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Everything posted by DanaMB

  1. I wasn’t sure where to post this, but there are reports Asonte
  2. Anyone watch Love in the Great Smoky Mountains? It seems like one of dozens they’ve aired lately and not sure I should even bother. I’m sick of “park” romances.
  3. I kind of feel she was. I feel like past scenes of her being pathetic like this were legit, but this one felt like she was playing the role she knew people expected.
  4. How is it even possible Kody becomes more of an asshole each episode??? And it looks like next week his assholery grows exponentially! What a dick. Loathsome human being.
  5. I couldn’t remember who she was and kept waiting for them to flashback to jog my memory. Meth head Matt and wood sex brought it all back.
  6. I agree. And I’m pretty sure he has his own social media, too. On one of her IG posts where she was upset about people’s comments, he was telling her to stick to reading comments on his page because the fans are much more supportive there.
  7. She is not. She has a new man. She’s not posting pictures of him or anything. I think she said they’ve been together over a year. Michael is with that chick that he was with at the end of his last season. Miami area?
  8. So we have two baby storylines and in each the father has been led to believe it’s not his baby. 🙄
  9. Agree 100%! I can’t fault her hustle. Good for her.
  10. Are they still off schedule due to news interruptions?
  11. I get what you’re saying, but at least now he’s deliberately being an asshole.
  12. Debbie and her son? Really? Even more of a reason not to watch any more.
  13. I loved seeing a cat just wander by in the background for #3.
  14. Do we know how long this season covers? I really hope we get to Christine’s boyfriend. There really needs to be a time adjustment to catch up.
  15. I thought his face looked slightly different too. Bloated or fillers?
  16. I have found him more tolerable in his current storyline with Sasha.
  17. The flashbacks of Bonnie reminded me of why I can’t stand her and I hate that she’s married to Justin.
  18. I was wondering why Disneyland. The time period didn’t even occur to me.
  19. Oh ffs. And referring to him as daddy already. Those poor kids.
  20. I really wish Gwen knew what was going on and was just pretending to be this stupid. I doubt it, though. Ron just wants us to feel sorry for his precious princess. I used to like Leo when almost no one else did. Now, I think he is trash. I’m glad they made it clear they found Victor’s body. Since the actor passed away, I didn’t think there should be any ambiguity.
  21. I finished today’s ep in record time. Easy to do when you fast forward Millow, Michael/Dex, babyCurtis, Portia, and Sasha torture porn.
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