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Everything posted by DanaMB

  1. And I hope if there is another season, the producers still want her to appear to show her new life and she negotiates a deal on her own aside from the family. That would infuriate Kody.
  2. That was the point I decided she’s playing up her “ignorance.”
  3. Is she on the hospital with a trach again? I saw it mentioned somewhere and looked up her TikTok. Even with a trach, or whatever that is, she is posting videos about haters. She’s never going to realize how bad off she is. Maybe people are right and her family should let her live her (short) life as she sees fit. They should stop waiting on her hand and foot, though.
  4. Well, damn. Guess I won’t be seeing the movie.
  5. And he essentially forced him to go in.
  6. I love that the editors keep showing how hurt Ysabel is. Kody deserves to have to watch it over and over. Not that I think he cares.
  7. That “pond” looks disgusting.
  8. I’m confused but admit my memory is crap. I thought Dennis and Dee grew up with a different man as their father and only in the second season learned Frank was their real father?
  9. I actually had a similar thought, that this will turn out to be something stupid. It’s a farce at this point.
  10. Fuck you, Michael. Fuck you, Willow. Are the writers deliberately tanking these sanctimonious cheating assholes or are they deluded and think we’re cheering them on?
  11. I was thinking the same thing today. He really does and I even found myself thinking he and Ava might make a good pair.
  12. I thought it wasn’t bad. The funny thing is, I’m watching The Christmas Thief and I swear in the first 15 minutes it has hit so many tropes that movie made fun of. I am having trouble remembering this one isn’t a parody, too. ETA OMG, they just had the hero and rival compete in cornhole. I’m dying. (Not with fruitcake, though.)
  13. And yet I predict half way through we’ll be tired of them and anxiously awaiting the next season. It’s what we do. Can’t seem to break the cycle. I blame the excellent snark.
  14. I think he’s terrified he won’t get to see his son. She holds all the power.
  15. I just watched Christmas on 5th Ave and thought it was really cute. Nothing new, but I still enjoyed it.
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