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Everything posted by Shaynaa

  1. I just found this Washington Post article that breaks down so much of the effed up media coverage in the mid-aughts. Highly recommend reading if you are wondering why the episode was set at that time. ‘Reading the story today makes me cringe’: Female stars and the media machine of the early 2000s
  2. I'm not sure if you were around in the mid 2000s but they were an especially vile time for tabloid press. Famous women were constantly subjected to misogyny, slut shaming and body shaming. Here's an a recent article from The Guardian reflecting on that time: 'I was worried Lindsay, Paris or Britney would die': why the 00s were so toxic for women
  3. Not really a fan. As soon as Lana suggested David use the link I knew he would develop a thing for her and guessed Lama was unlikely to survive the episode although I figured Cliff would kill her. I guess not involving Houston/Mission Control was to keep the characters so alone and isolated but it was weird as hell that David could watch his family's funeral from space but nobody from altNASA even checked up on him. I also got For All Mankind if it went completely dystopian vibes from this.
  4. No comments? This makes me so sad. I think it's safe to say, given all the behind the scenes issues, and lukewarm reception that we will not be getting season 2. I'm trying to understand EOD and impulse control. Like I don't think Margot made a conscious decision to zap Danden. She just reacted. The journalist, whose name escapes me at the moment, was really rediculous. Dude has a Pulitzer but can't grasp that being rude to the people he's crossing a river to see, who can conduct electricity is a bad idea.
  5. I'm so relieved there was a trailer for next week at the end. Wikipedia says there are only 8 eps so I thought this was it. Tunde's hubris really came back to bit him in the ass. I don't understand why he's filing/posting videos while still in a hostile country. He really is not very smart. Damn Tatiana. Why Do I feel like she has (understandably) been plotting Viktor's murder for years? And the fact she did it without using her EOD. Although, wouldn't Viktor have a panic button or something?
  6. I am disappointed they didn't mention Order 9066 which forced Japanese Americans in internment camps at all. I understand the show had to get through a ton of material in the last two episodes but with all of Eleanor's work fighting for human rights her whole life including objecting to the camps. It was an odd thing to leave out. Time Magazine: How Eleanor Roosevelt Worked to Stop Her Husband Approving Japanese Internment Camps During World War II
  7. I would be so incredibly bored watching a show where "USA= big heroes and Russia = big villains absolute binaries. Mikhail Mikhailovic was totally on when he pointed out the American bodies and fact that no one owns the moon. I'm really glad they didn't go for Russian sabatoge because they would be so easy and cheap. I'm confused what happened to Aleida at the end? Where did she go? I imagine Margo would have a little more willing to help if she knew about her losing her place to stay but it seems like the INS or whoever raided the place would know Aleida was so it wouldn't be like she could just go stay with Margo, even if she did change her mind. Are we jumping into the 80s with season 2?
  8. I'm really curious what happened to Shane. The end felt like a fake out but if he's really dead or seriously injured I'm not sure how NASA will cope. It isn't like they can get him home any sooner. I suspect NASA would keep him in the dark and I imagine Karen would go along with it even though she shouldn't.
  9. Sooo....not to dredge up an old fight but does everyone see the point of mentioning the power issues in Gaza back in ep 1? Given the UK now is dealing with constant power outages? This show has all the subtlety of a sledgehammer but the point they made with that seems pretty obvious.. It's been a while since I watched the whole series but I was thinking about Edith protesting Roe vs Wade being overturned in the USA and being banned from the country. The way the newscast presented it, it made it like every person in the UK understood what "Roe vs Wade" meant. Is it that widely known over there or was this just a tv thing? It's a British series so I assumed it would be written with the UK audience in mind,
  10. I've seen the entire series so I'm not sure if they have said on screen but Rosie has spina bifida. Some people with it do have paralysis of the legs but not everyone does. She can walk short distances if she has to.
  11. Someone using a wheelchair does not mean they are unable to walk at all.
  12. The panel mentioned a fact that is true in reality. Gaza really only has power for a few hours a day. That's not whatever the hell virtue signalling is.
  13. I watched this last week but I'm pretty sure the Israel comment was about Gaza only having power for a few hours a day...which is true in reality. I didn't see her response as evil because she didn't care this was happening but rather just how evident how nationalistic she was. She doesn't know or CARE to know anything about the middle east. Her whole schtick is that she's worried about every day problems Britains face. Also, this scene will make more sense later only but anything else I'd say about that would be a spoiler.
  14. This doesn't get its own forum? :( I meant to only watch the first few episodes but I ended up marathoning all 8. I was watching for Gillian but it wound up being a really good show. Maeve is awesome and needs some good things to happen to her. Eric was a great character and I wasn't thrilled how Otis treated him. Doesn Gillian have a clause in her contract that she always has to be put in the most awful wigs possible? Because it keeps happening. Note: Trigger warning for LGTQ violence in episode 5. I don't think any press has mentioned that.
  15. You get a scalpel that is made of some other material. Like this
  16. It seriously does. I just don't think I can do these anymore. The source material is gone and Miller is no feminist but thinks quite highly of himself. I just can't with June. I understand not wanting to leave one of her children but she has no power in her position. She's going to end up on the wall in the Colonies. Well, if the writing actually followed the laws of the universe she would. She will have no chance to help Hannah in any way. Thanks to her note on the wall she couldn't even try a BS excuse about being kidnapped for the gazillionith. The Marthas who risked everything to help her will be so thrilled she implicated them. I am glad Serena doesn't get redeemed at least. She helped rape June a few episodes ago. I feel like people have short memories because Yvonne is such a good actress. I've got a year to decide but I think I am done with this torture porn.
  17. I'm not a lawyer and don't know much about custody or immigration law. Any case would have to be filed in Canada. It is safe to say they would not recognize Gilead courts. WOuldn't a Canadian court just have to ask Fred to come appear in person and bring the child's mother? I know lawyers can sometimes appear in court without their clients but if Fred can't "care" enough to actually show up in person.... If he's claiming that June and the handmaids consented to this then he would have no problem showing up or bringing her. I guess it depends on how much Canada wants to help. They could claim the baby was born in Canada and come up with a birth certificate. To disprove that, Fred would have to produce June. The custody stuff is interesting but really wouldn't make sense. Fred would be bringing so much international attention on Gilead by trying to get her back. They guy is already going to be in deep doo doo with the other commanders. But like someone else said, the writers like to pull things out of their asses so this could still happen. I do feel pretty confident that Luke and/or Moira will end up with the baby. Hopefully Luke steps up for once.
  18. The episode that just dropped was episode 10. Current guess is it is NIck and Eden or Isaac and Eden in the pool. More inclined to think Isaac. This makes Nick and June's storylines sound separate.
  19. I'm just not sure how this will work. June being sent back to the Waterfords would be a huge retread. It's really hard to imagine her just getting a new placement. We have seen what she goes through as a handmaid. It really isn't interesting to go back to square one just with new people. It's possible she could meet up with the female underground railroad although again, kind of a retread. Moira getting out was too damned easy last season. I just really don't want the Waterfords to get that baby. I hate wishing for a dead baby but it would be easier. What frustrates me is Fred and Serena are going to get away the rape. June didn't tell anyone and I bet she gives birth alone. They will just claim any bruising is from the labor and her escape from the house.
  20. I am continually bothered at how much of the show is from the white, male gaze. Calling that out sure isn't sexist. I so wish the show runner was not a man. That's not a knock on Bruce who is very talented but this show really needed to be from a women's perspective.
  21. Hannah is on the imdb cast list for this ep and Heather is not so... While IMDB is not infallible I think it's got to be Hannah. Heather showing up would not be interesting or shocking. We know she's a handmaid. We know June feels guilty. She already had one breakdown over this. Hannah would be ripe for drama. Especially since it is obvious it won't be a happy reunion. I think Hannah has been completely brainwashed and thinks both her parents are awful sinners. June has been trying to get back to her for three years and now she finally sees her and it isn't a happy reunion. I don't think Waterford would even consider taking June to see her if he thought it would have any kind of positive outcome. I think this is part of him taking revenge on her.
  22. A theory I saw on reddit that makes sense...and is horrifying. Isaac rapes Eden but she gets blamed for it. We already saw him being aggressive and violent. It sure fits. They get thrown in the pool and strung up on the wall.
  23. So, I am a veteran anti-racist and anti-facist protester. Neo-Nazis came to a town near here two months ago. We protested them and chanted "No hate! No fear! Nazis are not welcome here!" Another version of that we used is "No hate! No fear! Immigrants are welcome here!". It's a really common chant and another one that was used in Charlottesville. So I am coming at this with a deep understanding of the need to protest but Luke, WTF are you doing?!? Fred has June held prisoner. He could do anything to her in retaliation for Luke coming after him. I understand you are not supposed to hurt a pregnant handmaid but Fred is an evil SOB and he could easily think of many ways he could get away with. Luke seriously endangered her here. I did like his giant photo of his family. I LOLd a bit at Nick's selective use of facts. He and June and "friends". Of course, it made sense. He doesn't want to open the can of worms of his actual relationship with her. The timing of the upload of the letters. I guess Nick isn't too concerned with his own well being? The fact the letters leaked at the same time as this historic trip is not going to be lost on Gilead leadership. It was great seeing them kicked out of the country but that was seriously risky.
  24. I was being rhetorical when I said I thought they would just throw in another interracial couple. Mostly. But they did it any way. This is just insulting and ridiculous. The show is never going to address race in any meaningful because that might actually be hard. Or they might have to actually hire some POC on the production side. http://www.newsweek.com/2018/05/11/handmaids-tale-season-2-how-margaret-atwood-and-bruce-miller-agreed-disagree-901162.html He's so full of it. Like I said, this show desperately needed a show runner who was not a white man.
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