bosun performance has been less than stellar, so I'm not surprised about Nico being named replacement in the previews. 

    I liked that Nico at least kept his head on his shoulders re: the toaster and seems to be generally good-natured.

    Ben & Emily seemed a bit forced to me. Of course, not every dinner date is going to end in some super romantic connection and I'd feel awkward regardless with cameras following my every move. 

    • Love 7
  11. Ben is totally not my type physically so I can't fault people for thinking he's icky, but I do think he's pretty funny and chill and would probably be fun to hang out with on the boat. As long as he's not freaking out about dinner, anyway. You'd think after years of being a chef he'd get used to plans changing or guests deciding to be super picky and needing to change things on the fly. I guess it's a high pressure job...

    But yeah, overall I am one of those people who likes seeing Ben on the show and I'm always glad when they bring him back, haha.

    Also - yeah, he got those flowers after Kate mentioned Emily never having gotten any, but he even admitted as much on the episode, I think. ("oh I heard Kate say that Emily has never gotten any flowers so I thought I'd fix that" or something like that). I think that's pretty cute for a guy to do. (Count me in as someone who mostly gets flowers from her own mom... I've tried to teach my boyfriend why it's a thing but I don't think he gets the concept, LOL) I think those are best served as friendship flowers rather than romance flowers but that once again stems from the fact that I personally wouldn't, you know, do Ben.

    • Love 2
  12. Yeah, I think it actually says a lot about Kyle that he is so willing to send money to his daughter (and even the baby momma) rather than just wiping his hands clean of the one-night stand she apparently resulted from. That said, I also don't fault Sierra for putting the brakes on when she found out that he has a kid - that changes dynamics quite a bit and for some is a legitimate dealbreaker/red flag. Granted it's not like a fling on the boat would go anywhere but wanting to protect your/the other person's feelings is pretty valid as well. 

    • Love 1
  13. Re: the little pool thing they set up behind the boat -- I forget where I was, either Bermuda or somewhere in the caribbean, but one vacation the jellyfish had swept in and it was basically impossible to take a dip. These things were like a foot in diameter and everywhere. If that's what it was like at the time of filming I could definitely understand the need for the weird pool thing. Then again they took the guests snorkeling a bit further out and there didn't seem to be an issue so who knows.

    As for Emily, I don't think she looks particularly hot or anything day-to-day but I can totally see why guys like her when she gets dressed up. I actually enjoy the fact that a lot of the Below Deck women aren't supermodels and come off as average or just quirky or non-stereotypically pretty. Then again, it's easy for me to find at least something nice about everyone and I wish more people did that instead of putting other people down.

    • Love 7
  14. As other people have pointed out, I think LisaR's real issue was that Yolanda was using her sickness as a way to conveniently get out of doing things (especially for her paid job - in this case she could've shown up to Erika's dinner. And the other half the time she bothers showing up for events it's to make a token appearance and peace out). Hell, she said as much in her TH. Any other housewife who decides to skip out on so many events would (rightfully) get called out for it but you can't technically do that with Yo since she will always have the "I'm sick" excuse.


    It's not like I haven't had days where doing one social thing mentally exhausts me so much that I don't want to do the next social thing. But it's pretty bad manners to RSVP to both and then last-minute cancel on one, and at least in those cases I'd try to power through it. Yo just happens to have a convenient excuse where she can go to a lunch and then be horribly sick by dinner. But the way LisaR brought it up just made it seem like she was mad about something that honestly realy wasn't her business - if Erika was fine with Yolanda skipping her dinner, then the fact that Yo had lunch earlier that day really shouldn't concern anyone else either.


    Eileen is getting tiring. For all her accusations of LVP being "manipulative" she is really doing the same thing by constantly going around and having these conversations with people where she talks about LVP, well, being manipulative. Since apparently constantly bringing up a topic is manipulation, as in the example of LVP asking Rinna if she was fine about the bipolar comment.


    I do think LVP's dig about Eileen bowing out of the charity event a bit hypocritical/unnecessary, but I can see why she'd be peeved. "Well erm hm uh I just want a day off!" is kind of a weak excuse for skipping a housewife event, especially a charity/special cause one. It probably wouldn't fly as well if this had been a charity or drive for something more common like cancer or something, too ("sorry, I'd love to support your charity for cancer but I'm tired and going to stay home with the kids!" - hm, yeah, doesn't sound as good) so in a sense it was like Eileen saying the issue just wasn't very important. Not that they're friends or anything so I can't fault Eileen for not going, and insinuating she didn't care about dogs is silly, but yeah. I actually didn't know about the Yulin festival so consider awareness raised.

    • Love 7
  15. I think that is just it - the ladies are calling her out because they see it.  We all see it.  Even what we don't see, we put the pieces together. 

    Except they're not calling LVP out, they're passive-aggressively calling her manipulative behind her back... for what effect? To further some storyline?


    I made a post about this last episode, but what people call "manipulative" I think is just really good camera/persona management. LVP is slippery in that she doesn't say much that could bite her on the butt on camera. It's not like she doesn't have her own opinions or goals, but even when something doesn't go her way then yes, she is good at deflecting and protesting until people give up or it blows over. She doesn't directly produce drama but is usually fun enough to watch that she doesn't need to in order to stay on the show.


    I think the other housewives are just mad/jealous/annoyed that they aren't as good as playing the reality TV game. Eileen is pissed that she didn't stop LVP from prodding into her affair, Erika's only real claim this episode was that LVP was asking her how long she had known Yolanda (who is her tie-in to the show, so it's not exactly some kind of malicious or weird question to ask in the first place!). And then they also feel threatened(?) when LVP is not buddy-buddy with them off the bat, and although the show would like us to pretend that they are all actual friends in real life, they're really just coworkers.


    They are all welcome to control their emotions/thoughts/conversations in front of the camera. If they're such strong women then LVP suggesting a topic of conversation doesn't mean they have to automatically blab about it or do what she says. I just don't understand what going around calling her manipulative actually does. I guess it gives them an excuse to not be friendly with her?

    • Love 16
  16. From what I've heard from multiple podcasters talking about their SUR experiences, including a very recent episode of Pumped Podcast with Katie and Tom, Jax is historically known for not making drinks, serving the wrong drink purposely because it was easier, and lying about what's on the drink menu. Apparently this was the case long before VPR. Tom S even said when they drank on the job, which seems to be all the time, they'd get to a point where they were too drunk to make the drinks so they'd just start hiding the drink menus or telling customers they were out of a vital component. Unsurprisingly, this is a point of contention with the waitstaff whose tips are dependent on customers actually getting what they want.

    Wow, jeez. The part last night where Jax basically questioned the girls' drinking choice and asked if they'd like something else instead definitely stood out to me, because if that's the kind of service I got I'd have a really bad opinion of the place really fast. 


    In regards to Katie, I really feel if you're an angry/nasty drunk then you should really start limiting yourself to one or two drinks when you go out instead of going down that path. I'm a very happy/smiley drunk but the few times I've drank too much I've spent the next like four hours decidedly unhappily throwing up. Actually, I have no idea how these people manage to drink so much period - the times they show them at a bar/club/party and they're all (including the girls) downing like 8 shots in a row, I would be passed out by then.


    James was such an asshole to his mom (where do they find these people??) but I found her insistence on placing the blame squarely on Kristen weird. At least James admitted that the drinking/blowup was his issue - people can push your buttons but they're not ultimately responsible for your own actions.

    • Love 2
  17. See, I've seen the whole "ugh I don't want to be around any of these people on the show anymore" on other shows and it does manifest as disgust/holier-than-thou behavior (nene from RHoA, yikes, I could not wait until they stopped bringing her back because at the end she was dragging the whole thing down with her attitude) but Ariana just seems extra sad/sour all the time that, I dunno. She just gives off a certain vibe to me.


    Regardless of whether it's stemming from mental problems or not I still agree, she needs to either suck it up or get off the show. I completely understand why she doesn't want to make nice with people like Kristen (whose behavior in the past has been appalling) but these are also technically her coworkers, so for the sake of not being the odd one out all the time she could have just sucked it up by now and made fake-nice. No one is asking her to be true best friends with these people. Sadly she's just not fun to watch anymore and I agree with @straightshooter that these kinds of people tend to end up leaving/getting the boot because no one wants to watch someone who doesn't really fit in with anyone else on the show.

    • Love 2
  18. I've been reading the forums for a few months, but I finally signed up only to agree with syzygy's comment: I definitely think Ariana is depressed. In fact, after watching the episode, but before reading the forum, I googled "Vanderpump Rules Ariana depressed" to see if there were any hits because it seemed SO obvious to me that that's what's going on. I'm honestly surprised, given how much more comfortable we are as a society acknowledging mental illness -- especially something as ubiquitous as depression -- that this hasn't been more widely proposed as an explanation for her "negative" and "sour" behavior. It's a shame that while we all seem to agree that this is an illness and not a character flaw in theory, we still find the symptoms to be annoying and the fault of the sufferer.


    (emphasis mine)  See, I was actually thinking the exact opposite - there is still so much stigma (and lack of knowledge in general) against mental illness and I could go on and on about that - I just wish it was different. We all know that if you have a broken leg you should go to the hospital and get that taken care of, but if you're feeling sad and down or even suicidal all the time, or feel anxious when you go out, or any number of things, "get to therapy!" isn't really the first thing people think of. And I think there's still the perception that going to therapy is only for crazy people or a sign of weakness, when it really isn't (just how in my broken leg example, it wouldn't be weak or crazy to go see a doctor!). This is why I'm happy to see when people (especially on TV) mention things like depression or therapy, because it helps normalize it. I think Kristen has mentioned a few times that she went to therapy and for what it's worth she's definitely seemed to have calmed down a bit, as much as I still don't like her, hah. :p Hell, Jax definitely needs some long-term therapy to help curb his numerous self-destructive behaviors, and Shay needs major help for his addiction/depression issues as well. (Case in point of people not understanding mental problems - Scheana's "well he just needs to cut it down to less beers and he'll be fine, right?")

    Until someone posted it in this thread, I hadn't considered that Ariana might be depressed. It makes sense. The next thing I'm going to need is for Ariana and Tom to acknowledge it. The problem is that until Tom stops unconditionally supporting her, Ariana won't admit that something is wrong. I think most of us called Ariana sour and negative because we had no indication that it might mental illness and Tom and Ariana kept insisting that everything in their life was perfect and amazing.

    It's super common to not acknowledge it, though - even to your closest family and friends. Not to go all morbid (and not that I think this is the case with Ariana), but this is why you so often get those articles about suicide where all the family and friends go "I had no idea anything was wrong, they seemed fine!" I do hope that if it is the case of Ariana being in a bad place, that she will hopefully later acknowledge her behavior, and that the people who were in her life who may have drifted away will be able to welcome her back. It's true that she will have to admit to herself first that there is a problem and seek help for it.


    I realize that I could just be madly projecting about it - but the downward spiral into constant negativity and bitterness and distancing herself from people just seems to me like it's more than just an attitude problem. It doesn't entirely excuse the way she's been acting but it does make me have a bit of sympathy for her in case that's where it's coming from.

    • Love 4
  19. So I don't post much and I've only recently started reading these boards...


    I'll just start right off the bat by saying LVP is my favorite housewife, probably out of any of the RH series I've seen. So one thing that perplexes me is people talking about seeing her be "taken down" or gleefully explaining that someone "won" an argument against her. I suppose we all have our most/least favorites, though.


    One of LVP's strengths (of which she has many) is how she cultivates her persona for the camera. Yes, it's a reality TV show, with emphasis being on TV show - I think it takes a lot of skill to be constantly poised and aware of how you're coming off on camera and not provide the general he-said-she-said emotional drama that everyone else does. Call it manipulative or underhanded, yes, but she is amazing at keeping her cool and not giving the other ladies much to stir drama over. And when it does happen, she laughs it off or gives a quick apology and turns it to something else, which I think is fun to watch, because once again it's skillful deflection (which I realize is part of what must annoy so many people - her inability to admit responsibility to something). I'm always fascinated by the few housewives who do this because I don't think I could ever stop myself from ending up saying something dramalicious on camera and letting my true feelings show.


    If anyone wants to "take her down" I think they should take a page from her book and learn how to control their own narrative & persona better. That said, I doubt many other housewives have the same personality & charm that LVP rides on - she's just fun to watch for the commentary she provides even if she has no real "storyline", and the other HWs might not have quite that same force of personality to pull it off while staying out of drama. I actually really like Eileen, but I don't see what the point of once again rehashing the whole affair thing was. Yes, LVP doesn't get the big deal in what she did and Eileen isn't going to magically make her understand the third time if she couldn't the first couple, so any apology that comes from LVP is going to seem ingenuine because she doesn't understand (or care) what she's apologizing for. And in the grand scheme of things in the show, having a bone to pick over someone asking questions about a piece of information you've made public (on reality TV!) is really not that big of a deal - there have been far worse insults and events that have taken place. I can see why LVP wouldn't be too interested in rehashing all this.


    Also, christ - I didn't used to have a strong opinion of Yolanda on the first couple of seasons, but this season she's just a bitter old snake and it's tough to watch. So passive aggressive and you could tell how the mood changed when she arrived to the dinner. Maybe people would be more supportive and wouldn't be so questioning of your disease if your story about it didn't change twenty times a day and wasn't so full of inconsistencies. 


    • Love 22
  20. I wonder if Ariana is facing some depression issues. Kristen yelling at her that she was so sour and gloomy all the time was true, but reminds me of a time when an ex-friend of mine told me "well if you were happier and not so sad all the time you wouldn't have been cheated on!" Ouch. I struggled with depression for a long time and there were points in my life I couldn't be happy if I tried, and in fact I stopped accepting invitations to go out because I figured no one would want to hang out with me in such a state. (Vicious cycle, of course. I think anyone who's had depression and anxiety issues will be able to relate to this.) Same with Kristen's "she wakes up late and does nothing!" thing - could easily be a symptom of depression. Of course Ariana is on a show so she can't just quit and stop showing up. And that's not to handwave away the fact that she's been acting seriously holier-than-thou and it's not a good look on her - I'm just thinking there's more beneath the surface and her acting like that is her trying to hide away the fact that she's hurting.

    • Love 7
  21. I thought the dinner between LVP/Erika and their husbands was awkward. Aside from there being no good reason to even have that dinner, I think LVP was physically taken aback when Tom basically told Erika to shut up. As would I be - that's such an old-fashioned attitude and not the way I'd let my husband treat me, money involved or no. I think that a lot of her laughter/comments were forced. She wouldn't really think highly or care what a guy like that thinks. As always she was very graceful about the entire dinner.


    Yolanda's crusade is crazy as always. Why accept an apology and then rescind that, and expect LisaR not to be confused? What exactly did she even want if an apology wasn't good enough? Not to mention she was reading off on Munchausen-by-proxy which is not even anything that LisaR had ever brought up. I feel like the whole Munchausen direction was the wrong way to take it anyway - I don't doubt that Yolanda is sick, but I think she is more likely misguided and all the quackery she's bought into just isn't helping or is actively making her worse. And all her contradictions don't help.

    • Love 11
  22. Who else noticed that Phaedra was implying Porsha had puncture wounds on her abdomen from Cynthia's heels? Cynthia was barefoot! The shade, the shade....

    I can't be the only one who thought Cynthia DID kick Porsha with shoes on? I could have sworn she was actually wearing heels, but the kick happened so fast that maybe I was wrong.


    Anyway, I'm one of the people who's more on Porsha's side on this one. Normally I'm okay with Cynthia, but I think she made it into an altercation where there shouldn't have been one. Also, from what I could tell, Cynthia was the one who grabbed Porsha's hands first, at which point Porsha stood up, at which point Cynthia kicked her away. So from my perspective, Cynthia got physical first, but it might need a rewatch. (And also lol at anyone blaming Porsha for putting her hands in Cynthia's face - that's 100% Cynthia's MO, to wave her hands around in people's faces and irritate them! I have no clue how I'd handle someone acting like that in real life, because I know for a fact someone invading my personal space would irritate the hell out of me, but I hope I would not resort to physical violence and would just walk away to get more space. If they kept following me that'd be basically harassment.)


    I know Kenya is there for easily-produced drama, but like... does anyone even like her? I don't even "love to hate" her, I just find her fake-ass personality unbearably irritating and would prefer she weren't on the show. Her talk with Porsha cracked me up, too. You could see her get this huge smile on her face when Porsha said she didn't trust Kenya, and Kenya started in on this whole spiel of how rude and insulting Porsha was being. I think she was honestly trying to provoke another fight, which good thing Porsha didn't go for it. I also found her drama on the boat super annoying. Yeah, Porsha was being held down and screaming (and don't forget they've been drinking, and I'd be pissed too if someone just kicked me!) but she's not about to go serial killer and murder everyone, stop trying to act like everything is her fault.

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  23. I remember Leon saying that Cynthia fretted too much over EVERYTHING and he was too laid back.  They were just too opposite.  I took it to mean they probably had too many disagreements to live together peacefully, but decided to stay civil with each other for their daughter's sake.

    This is interesting to me because my boyfriend (of what, 5 years now?) and I are polar opposites like this, too. I'm very anxious, fretful and naggy, and he is calm as a rock. His usual method of dealing with me flipping out about something is to basically ignore me and act as a calming influence. It works surprisingly well. That said, we don't have a kid and we're not married, and it's not for everyone...


    Where are Peter and Cynthia in real time? I feel like if they'd split we'd have heard something, no?

    Wondering this, too. I don't really keep up with celebrity news but this was filmed a while back, right? If there were divorce proceedings under-way I feel like someone would've found out about it. If no one's said anything then it makes me kind of worried/disappointed because I'd really like to see Cynthia dump Peter like a hot potato already.

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  24. Huh, I thought Cynthia went from 0 to 60 in that moment and I honestly was just as confused as Porsha was when Cynthia went to town on her. There really seemed to be no animosity coming from Porsha up until Cynthia decided to make a fight out of it. I can also put myself in Porsha's shoes and see why she'd be reluctant to go over and apologize. Yeah, she could've been the bigger person and calmly went "hey, I didn't mean it like that" (which I think she even tried to say!) and "I'm sorry if it came off that way" or something, but to be fair it seemed like Cynthia wasn't having it, and not everyone reacts calmly after being blown up on.


    Since it apparently went to a physical altercation, though, that's really too bad, since as someone else mentioned earlier in the thread, it kind of puts you more in the "wrong" than the person you were arguing with.


    Also kind of confused as to why everyone this season has been shown telling Cynthia to work it out with Peter. I honestly don't think their relationship is worth salvaging and the marriage seemed like a bad idea even before they got married. Frankly I hate the narrative that a marriage is sacred and needs to be worked out at all costs - sometimes divorce is better for all parties involved. Let's hope Cynthia gets to that point sometime soon. I don't think Peter will magically change to be a better, nicer, more compassionate person.


    Am I the only one who didn't find Kim's library book all that cute? A book is a great thing to bring to a beach or whatever (which, hey, maybe that was part of the outing) but to me that was more akin to bringing a book after your friends invited you out to a bar. Just a bar that happens to be floating around on water. Kinda rude imo.

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