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Everything posted by DanaMB

  1. My God this season is so boring. I deleted the past three eps and decided to just watch Pillow Talk. It’s still boring!
  2. Ty! I actually found it on demand. I was looking for the wrong title. I have to sit through commercials, though.
  3. It didn’t record for me. 🙁 I can’t find it on demand either.
  4. I wish each couple didn’t have to tell their “how we met” story every. single. time. If we’re watching this nonsense, we know how they met. Hell, they have the same couples on the show so much even someone new to the show knows how they all met by now.
  5. I’m 3 episodes behind. Not sure if I should slog through them or just watch Pillow Talk.
  6. Of course it was. So fake. She said it herself, she’s a marketing genius. Everything she does is to extend her time on the show to sell more ridiculous shit.
  7. Unfortunately, I didn’t like this episode which has been the pattern lately. Im taking it off the DVR.
  8. I rooted for Ben so I guess I can root for Evan. 😂
  9. Watched the first ep. So much cheese. Loved seeing Hope. Ciara is still awful. Steve Burton…ugh. This is definitely not GH where SB’s character would have immediately won that fight. What’s up with Joey’s mustache? I was going to call it a porn stache, but it screams more dirtbag to me. Should I know who Stefano’s daughter is?
  10. The mom’s uptalk and the older daughter’s vocal fry drove me nuts.
  11. I can’t find season 4 anywhere. Not even to rent/buy. So disappointed.
  12. On Days, it would definitely happen.
  13. Today I officially started ff’ing Sasha. I. don.t. Care. Though, I did catch the scene where Kevin found the drugs in her purse. The actress did a good job. I’m just sick of the character.
  14. Those Will and Ben (and Marlena) scenes. Wow… just… wow. They’re acting like Ben just made a simple mistake instead of brutal murder. I like Ben, but my god this is insane.
  15. These were my thoughts exactly. I’m so sick of Jack and his defending of Gwen.
  16. JJ mentioned Ciara and Ben took Doug and Julie to the church for The funeral. I’m thinking maybe the guy who tried to burn Abigail alive shouldn’t be at her funeral. And I don’t even hate Ben.
  17. Sometimes I wonder if John is attracted to Thais.
  18. Same. She and her drugs can go anytime.
  19. I’m so sick of Leah. I know nothing about dance, but even I can recognize Twitch and Jo Jo (who annoys me) know what they are talking about and offer quality feedback. Leah doesn’t seem to know anything about dance and when she’s first up, doesn’t know what the hell to say and flounders.
  20. To watch the Christmas one you had to be a paid subscriber. So, based on that…
  21. Willow has become a pod person. I never got invested with her being with Chase because I knew eventually she’d end up with Michael. I just didn't care about her. Now I can’t stand her.
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