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Posts posted by FictionLover

  1. 12 hours ago, Hera said:

     I haven't seen interviews with Scott Patterson where he's asked about the April storyline, but I'm guessing he also thought it made no sense and didn't appreciate the "Fuck you," that it was from the Palladinos to the rest of the world.

    He did address it on his podcast. He understands that fans don’t like her because her character was to cause problems for L&L but he loved it. He liked that it developed more layers to his character.

  2. 2 hours ago, SJC said:

    And the biggest "eff you" to poor Alexis. Remember this wonderful gem of a line:
    “I’m feeling very lost these days, I have no job, I have no credit, I have no underwear!”

    I hope with all of my heart that AYITL part 2 is written, that everything needed to do it falls into place EXCEPT for Alexis signing a contract, then I hope Lauren refuses to do it without her and everything falls apart and Netflix says, "forget it!"
    *laughs wickedly*

    Scott Patterson said on his podcast that he didn’t like it. He said he’d have to see a script before he’d decide to do another one. He hated how dumb they made his character and also what they did with Rory.

  3. 3 minutes ago, JustHereForFood said:

    I know I am very much in the minority with this, but I was more on Rory's side in both of her big fights with Lorelai. Sure, it was wrong of Rory to sleep with Dean when he was married, but Lorelai's reaction to it was IMO way overblown. I agree with what Rory suggested, that Lorelai wasn't just upset that she slept with a married man, but also a little bitter that she didn't discuss it with Lorelai beforehand, or didn't somehow indicate that it could be a possibility (i.e. that she made the decision on her own).

    And in the second fight, I wouldn't even say that Rory was wrong about dropping out of Yale, because that was basically her decision, but (again, JMO) if Lorelai wanted her to change her mind, she took one of the worst ways to do it, by immediately telling her it was unacceptable and not trying more to see it from Rory's POV. I think, if they took time, Rory might have changed her decision once she cooled down a bit, but as she was met with an immediate opposition, she doubled down on her decision. 

    Both of these times, they both did and said some wrong things, but I hated so much that it ended both times with Rory apologizing to Lorelai and the show treated it as her being in the wrong.

    Rory was totally wrong to sleep with a married man. She only said Lorelai was mad because she didn’t talk to her first to deflect the blame.
    It was wrong of Rory to manipulate her grandfather. Had she not did that and moved in there they would have worked it out. She was a baby hearing Mitchem’s opinion.



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  4. 1 hour ago, Taryn74 said:

    *whispering* I did too.

    I really think Logan believed they were on the same page and that Rory would be delighted with a proposal in front of her beloved family. Other than her (huge) problems with his family, and the period of time they were broken up and she felt he had cheated on her, I don't think she ever gave any indication she wouldn't be thrilled to be married to him. Her turning him down was probably out of the blue as far as he was concerned.

    I don’t like her storylines at all but I thought he was a jerk. She was open to him leaving the country to work and now that it was her turn to spread her wings, it was his way or the highway. 

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  5. 7 hours ago, smileypv said:

    In 2006/2007, I read an AU fanfiction by the writer buckice called "The Deep Blue." I can't use the Wayback Machine to pull up the Internet Archive version of Black, White, and Read and read the story because "The Deep Blue" had a mature audiences label and the click-through warning prevents me from progressing to the archived content. 

    IF you know buckice or IF you happen to have a copy of "The Deep Blue," I would be eternally grateful. It is possibly the best FF story I read; buckice in general wrote several of my favorites. If you haven't read her stuff, go to Fanfiction.net and seek her out. 

    Thank you!

    I like this author too and never saw it on Fanfiction. I’d love to read it. “It was never uncomplicated” was my favorite of hers.

  6. 1 hour ago, Oldernowiser said:

    Okay, so I watched the last episode. No Christopher, no April, no Logan or Jess...hooray. Too much Taylor, but happy endings at long, long last. All good.

    Do I watch the sequel or will it destroy my current happy place?

    To be clear, Rory can do whatever. Fine. But I am NOT NOT NOT up for yet another Luke/Lorelai breakup. Not. I will leave them in the diner in my mind framed by twinkle lights and smiling at each other forevermore.



    I was so excited to see it. I expected to see conversations between the characters to fill in the nine years, but no! It is obviously 9 years later but it’s like it’s only been a year including driving the jeep and truck. Scott Patterson wears a dumb wig (giving him more hair than before) and giant flannels. Lauren Graham’s Botox makes her once wonderful facial acting look weird. Plus they still don’t communicate. When I fast forward through all 4 seasons and watch the parts I kind of like, I’m done in about an hour. Rory is more of a train wreck than ever. Emily has the best story of them all. I’ve seen some people like it but not many. If you do, I’ll look forward to your feedback.

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  7. 1 hour ago, scarynikki12 said:

     "I really wanted to marry your dad" comment to Rory after the (illegal) elopement. But she wasn't in love with Chris. Yes, she was also in love with Luke but this confession didn't have anything to do with him.

    I guess I always felt it was because of Luke as well because of how she was looking for him in the window, and how sad she looked at him. Plus, she admitted to Sookie and Chris she still had feelings for him.

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  8. 42 minutes ago, Oldernowiser said:

    It says something sad about my relationship with Season 7 that it’s taken me this long to get to the long-awaited dumping of the Christopher episode...but hallelujah, that useless crapwad of self-absorption and entitlement is finally gone. My joy is tempered by only two things...

    1) “You’re the man I want to want.” WTF, Lorelai? Why? Why? Let me help. Let’s go with, “I’ve known your petulant, selfish ass for twenty years...and somehow, magically, you’ve managed to avoid maturing one iota. Inside you’re still the same fifteen year-old putz you were then and hiring a nanny with your inherited money to take care of the second kid you accidentally sired doesn’t change that one bit. You let me down and left me alone and made it all about you when I needed you most yet again and I don’t need that shit, thank you very much. NOW GET OUT.”

    Now THAT’S the way you dump a Christopher. Jesus. 

    2) May I say that the actress playing April is so bad it’s almost tragic and I alternate between smacking my forehead and actually feeling sorry for her. It’s like they hired some random girl out of a shopping mall, plunked her down in front of seasons 1 thru 3, said “Copy Rory, but without the ethereal beauty and slight shyness that made it tolerable.”  Leave her in New Mexico. I’m begging, here. She’s happy, we’re happy, her usefulness as an utterly terrible plot device is over...bye, April. Consider other careers.

    Thank God for Michel. I must confess...I actually cried during his dog’s memorial. Sniff. Also I need the name of whatever hair product Gil started using this season, because his hair looks fabulous.

    So, I took “you are the man I want to want” as they are married and she just wants to make the marriage work, but knows she really does love Luke. Nothing about their history just the commitment.

    April had a lead in a show called “Switched at Birth”. Ironically, she has a guest role in Parenthood as a girl Lauren Graham’s son had a crush on.

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  9. 6 minutes ago, Kohola3 said:

    So would I.  There would have been a lot of material to work with as they journeyed into co-habitation. 

    The situation with Anna could have provided the angst factor alone for those two.

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  10. Hated this storyline with a passion. ASP said in an interview that they needed a plot to break them up but a cheating Luke would never work; wouldn’t be believable. However, evidently Sherylnn Finn was originally suppose to be the reason for the breakup.

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  11. On 12/12/2020 at 1:54 PM, Oldernowiser said:8). Luke. Oh, Luke. You used to not have much of a clue, but at least you knew you didn’t have much of a clue. What happened to you?

    Doesn’t it tick you off how much they dumbed him down as soon as he was dating Lorelai?

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  12. 1 hour ago, peacheslatour said:

    For me that absolute worst was the stupid, overblown wedding. And after the vows, do Luke and Lorelai walk off, arm in arm to live happily ever after? No, Lorelai rushes over to Rory and Luke walks out alone. That's going to be your life, man. Rory is always going to come first.

    I thought the same thing. And apparently he went home alone on their wedding night...

  13. The way the cast raved about the script, I expected so much more! I really expected conversations between the characters explaining what happened in their lives over the years. I missed Luke’s being the heartbeat of the town. It was just a plaything for ASP to write a stupid musical because that’s what she wanted to do. The hell with the fans that got her there. It’s was just plain awful!

  14. 32 minutes ago, cleo said:

    Olderniwiser I appreciate the fresh rage of new viewers lol. I'm actually watching Wedding Bell Blues today. With time and rewatches, I now mostly feel nausea and bitterness.

    Christopher you asshat. Emily tells you to YOUR FACE you are weak and easily led, and you hop to and do exactly she wants. She also referred to your daughter as 'this'.

    Me too! I look for Olderniwiser posts too. It is fun to read new viewers observations and opinions.

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  15. So often we have mentioned recycled stories in  Season 7 and I just noticed another one that I haven’t heard. When Luke went to Lorelai to elope he told her about the car crashing through his dinner. He said said their is a giant hole in my dinner. Lorelai had a giant hole in her bedroom in season 6. Just thought it was funny.

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  16. 18 hours ago, junienmomo said:

    In a flash of WTHWIT (see * below), I started watching Spring today. 

    Rewatching the therapy scene, it became even more obvious that Emily was simply mean and deceitful in her tricking Lorelai to come. There was nothing coming out of her mouth that wasn't designed to hurt her daughter. I admire Lorelai's willingness to hang in there And try to give her mother space.

    Wooden acting. Primary character dialogue was horrible. Taylor was giving it his all, but believing that the few hundred attendees *needed* to see all countries represented was weak even for him. I wished dearly for a "Rat's tooshie" comment.

    Then came the "tick off the list of must-shows."

    • Rory and Lane together at a booth.
    • Lorelai and Luke bantering (oh wait, that didn't happen)
    • Mr. Kim in the flesh
    • 2 second cameos of townies looking shocked at what Taylor says (was that the only time we saw Jackson?)

    Beyond weird:

    • Rory in a sleeveless top; Lorelai wearing a duster jacket and scarf
    • Koreans singing 
    • Lorelai bidding on Cassie's basket was just weird but at least they didn't go into gay jokes
    • The compost pile joke. Where was Lorelai's physical humor? All she did was walk around.

    On the other hand, I stopped watching after the only thing that gave me a laugh during those first minutes: Luke and Kirk as Kirk realizes what the B in BLT means and that he ate it. Laughed right out loud at that one.

    * WITHWIT: What The Heck Was I Thinking

    Hated spring almost as much as summer. But  I can watch the whole revival in just over an hour by skipping to the parts that were okay. GG would have been better without it IMHO.

  17. I can’t remember which episode at a FND the pendant on Lorelai’s necklace was off center. At some point it was corrected. There was a fast back and forth conversation between her and Emily and the pendant moved from the middle to off center every shot. Drives me crazy!

  18. 4 hours ago, alexa said:

    I think this current rewatch has softened me some.  I was actually a little okay with the whole Lorelai ultimatum and her questionable behavior afterwards.  I think before I had a hard time with it because it was that classic, let's break up the couple by having someone do something stupid.  This time I felt like I had more time with Luke and Lorelai in their relationship, and though their relationship was going really well for a long time, it really did go south with the appearance of April.

    I think although Lorelai asked Luke to hold off on the wedding because of Rory, the difference was she was actively spending time on him and their relationship throughout that experience, and he was always up to date on what was going on.  When April came, though I understand Luke's shock and surprise, he really held Lorelai off too much and for too long--that would ruin many relationships.  I think when she made the ultimatum she knew it was either moving forward or it was done, and she couldn't take anymore of sitting on the sidelines/not being a part of his life.  There are so many ways he could have fit her in separate from April, and he didn't do it.

    The sleeping with Christopher didn't bother me so much this time because I sense she wanted to make sure she ended it with Luke and this would do it.  I think she knew the relationship was done (at least for now).  So when Luke comes back and says he wants to marry her--before I felt like, why did you mess this up Lorelai?  and this time I was kind of feeling--I get it.  She knows it could have ended differently but she also knew why she made the mistake that she did.  

    Can I add how funny I found it that Rory was mad at Lorelai about it?  Excuse me, miss sleep with a married man and break up a marriage girl.  lol

    This all said, I don't at all like what is to come with Christopher/Lorelai in season 7--so I am not totally crazy.  I will probably FF through most of their scenes.  

    I could have written this because I agree with this 100 percent!

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  19. On 6/13/2020 at 4:19 PM, cleo said:

    As for the kissing being so lame- my understanding is it was bc the actors did not like one another. 

    This is what I was going to say too. As unhappy as most of us LL fans were with season 7, those two were probably happy with having so few scenes together.

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  20. 4 hours ago, dirtypop90 said:

    I've always wondered where the rumors came from.  They were all over the message board back in the day.  I also remembered Lauren's unconvincing denial.  My guess is they were just very different people who had nothing to talk about when not acting.


    I never saw the romantic chemistry so the rumors didn't help.  They had big brother-little sister energy which explains Scott's statement.

    I find what Lauren Graham doesn’t say speaks volumes. She talks a lot of her wonderful TV friends from GG and Parenthood and Scott Patterson is never mentioned. He is also one of the few she does not follow on Twitter. Now, being able to see more of their off stage personalities on social media, I can see why they don’t socialize.

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  21. Just now, peacheslatour said:

    But the way he looked at her and the way she looked at him? Was that just accidental chemistry? And if he was supposed to be a guest, do you know why they changed their mind?

    SP said they offered him a few more episodes after the pilot but he held out for a longer commitment so he a got a regular gig.

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