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Posts posted by stuckin60s

  1. Since Nickie and Danny's other son are mostly out of the show, it may be nice to have new blood,  More Anthony anytime....

    Would like to see Eddie be shot down some for constantly breaking the rules via her emotions.  She started out strong and independent. Now she lets her emotions lead her thinking.


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  2. I have not been keeping up .  I watched the first and second shows of course with FF.  I noticed even all of Zachs friends talked about his looks.  I think he is like some of our politicians, and actors ; they have the wrong people whispering in their ears.  He thinks way too much of himself and is fed it .  He has great hair.  without it, he is a 5 out of 10

    • Love 8
  3. i really enjoyed this episode.  as mentioned above gave the feeling of the first decades shows.  Still cant get over Bishop.  If they let her get back to being the "computer brains" i think it would help alot.  She was established to be the next girl, and then became some macho gun toting bruit.  

    she is not and can not carry it.

    Anyway nice to see a regular episode 

    • Love 5
  4. I cant understand the love for WES

    he ruined so many people on this show.  The actors parts all seem to admire him so.  they understand who and what Frank is, but really:  WES

    I guess he needed some attention and begged to be brought back.  but of course we are talking about him and thats what the networks want.

    • Love 2
  5. I hope that Ziva and Bishop do not become BFF.  

    still have problems with Bishop going from desk/floor sitting geek to the first in the door gun in hand BadA.

    I enjoyed Ziva until she and Tony were a "couple"  it was too much.  When he flirted with Kate and then Ziva it was fun when they put him in his place.  

    I hope Jethro gets back to Gibbs.

    • Love 2
  6. I know it has been said before, but we have no idea what type of conversations they have without the cameras.  that would be very interesting.

    I think Elizabeths biggest problem is the way her dad has treated her all thru her life.  They are too close.  He never seemed to want her with anyone but him.  She wouldnt want a weaker man and cant handle a stronger man.  she is stuck in the middle and doesnt know what to do with a paddle or a shovel

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  7. Never liked Fornell as a strong FBI agent.  just didnt pull it off for me.  Hate Hate Hate Bishop and they teased that a team member is close to her.  Hate that hate that

    interesting that Ziva is going to be on a few episodes in the Fall.  Since Tony and Sr have moved to take care of the baby.....

    Just get it back the way it used to be with better writers, please

    • Love 2
  8. a few comments

    Jasmine, he didnt like her.  She pushed sex and wanted him to pay all bills.  I think he offered to date so her "fillings" wouldnt be hurt. ( i know that was not nice)

    I would have liked Kristine if she didnt give me the princess vibe.  It never left, and always the tilted head liked she practiced in the mirror to find which way she looked better.  I hope she and K have a good strong relationship.  As a realtor, you do find good bargains.  

    as far as Stephanie, didnt she make a motion with her hand and then zipped it?  Kinda like she found a way to slow AJ down

    • Love 3
  9. i think the thing with Will and Jasmine is that she shot herself in the foot the first time she mentioned money.  Her entire plan is to have someone pay for everything.  Do you remember the episode when he came home.  She was laying on the couch and she acknowledged him.  The place was messy and she was just laying there.  I think he is keeping his distance until the show is over.  She is lazy and over confident about herself.  She was upset when he gave her a low score ( her opinion). what has she done for him except make a minimal meal in a nightgown. 

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  10. it appears to me as an older adult that Jasmine and Kristine are looking for someone to pay for all and let them be princesses.  whats the deal with three meals, are either one of them employed.

    back to Kate, what a sad face.  She also needs to wear things that complement her figure

  11. Still love Ducky.  Enjoy him in other things too.  I know he is backing out slowly, but I will be very sorry.

    Never been a Bishop fan, first she was this computer researcher that only sat on the floor ( gotta have a quirky person!) then she becomes this kick ass super agent???

    just stupid.  and the new Abby seems to be nice, but I wish the shows didn't think the IT people had to be all weird.  instead of replacing Abby with one similar girl, they could have added a few people each with special skills to make in more interesting.  Lastly, I liked the old Gibbs with the Marine haircut and the slap on the back of the heads.

    That really wasn't last.  I miss Mike Franks.

    • Love 2
  12. I found it interesting that during the unfiltered episodes that Dave said he sends flowers to Ambers office and calls her during the day. he repeats how attractive he thinks she is etc...

    he also said she does not do special things for him.   She is a spoiled insecure mess.  She needs therapy and Dave is not the one to do it.  They might stay together at decision day but not long afterward

    As far as Jamie and the others in the same clothes, aren't the unfiltered filmed on the same day?  When describing the events the participants say things like " I was feeling XYZ at the time"

    I also wish Amber would say feelings and not fillings

    • Love 11
  13. first of all,  LOVE Dusty Springfield.

    i think if Amber had a guy like Bobby, he would never be able to give her enough.  she needs to talk with someone who is truly a professional.  Not a friend, sister, other participant or herself.  she will never feel enough until she is happy with herself.  i know that is trite, but it is true

    • Love 9
  14. When Amber asked her sister for advice I thought that was a mature thing to do since she said the sister would tell her straight.  I was wrong.  What I heard was the sister feeding her insecurities even more.  She did not give her any good advice.  Just repeated what Amber said and made it worse

    • Love 6
  15. I dont know where to begin

    We all know that Mia is a liar.  We all know stuff goes on behind cameras we aren't privy to.  We all know this is a bunch of BS and yet we are all hanging on

    I think the insurance discussion was made, and Tristan was stupid enough to cancel his.  Mia admitted she gave him the number to call about the insurance.  The wrong number of course.  She even admitted that she didn't follow up.  

    the big fight was a bunch of things OR he had had enough.  He told her that if she didn't want to go to Houston she didn't have to go, but he didn't want her in that apartment while he was not there, she must have said ok.  Of course she kept her old place and didn't move out.

    I fast forward thru their conversations anyway.  Dont know why I care.  Disaster Cal stating they had a strong foundation must have forgotten their foundation was spent in jail and the airport.


    As far as Danielle, I am loosing my good vibes for her.  She always says she is happy with what he does for her.  Not happy with him.  Even her note was thankyou for all you do for me.  She brings more dogs in and doesn't take care of them.  She is not as organized and competent as stated.  Even her bedroom drawers were very messy.  Not sure Bobby is what she wants in a husband but she completely loves him as a servant.

    As far as Dave and Amber, I am still on team Dave.  Ambers voice and insecurities would push me over the edge.  Her body language on the TH and unfiltered really speak volumes

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