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Posts posted by ChuckWagon

  1. On 10/23/2020 at 12:40 PM, dubbel zout said:

    I read "Looking for Mr. Goodbar" at waaay too young an age. My parents never forbade us to read anything, but I think a head's up that I wasn't ready for this at 13 or so wouldn't have been amiss, heh.



    ....and I bookended it with The Harrod Experiment and Harvest Home.  All these years later I often wonder what the heck mom was thinking. Certainly made ‘the talk’ a lot easier.

    • Love 3
  2. On 8/20/2019 at 11:06 AM, AngelKitty said:

    oops, it was the movie. I forgot I also ordered the movie. The book I picked up was Fuzzy Nation by John Scalzi.

    Love John Scalzi! The Lock In series is really good, and just finished the second book in the Interdependency series which is also really, really good. Old Man’s War is good...heck, it’s all good 🙂

    • Love 2
  3. On 7/27/2019 at 10:52 PM, isalicat said:

    Anyone out there into English modern detective/mysteries? I have read the entire Deborah Crombie series as well as the Elizabeth George (Lynley novels - my favorite) and am up for further recommendations. Thanks!

    Christopher Fowler - The Bryant and May series

    Nikki French - The Freida Klein series

    Alan Bradley - The Flavia DeLuce series

    and if you’re into supernatural, The Peter Grant series by Ben Aaronovitch

  4. On 4/21/2018 at 6:40 AM, AngelKitty said:

    I put this on my want to read list. If you want another wizard detective in London, I recommend the Alex Verus series by Benedict Jacka.

    Right now I'm halfway through Dead Heat-Alpha & Omega series by Patricia Briggs, with Magic Burns on deck and Broken Angels waiting in the wings.

    I read Fated right before The Hanging Tree...good stuff! Will continue the series after I plow thru Monster Hunter Inc. and the Innkeeper series.  

    Simultaneously anxiously awaiting and dreading the last Kate Daniels...while all good things must come to and end, just sucks this good thing is at its end.

  5. 6 hours ago, WhosThatGirl said:

    Yeah.. and Abby letting him go? The hell? If anything, Abby would have been right there with him. I mean.. huh? Why would she let him go by himself?


    This.  Exactly this.

    And my befuddled mind kept waiting for David to jump up....shot to Red holding a decanter in her hand, that smirk on her face...pan to Cyrus falling to the floor, not broken.  Totally defeated. A defeated, no an annihilated, Cyrus is much more satisfying than a broken Cyrus. 


    I'll live, in the alternate ending world, where a literal broken Cyrus is pretty darn satisfying.

    • Love 6
  6. This is just so god-awful.  How did we end up here?  How does it even get fixed, except for waking up in a bed in Vermont from a dream?


    Could Quinn be in on it with Papa Pope??? The man's a killer...two shots to put Quinn down?  I don't think so.  2 shots is for effect.

    Papa Pope...my transference is from Eureka!  I loved Henry!  *sigh*

    • Love 3
  7. 4 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

      His prints won't be on the card in his pocket either.

    Yeah this.

    And... maybe I missed it, but why was it part of the plan to plant the card on him?

    What explanation could Michaela possibly give to Tegan on how Simon got his (now printless) fingers on it?  Ha! just realized as typing this out Michaela was literally left holding the bag.

    • Love 7
  8. 20 hours ago, Black Knight said:

     But if she was faking, if this is a scheme, then it really could be anyone...and if so, then it's the second person in the house that she'll really be upset over. I feel like that's probably the way the show will go, Annalise was scheming to remove person #1 and somebody she really cares about ended up being collateral damage

    Agreed. Annalise is nothing if not a skilled actress...my first thought after seeing the flyers was the house went up to cover up a confrontation gone real bad with Hannah/Marcia Gay Harden, who would totally have it in her to post the flyers. You'd have to love the character closure of losing Hannah to a Code Black ;)

    • Love 2
  9. 29 minutes ago, Drogo said:

    Paige and Mark looked sour at the outcome, and they've looked sour before... viewers pick up on this and will vote for someone else. 


    And the story edit on her last night, about constantly looking in the mirror, did her no favors...of course she's looking in the mirror.  Its a dance studio.  Just how they did it.  I thought, self, if there were a next week of voting, I'd probably 'penalize' her for it.  

    To the point made over and over with regard to who wins....it is Y amount dance ability and X amount likability with the X factor :) playing a larger role (in most cases) in voting for a lot of viewers.

    • Love 1
  10. 4 hours ago, Daisytiff said:

    I thought Ginger was likeable, an excellent dancer, highly improved, and worked really hard to get where she was.  She also had to do GMA, fly back and forth, and tend to a six month old baby on top of her hectic DWTS schedule. I think that saying she is only in the finals because ABC pushed her is really unfair. ABC didn't push her anymore than they did Other contestants, especially Nile. 

    I think people saw how hard she worked and saw her improvement, and that, mixed with her likeability, was the reason she got votes and made it to the end. Saying she only got to the end because ABC had an agenda is really untrue in my opinion. 

    Agreed!  Adding in the positive relationship with Val and she/they were, in my opinion, enjoyable.  I work, don't watch GMA so had no going in bias to her.  I came out a genuine fan of hers. 

    Cringed when Bruno called her a "weather girl"; Hmphed when she straightened his ass out.  lol

    Wish Wanya had made it into the finals...another partnership that was enjoyable to watch.

    • Love 1
  11. 9 hours ago, Chicken Wing said:

    Also, I hate to defend Penny on anything, but my own mother sometimes blanked on what year I was born. I can forgive Penny for knowing innocuous details about Sofia but brain-farting on what grade she was in. :)

    Hear that.  Just about killed me to defend Penny but some days I have to go thru the list of names in my head and gleefully yell! out the one of the CW jr. standing in front of me when I come across the right one.

    • Love 1
  12. Would that be the reason they've turned the relationship into a quickie marriage? 


    In the scene on the bed with Hannah, when A asked why they were getting married, the only 'reason' I thought I heard was "TAXES".  

    FWIW, I got married so I'd never have to go to the dry cleaner again so who am i to judge?

    • Love 4
  13.  ETA: WOULD Peter be stupid enough, as States Attorney, to fix a trial like that? Even for a big donor? It seems like a really stupid thing to have done, and Peter's vain, and ambitious, but he's not stupid.


    In the Back-Where-We-Started scene, I was really expecting Peter to say they were back where they started, but adding ".. but this time I'm actually innocent.  Don't that figure?"  We didn't get that so I'm assuming he did.  And you're right, he's not stupid but he can be arrogant and arrogance will get you almost every time.



    I would prefer if Alicia had an "I choose me" moment,


    This.  A thousand times this.  Especially given her (current) choice.  

    • Love 1
  14. To be fair, this isn't the first time this has happened on this show.  When Meredith first felt her son move, she had a reaction very similar (although not quite as fatalistic) as April's.  


    But yes--in both cases it was hard to believe that a doctor wouldn't be able to recognize a baby kicking.  I do, however, give a bit of a pass to April as she had been through one pregnancy where her baby never moved.


    Yeah...this was a WTF'ery moment..but then backpedaled a bit when Arizona mentioned something about cramping. So, between the cramping sensation coupled with the moving sensation and April being, well April,  I gave her a pass.   And really, after a first pregnancy like April's first, just about anything that you experience can (and will) send you in a panic mode.

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