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Everything posted by DanaMB

  1. During today’s scenes I felt like she was tired of playing the same thing with Nicole’s babies and just didn’t put much into it. Not that I care. I hate this storyline.
  2. Wow, they are really scraping the bottom of the barrel. A whole mind-numbingly boring segment on putting a car in a trailer. Wtf.
  3. Well, it’snow the time that I get behind with all of these movies. Watching Flipping for Christmas right now. Pretty boring.
  4. I didn’t hate Never Been Chris’d but agree the leads didn’t have chemistry. I didn’t even feel like there was a romance. Like I said in another post, I would have preferred for neither to end up with him and it was just a story about their friendship. Never have I ever played with cookies instead of alcohol? 🙄
  5. Could Li be faking this to frame Gabi? Or is that just my own wishful thinking?
  6. Totally agree. I had the same exact thought when I was binging the episodes today. The real estate bores me. Chelsea is a shit stirrer. I guess that’s her role. This Cassandra chick seems way too fake and “on.” Like she’s acting. Yes, I know, reality tv isn’t really real.
  7. Whitney’s Instagram has two posts about Buddy’s wedding. It looks like it was beautiful.
  8. Yep. Just check out Facebook. I can’t read much of it before getting seriously annoyed.
  9. Agree. I’ve never been a big fan of the Halloween episodes, but past ones were better than this one. I may just skip next year’s.
  10. I love your version. Even though we all know it won’t happen. 😞
  11. After seeing the commercials for Never Been Chris’d, I hope it ends up being more about their friendship and neither ends up with him.
  12. I didn’t hate it, but the acting was not good and the stupid misunderstanding is one we’ve seen so many times. And those pajamas were so generic. 😂 I really just had it on as background noise. I also watched Ms. Christmas Comes to Town. I thought it was good. I was dreading a stupid misunderstanding at the reveal, but it was handled maturely. I’d have been pissed if she got mad the male lead didn’t tell her about the host’s terminal illness. It wasn’t his place. Thankfully, that didn’t happen. I don’t know, so far this year my tolerance is higher for these movies* I guess. It’s an escape from the atrocities in real life right now. *Except that stupid astronaut one.
  13. After today’s show, I’m considering the Barge for the first time ever. I can’t take that fuckwit MIchael.
  14. Either Gino was really fired as others have said, or he quit so Jasmine wasn’t alone all day in his home. Not because he cared about her being alone, but because he doesn’t trust her.
  15. Andy says what he thinks he’s supposed to, not what he truly means. And his puppy dog head tilt annoys me. HE annoys me.
  16. Holy shit, Haley’s neck tattoo. WHY?!? John has to be hoping for another season with his latest inmate. Lord
  17. Seeing all the ex-wives going on vacations everywhere, it made me wonder if there’s ever any news about Cody and Robyn going on vacations. I get great pleasure thinking about them stewing in jealousy at home seeing all the pictures of where all the other wives have gone.
  18. Another episode deleted without watching. Seems I didn’t miss much.
  19. How does Kody become more of a trash human being each week? How is it even possible? He just can’t sink too low. Horrid person.
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