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Posts posted by Cranston

  1. I'm a retired personal secretary/assistant and during my work life a secretary just didn't decide on her own..."Oh, pooh...I don't want to work for What's His Name anymore...I think I'll go work for Whooosie!"  Those decisions were made at a  higher, human resource level.  Who does Donna think she is?  Oh, yeah...she's Donna.

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  2. Rats.  And I had this lovely thought that Gibbs would take in that poor child who lost his Mommy and Daddy and raise him and they'd live happily ever after.  I'm such a Pollyana. 

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  3. SimoneS.....you are so right about the music...it made this series for me.  Every song fit carefully into a scene, just right.  The music for that season one finale....Justin being taken into the hospital, Brian in the hallway...is Parce Mihi Domine, in this case peformed by Jan Garbarek and the Hilliard Ensemble, from their record "Officium".  I play it often!

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  4. Has this show been renewed for another season?   I've only watched three episodes and it's really pretty bad.  The plots are unbelieveable, casting a bit odd....I can't warm up to anybody.  I'll give it another watch or two, I don't know why....

  5. Yes, the visuals in so many British productions are what delight me, even more than the plot or even the cast members.  When will Grantchester be back...next winter some time?

  6. I did a funny thing today.  I ordered Season 1 on dvd....so I and my family can watch it over and over.  I hardly ever purchase shows, but Downton Abbey and Grantchester are so very good, so watchable several times over.  I will never get to England, a life long dream.  My Mother was born in Blackburn and I am a devoted Anglophile.  Watching British produced tv shows (we watch just about all of them) delights me.  I don't think we Yankees do nearly as well in overall production skills. 



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  7. Carson and Mrs. Hughes are lovely together.  They know each other so well, they fit like gloves and I picture their later years as happy, comfortable years.  Even if there isn't any passionate love all over the place...sometimes unions based on friendship and closeness work just as well.  Good for them, many seniors dread spending their last years alone. 

    • Love 13
  8. Donna and Louis are the only reasons I watch this show.  Well....Harvey's hotness helps.  The writing/plots are not very good and Mike is an insufferable little twit.

    Why can't I remember Louis' departed secretary?  Was she in many episodes?  Yes, Hoffman should get some award for his work on this show.  He is amazing.

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  9. Yes, I think the Mrs in Mrs. Hughes was just a matter of curtesy at that time.  It still is, actually, in many cultures.  I think the joining of Carson and Hughes has to be the lovliest moment in this entire season, for this old lady anyway! 


    I've always been a bit of a Robert fan.  He is what is because he is what he is in that particular era.  But he has such a good heart, he means so well most of the time. When you age it's hard to let go of the ways you grew up with, the morals and absolutes drilled into you from childhood.  Actually, Robert has come a long, long way.

    • Love 5
  10. Does anyone know what happens to those absolutely gorgeous outfits the Downton Abbey women wear?  Are they for sale someplace?  Set aside to be in a Downton Abbey Museum one day? 


    While I'm questioning...anybody know who that was who drove the car Mary's almost new boyfriend left in?

  11. Man, I don't give a rat's patoosie about Guy.  He's unpleasant and uppity and what Amanda sees in him is beyond me.  Is his station in life, his money that important to her?  Must be.  They deserve each other.  I don't care for odd looking, dippy Hildegarde either so I'm waiting for a new woman for Sidney....a sweet, warm, peppy, fun lovin gal. 

  12. I've warmed to everybody, even Amanda a very teeny bit, except Hildegarde.  As has been suggested here earlier...she may be simply miscast.  She doesn't match Sidney.  And the way she sideways looks at him, with that sappy smile, is ugh. 

  13. Mike will always be a fraud.  Even if he went and got  himself a law degree, it wouldn't change the fact that he once practiced law without one.  He'd still be guilty of that rather serious offense and, I assume, if found out he'd lose his license to practice law.  I really don't like him, he is a sanctimonious little...umm....shit.

    • Love 4
  14. Sidney and Amanda's relationship is an odd one.  Is she marrying that dreadful guy because he's rich?  Is she not marrying Sidney because he's a poor churchman?  Did Sidney not even propose because he knew she couldn't be a proper/happy wife to a poor churchman? They seem to love each other....her upcoming marriage isn't a thing of joy for either of them.  Very odd.  I don't like her.

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  15. Largest question for me is...where did Thomas really go?  Surely his father isn't really ill.  Maybe it has something to do with the Green murder.  It almost has to be something Bates related.  Did he leave Downton before the mysterious witness to Green's offing showed up?  Maybe he's gone off to try again with young Jimmy.  

  16. Tom is my favorite character.  I agree with posters who have expressed the opinion that he really isn't that into Sarah.  She's the only person in his life right now who basically holds the same political views he does and he finds that interesting and refreshing about her.  I just don't see much of a romantic spark there. I think he's missed his old life, which Sarah has reminded him of, and were it not for his child I suspect he'd be on the road back in a heartbeat.


    As for Rose, she irritated the hell out of me at first but I've come to really like her.  She's confident and upbeat and Downton could use a lot of that.  I also like Robert, old fart that he can be.  He is what he is and what life and breeding have made him to be, but he's not a bad person.  Edith, after much soul searching, should do what is best for her child.  Not for her, not for the Drewes...for that little girl.  I can't even think about Mary and her boyfriends, so 7th grade.

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