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Everything posted by DanaMB

  1. And it’s not like they were on a tv show detailing their relationship… Ed is gross. I found it hysterical when Liz said she was still teaching him how to kiss.
  2. That’s exactly what I think will happen, too. Then Brady will end up falling back in love with her. 🤮
  3. I’m ashamed to admit this, but I started thinking the Marc/Brit storyline was real. Then I saw they moved to Florida together and I knew my bunkies were right all along.
  4. I was waiting for this episode because David was spotted in downtown WH a few weeks ago and one of the city fb pages posted a pic. When he went to Ovation and Harborside, I was surprised he didn’t go to restaurants downtown. But Ovation is closer to Lake Wales. (Excuse the local here geeking out.) I was underwhelmed by the houses. We have beautiful homes and from the outside, these looked dated to me.
  5. After the writers figure out how to make it Cam’s fault.
  6. I think I’m a little more lenient with these movies than some, but Pumpkin Everything was just not good. Way too tropey. The DJ was so cringe with the way she spoke. And of course a season specific store…
  7. This format is boring. You know the Harp is going to move on each week.
  8. Me. Thankfully not as bad as those south of me, but it was scary. I don’t know how I lucked out with no damage. No power for a little over two days. Thankfully, the weather was not nearly as hot as it can be. I was out of power for almost 5 days after Irma and it was unbearably hot.
  9. So I get power back after Ian (I’m so blessed, no damage), and the first episode I catch up on Allie is being a bitch. The next episode, Stephanie is being a bitch. So glad I am catching up. 🙄
  10. It was preempted by our local station today. Waiting for it to drop on Hulu.
  11. I found myself wondering today if they would have Ben appear since the actor is still on the show.
  12. That’s exactly what I was thinking. Why she didn’t fly and why she was filming while devastated and driving. I wonder if there will be a tell-all/nothing. Kody is coming off as the worst, worse than ever and I can’t see him wanting to be in the hot seat. Of course, they wouldn’t call him out nearly as harshly as he deserves.
  13. Except apparently on soaps being a serial killer is just a minor inconvenience and not just on GH See: Ben Days of Our Lives
  14. I couldn’t get past the first minute. She is so bad at this.
  15. This episode was all over the place. I don’t think they have enough interesting footage for any kind of storyline except for Babs.
  16. Jesse and Jeniffer are going to drive me away from this show.
  17. Why do I get the feeling she’s posting all this to show her life is still better than Christine’s. It’s like she’s competing because almost everyone is praising Christine and happy for her for leaving. Plus, she has her own cooking show.
  18. In the preview, we have Natalie pouting because she wasn’t introduced with a title. I’m over her.
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