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Everything posted by DanaMB

  1. I lost interest in this season after
  2. I’ve been waiting to see everyone’s thoughts, too. I did try last night’s but gave up on it. I got sick of the song and awkward dancing.
  3. He really was. The actor seemed odd. Not sure if it was the tan or just his acting choices
  4. I’m not a huge fan, but they could have made the entire episode flashbacks of Deidre Hall scenes IMO. On another note, my prediction for Nicole’s storyline… She’s already lied about being pregnant. She will be found out. Then she will find out about the paternity and lie about that. Then she’ll be caught again. Absolutely no character growth for this one.
  5. It took me longer than some to get here, but Paulina needs to go. So obnoxious.
  6. I can already see how this is going to go. Nina will beg Carly to help her, Carly will smugly agree, for Willow’s sake (hah), the truth will come out about who notified the SEC and Carly will be back to hating Nina only with 1000 times more smug and nastiness. Oh, and Sonny will join in. Can’t wait.
  7. I was so disappointed when I remembered we don’t have a show for a few months.
  8. But Penelope is Lady W, and Lady W is in this series.
  9. She has lots of fans on the GH Facebook page.
  10. Glad I read comments here first before watching today’s show. Looks like I can delete without subjecting myself to the dumpster fire and rage that goes with it. Die Willow. Take all the Carlys with you.
  11. One more reason for me to drop the show. I can’t stand KM.
  12. What. the. Fuck. I’v been seriously considering dropping it after 36 years. This doesn’t help.
  13. And Willow (just die already) will use what little strength she has left (🙄) to reassure Michael she didn’t faint because of what he told her. It could never be his fault.
  14. There are no words to describe how heinous Carly is. Well, I thought of one but I don’t want to offend anyone.
  15. I may stop watching. I just don’t care about any of them.
  16. To me, she actually makes Eric interesting and doesn’t seem to think she has to change who she is to be with him. Nicole is the same old shit.
  17. Seconded. Don’t put Sloan with that block of wood.
  18. I feel bad saying it, but I really I think it’s a pity nomination.
  19. Agree. I kept thinking how they would never ask a woman to do that or, if they did, people would be outraged.
  20. I guess these are the last happy Sonny/ Nina scenes we’ll get. As a fan, it sucks. I hated the Qs piling on Tracey for daring to insult Carly. And I fast forwarded all of insipid Willow and stupid Wiley. I’m truly starting to hate this show. I’m ready to stop recording it and just keep up here. Sad, since I’ve been watching for 36 years.
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