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Posts posted by Mariareads

  1. On 11/22/2018 at 7:46 AM, artisto said:

    Last line of this article:

    "That’s what Flipping Out has become, and I’m not interested in it any more, either."


    I agree. Jeff Lewis needs serious help and not the kind of help a therapist who is spoon feeding his ego would give him. He needs to face the fact that he is abusive to just about everyone-even his partner. I will never watch this show if it is picked up by someone else. I won't support the kind of behavior I have seen from Jeff Lewis. He's awful. As for Jenni, I am 100% with her on this. He went crazy on her in that car. I can only imagine the kind of things he has said when the cameras weren't rolling. 

    • Love 5
  2. My POV is that none of this is about Jenni at this point. It's all about Jeff. No one can talk back to/disagree with this egotistical, OCD, selfish man. I used to like Jeff Lewis. I thought he was funny. The last 2 years or so have shown me a completely different side to him. When he's wrong he can never, ever admit it without a "BUT" and turning the situation around to point a finger at the target of the day. Prior to Jenni walking in for their "lunch" he was visibly shaking. His head does an odd little shake when he is furious and being self righteous. Watch it again. He has that shake. His apology was meh. Complete BS for the cameras. He is a mean, self centered asshole and I'm sure there are many, many people who have left his life that feel that way. Gage is no better. That he stays with this abuser speaks volumes about  him. I'm sure there are many other men who would be interested in Gage. He's handsome, seems to have a sweet side to him when it comes to his child, has the ability to make enough money to help support his family. What on earth is he doing with Jeff Lewis? As someone who always thought Jeff was entertaining and clever it is huge for me to write something like this about him. I admired his love for his grandmother. I admire his talent and ability to envision what a complete piece of junk house can become. Now I think he has incredibly difficult emotional and mental health issues that will never be resolved. For whatever reasons therapy doesn't seem to help. His narcissism and controlling behavior is so painfully obvious and eventually turns into abuse. You don't have to physically harm someone to be abusive. He knows how to hurt with words and attitude and he enjoys it while he's doing it. I hope the show is not renewed. It's unhealthy for all involved. I feel sorry for Monroe. I hope to God the love he has for that child saves her from the disturbed guy he has evolved into. Shut it down. I hope he gets the proper mental health help and not some therapist who feeds his ego and tells him what he wants to hear.

    • Love 6
  3. 11 hours ago, QuinnM said:

    And they’re off. It’s unfortunate this has to be done right on top of Dennis’s death. But obviously Hoppy doesn’t give a shit. 


    Jason is garbage. That he would do this now shows he is exactly what many of us thought. A gold digging, controlling, abusive rat. B is no angel but he is using this kid as a pawn and that's so wrong!

    • Love 14
  4. 10 hours ago, bagger said:

    The mystery of the umbrella holder: a driver normally carries the umbrella because they’ll hold it while they open the door so that the occupant does not get wet. They will continue to provide cover for the drivee until they are under cover. They will then keep the umbrella so that the drivee never has to deal with what to do with a wet umbrella. Yes indeed I have written that SOP for a hotel I worked for many years ago. ?

    Or it could have simply been a kind friend who could see how horrified and sad she was. Remember that? Kindness? Yes, even B gets to have that in her life. Sad.

    • Love 12
  5. I feel sorry for Bethenny. I'm shocked at all the shots being taken all over the internet. Whatever was going on with Dennis is immaterial. She is probably heartbroken. I can't speak to what she knew or didn't know nor can anyone else. As for Carol, I have never liked her. She is distant, haughty and completely boring. That she would take shots during a horrible time like this speaks to her lack of integrity and character. She's way more damaged than I thought. 

    • Love 15
  6. Let me wrap this up. Carole is a boring, self centered, haughty woman. People call Sonja "grey gardens" but Carole is more Grey Gardens than anyone. She dresses like a 20 something hipster-which is not a good look. She is never pulled together. She lived with Adam and could not wait to get rid of him. Does this not give any of you an idea of what was going on? He was mooching off of her. She was paying for everything. All of this screams Sex and the City and it's so old and tired and over! I am no big fan of B's so I don't have any big interest in one over the other in this battle, but Carole has turned me off for years. She's closed up emotionally and seems to see herself as some major player on RHONY. She's the least interesting. Adam was her story for a bit. Riding on bicycle handlebars as if she was in a movie. For God's sake she picked him up in Lu's kitchen! And he's not good looking or desirable financially or ambitious! Face it, Carole needed a story line this season and now she has one. Fight with B. OH YAWN. Even that makes her a bore. The journalist story is old and in the past. The novelist, obviously, is not her thing because she has no discipline and it is very questionable that there was ever another book deal because Carole didn't know about DEADLINES? Oh, come on! Maybe Aviva was right about Carole all along! Maybe there was a ghost writer-which served as another story line for Carole on yet another season. I would not miss Carole if she was gone. She brings nothing except ugly clothes and this haughty disinterest in life in general. She's a complete bore. 

    • Love 11
  7. Well, I hung in there for the season and I will watch the reunion shows only because I put myself through the rest of it! I'm done, I think. I use the DVR and FF through most of it anyway. Used to be one of my favorite HW's series. Now, it's turned into a boring circus of stupidity. Kandi should just phone it in. She's obviously staying with it to promote her other ventures I guess. Tired cast. Time to let it go.  

    • Love 4
  8. 49 minutes ago, ChicksDigScars said:

    !STANDING FUCKING OVATION. Sorry, if it is bad form to quote your entire post, but YES, YES, YES! (/Meg Ryan)

    I'm sorry, but between Robyn letting it slip that she's STILL pissed about My Sister Wife's Stupid Tacky Closet That Barely Made Money,  to Christine's rambling and phony as fuck "private talk," with Meri,  to Janelle's wet blanket routine about EVERYTHING. I thought my head was going to explode. These bitches take the cake. 

    Hey Robyn. Your "business" was a klunker from day one, and the other three only went along because you WHINED like a two year old about it and laid on the guilt trips, and being Kody's favorite at the time, he more or less made everyone go along with it.  And LLR may not be everyone's cuppa, but it makes a hellava lot more money than your "jew-ry," and Meri seems to put the effort into it. She's got the free time and the house to store the boxes of swag that comes along with the business. Why wouldn't she go with the better money maker?  Y'all bitch that she gets the bigger house, but she's actually making some money. They rest of you sit and wait for TLC to ante up. 

    Christine: Shut the fuck up. You ADMITTED that you selfishly excluded Meri, so that you could sit in a folding chair and gawk at Madison's vag. It was made clear that Madison was kicking everyone out at transition, excluding Caleb, the midwife and probably her mom. But you took advantage of her exhaustion to secure your box seats for the episiotomy and thought that if you called Meri, Madison might realize that you ALL needed to get the fuck out and give her some privacy. You, Robyn, and YES, KODY, needed to get out and give the birthing mother some space.  Maybe if Robyn wasn't also in placenta sniffing distance, she could have gotten her daughter away from pressing her ear against the damned door, too. 

    Janelle. Please. Stop. Just stop. You're a wet blanket with every activity, especially those that involve the other's children, or the other three wives.  You should have kicked the spectator mosh pit OUT of the "delivery bedroom" instead of reveling in the Lion King-esque presentation of the first grandchild.  And BONUS...you got to exclude the one wife you've been the biggest rival with since day one, when you dumped her brother to chase her husband.  Janelle may not like much, but you know that she LOVED this.  This was the SECOND happiest day of her life, right after "I had the first baby and BONUS...it was a BOY."  Now, she has the first grandchild.  Sad, that these are the only things that probably count with Kody, because the only way he would be less into her, would be if she also had a penis. 

    Meri's not the most likable person on earth, but on Sunday night, I was totally Team Meri.  And YES. KODY is the one responsible for all of this shit.  How is she supposed to feel after being conned out of her marriage and being lonely enough to have sex with produce and get publicly humiliated for it. If Kody was my only shot at getting laid, I think I'd turn to bananas, too.  

    THIS!~~And the post you quoted. Meri is not my hero but to say she has not been treated like garbage for years and years is a convenient lie. Janelle wanted Kody. She shamelessly chased him-as Kody himself has said. She left and returned. She is NOT the model of a polygamist wife! Christine had her years of break down time if you recall. Unhappy, snippy to Kody, obviously not sleeping with him. But these two get a pass for past transgressions? I think Meri took a lot of shit from these 2. Not sure about Robyn. Maybe lately. Christine was a bitch last episode and Janelle was a super bitch. Suddenly the blimp is in 1st place because her daughter supplied the first grandchild? These people have insane award systems within their family! Meri has soured over the years as the other 3 have gone up in favor with that creeper Kody. Let them have him. Get out and find a man who you can live happily in your family home. Let kody move some other victim into the LV house and just walk away and let it be their problem. Honestly, Meri has friends and they all seem jealous of that. She has found a way to make some money with that Lularoe clothing line for now. At least she is trying. What money have the others brought in other than TLC? Kody? Get a damned job!

    • Love 8
  9. 6 minutes ago, Lady of nod said:

    I'm not so sure Robyn is top dog now. I've been getting the feeling Christine may be leading the pack.  

    I haven't read this whole thread yet and I just watched the epi. I found it the most interesting one in years. Finally we got a little real here - and there was minimal Cody which  is always a plus. I think it's been said here a thousand times - Meri needs to go. With her sour personality and checked out attitude things are never going to improve with the fam. Isn't the whole point of this lifestyle to foster love between everyone. She really shows no interest in anyone except Mariah. She moaned and cried for years about not having more children when she is surrounded by a gaggle of beautiful children she could be spending time with. That, for me, along with having sisters would be the big payoff in this kind of relationship. But it isn't. Not for Meri or to be fair in a lot of other plig families. So then what is the point? She needs to move into her b&b with mom and sell her wet bar dream mansion.

    i don't really know much abt what goes on outside the show except for what I read here so I guess I'll have to google to read about Codys failed courtship. I waited for years to see that on the show

    Not sure if that story about another potential wife is true. I read about it today and it seems kind of odd. Does it mean Meri is really going to leave the family? Is this potential 5th wife going to take over M's house in the LV dead end compound? Kody is getting up there for having kids. He may biologically be able to have them until he's 100 but what woman would want kids with the potential of a geezer for a dad? Is that mean? Probably. We are having our 2nd grandchild and I don't think we are "old" but my husband is too freaking old to have a toddler and guarantee that he will be here once that baby is 20! I know there are a lot of desperate women out there who would do this-especially for the nice living accommodations-if Meri does decide to leave the family and go to Per-whatever (can't ever remember how to spell that "magical" place). ~ As for the other kids being a good place for Meri to invest her motherly love in I have to say that they don't show much of that kind of thing on the shows. Not only for Meri but with the other SW's. I don't see them hugging on the other women's kids-or maybe I am not looking for it so I don't notice. Going by what I know as far as my nieces and nephew go, myy brother's kids love me. They kiss and hug me and since my niece had a baby she is always picking him up and giving him to me for kisses and such. Am I missing this on the show? ~For sure Christine is the new flavor of the season for now. The "my love" and the kisses goodbye before driving away with Meri clicked just as it played. She's his favorite for now. Robin is not so entranced with him anymore and she is busy with the 2 little ones as well as the 3 others in their teen years. She's also not the skinny thing she used to be. Christine is getting what she didn't get in the beginning when kody thought she was fat and said he was grossed out by her over heaped plate of food while on some date! She is way too jolly and happy these days for it to be anything other than kody paying attention to her over the others. 

    • Love 11
  10. 3 hours ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

    It doesn't seem she enjoys much at all. She sat crossed armed at the lunch, she never wants to do any of their aw-inspiring   douchey dances ( can't blame her ) She doesnt do crafting, so  I wonder what she does all day, its not like she has little ones at home, is she just sitting around all day watching her stories ? Notice that all the wives seem to have gotten brand new cars/SUVs

    Must have been a run on leasing cars in LV! I noticed the shiny cars too-especially since mr.mariareads is driving a 10 year old car & we are wondering whether to dip our toe in a new yet. As for janelle and what she does-it's not exercising! Sorry but she seemed HUGE to me in the last 2 episodes. For someone who has something to do with STRIVE (I only know about it because you all post about it) I would have guessed maybe go to the fitness center for an hour a day-but that clearly isn't it. She doesn't work outside of that house that we know of.  She never mentions a job anymore. Her kids are not little so she's not killing  herself chasing toddlers or elementary school play dates. Sorry to mention this but it's not cleaning that house! Reading what you all write here made me notice how messy their places are! I actually watched the birthing episode on FF just to see what you were all talking about!! So..what does that leave? Watching TV? Taking 10 months to gather info to do their taxes? She hates to go to lunch to that's out. Beats the heck out of me what Janelle does all day! I only know I'm going to pay for today by doing laundry, cleaning the entire house and getting ready for another freaking snowstorm on Wednesday! Oh SisterWives. What a mess!

    • Love 5
  11. So it's the night after the show. Not a one of them has added anything to twitter. Kody never wrote anything last night. So...the only reason they are on twitter is, obviously, to promote the new episode. In other words-they don't give a damn except for the check. Other than Madison giving birth, what was there to this season anyway? NOTHING. Some marriages and bad acting by Christine and fawning by Janelle (who, by the way, made me want to puke because she was so proud and preening about being a grandmother and saying "this is because of us! We did this!" which is kind of sick in itself! Then there was the let's complain and carry on about Meri part and her tears in return. Oh, let's not forget the Mariah is a lesbian schtick and the over-torn jeans. So everyone watched for nothing. I take it you all watch for the snark? And now there is another season. Any bets that it's the last? ~I was home all day today with an aching back and nothing to do but look around the internet so I finally saw their twitter accounts. it's the same MO. Tweet during an episode. Reading the people who fawn over each of the women was pukable. Do they know these women absolutely do not care if you like them? They just want you to watch the show so they can have the check and get the latest QVC Temptations casserole sets and go to Home Goods (nothing wrong with HG-I happen to love the place) for more word porn for their empty walls. Do I think there are personal problems within those 4 houses? Yup. Do I think Meri should leave? Yup. Do I really care all that much? Nope.It has given me some moments of complete certainty, however. Polygamy does not work. Doesn't work when they are young and it doesn't work when they are old. It's BS. Even if I do look at them as each person individually-I still come back to the group scam thing.  Hope they have some other way lined up to make a dollar because this bus is not going to be pushed by TLC much longer. 

    • Love 4
  12. 1 minute ago, ginger90 said:

    It’s interesting to me, that the wives tweeted last night, but Kody didn’t at all.

    I saw that. Only because I am stuck inside today and am bored so I went searching. They only tweet when their show is on I noticed. He really wasn't featured last night so he didn't bother. Story of his life. And yes, I blame Kody for most of the mess in this family. Creeper.

    23 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

    I'm going to go out on a limb and say it's because of the TLC paycheck. I'm sure Mariah is collecting a check, too, seeing how often she is on the show now, constantly reminding us all that she is gay. After the checks dry up, Meri will be moving to Parowan. Just a wild guess. 

    Agreed. Is Meri the only one working at something other than Robyn and SWC? No one else has a job. TLC can't be paying that much to float all those boats/floats/canoes!

    • Love 5
  13. 31 minutes ago, Granny58 said:

    And this circles right back to why Meri is so miserable... Because she wants her own man and should leave and make it happen.

    I agree. However people here feel about Meri I see it a little differently. She married Kody. He decides he's going to start his own "church" and live plural marriage. Who does he choose? Meri's ex-sister-in-law? Come on...that in itself is bizarre. Skip ahead after all that has gone on. I don't think Meri likes plural marriage. I think she stayed because she loved Kody (ugh) and to  be honest I thought Janelle was a bitch in this episode and I thought Christine was a bitch. Meri has done wrong but there is nothing wrong with thinking I'm going to have a husband and a home and babies. It didn't quite work out that way and if I was her, I would leave and find another life. This family is a disaster. They don't want her. I never stay where I'm not wanted.

    • Love 14
  14. 1 hour ago, imjagain said:

    My head just exploded! The woman is a delusional lunatic!  

    Real question....what is wrong with her??? Lol, seriously,  I can't tell if she believes her own BS or she is trying to save face and spinning everything, to convince the few people who still think she's a relationship expert. 

    Reading her letter or whatever it is tells me that she needs to get out of Jersey and go to Boca where she can live a make believe life in a make believe world and imagine she is with "her people". This one is nuts. 

    • Love 1
  15. Siggy is a whining, angry, unhinged person who is so wrong and so ignorant they need to send her to school to re-learn everything she missed. Buy bye nutso. We don't need to see you anymore. I think she really has serious mental problems. Delores is tough girl BS. I know Teresa is too but Delores makes Teresa look calm. They way she went for Danielle was not normal. Is D a bit of a low brow? Oh yeah, but Delores's remarks to her were uncalled for because they consisted of name calling most of the time. This from a woman who is friends with Kim D? Get out of here!

    I still like Margaret. I think Siggy has screws loose over Margaret for some reason. Bringing up her business issues had NOTHING to do with crazy Siggy's intentional misinterpretation of Margaret's remark about Hitler. Maybe sign isn't smart enough to get what Margaret said. I take that back. Obviously Siggy wasn't smart enough to understand. I think Margaret took a beating because Siggy was being 12 years old and wanted to hold onto Melissa and Teresa's "cookies" as her own. She's cracked.

    As long a Siggy is gone I will watch next season. Delores-hit the gym and go see a food coach. You looked like you needed to lose 40 pounds in that hideous sequined nightmare you were wearing. What a slob.

    • Love 8
  16. Once Utah was mentioned as a yearning place to move back to by Robyn and Kody things began to fall into place for me. They have ALL talked about it. They just behaved as if they haven't.  Enter Meri. How can I get my own house? What if this happens? I need to get the hell out of here.  Just sayin'

  17. 55 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

                                                                                                     "Feelings are so 1970,"  Kelly Bensimon.

    So these women team up with Habitat for Humanity, suit up get masks (it had to be really warm in those suits), take about three swings and want a break?  I get they are trying to pitch in but it seemed to me some of them wanted to be a little pampered.    

    Shamea calling Kenya was lame, she should have gotten direction from the producers or a volunteer.  Kenya was curt, but how would Kenya know how to give Shamea directions?

    Porsha had yet another run at wanting her feelings to be recognized and incumbent Shamea was to realize that she should not have brought it up in front of the Kandi coated clique.  So what does Porsha turn around and do, add her two cents the appropriate time for Shamea to address Kenya is in a group setting.  Making matters worse she followed Kenya into the bathroom.  So are they suppose to address their grievances one on one or in a group setting?

    Shamea and her feelings, and I am sick and tired of these women (all the franchises) feeling dismissed.  Suck it up, stay on task.  There were two jobs at the site, knock down the walls and pick up debris.  It should not have taken a lot of explanation.   

    I would say no one else was needed at the event Porsha attended.  If looked like a three ring circus.  It was very nice of her to volunteer and I felt bad for her when the food ran out.

    Most of all the fake husband/fake marriage situation has gotten old.  It is also very disrespectful. I don't really understand why Kenya's husband presence is necessary.  I do think she needs to make all the events and not claim she is off visiting her husband.  Kenya is an idiot to give up this job, I guess we will see how it all pans out.

    Kenya is also a very nasty person. What they put in the show last night was exactly who I knew Kenya was when not giving us the twirl, twirl, haughty, better than all the rest phony that she portrays. That was her in that bathroom-gutter mouth and all proclaiming that she is not going to be with those other women who are such awful, beneath her nobodies! Give me a break. She was hired to bring her nasty with her, not class! Andy Bravo is slick and knows what he needs to keep his gravy train going with these women. It's all become a bit much with each one being more embarrassing than the next. What a mess. I'm playing this string out and Atlanta will never waste my time after this season. As for Kenya getting married-good luck you witch. She's demanding, haughty and vulgar. Let's see how long that lasts. UGH. I was pretty disgusted last night. I was watching it late into the night for some insomniac entertainment and I think a switch just went off for me. I was really repulsed and I'm no wilting flower. I can be tough and curse like a sailor when I'm super angry but insert horrible situation into the one Kenya was in demanding water from the waiter and sitting with a group of women who went to work in Houston for a damned good reason! Just ....NO.


    And am I alone in thinking what the hell was Kandi doing with Riley's father? That man can barely speak and he sometimes appears to be under the influence but most likely it's from too many blows to the head! Kandi, indeed, gets her freak on and she is anther one who is not who she likes to portray. Used to like her and think she was the most honest but not anymore. Bad feelings for having watched that last night. Such a set up by Bravo to take them to a horrible situation with REAL people who are going through hell and what it did was show us how utterly repugnant many of these women are. UGH.

    • Love 2
  18. 27 minutes ago, Martinigirl said:

    I agree. She started to go after Melissa first...Melissa just didn't bite. Something very odd indeed.

    Yes, she did! I wonder what made her back off? Fear of Teresa and Joe Gorga? Melissa can hold her own. I would put money on her in a pull your hair out scream fest against the soggy one any day!

    • Love 7
  19. 10 minutes ago, Martinigirl said:

    Siggy CAN'T LET IT GO

    Because she's nuts!! Seriously, this woman is BSC times 100! She makes all the others look sane! If I was Margaret I would go for the throat on this. She and Delores (how the hell fat did she get since they wrapped filming????) never gave Margaret a break of any kind. They came for her. It is so obvious. Siggy needs more meds than estrogen. So happy she's not coming back. And Kim D can follow them with her coked up crappy skin. She looked like the crypt master when she came out. 

    In other news-what would we be here snarking about if it hadn't been for those 3 nitwits?

    • Love 14
  20. 20 hours ago, 80sBaby said:

    Nene's lacefront wig looks horrible. Is Greg installing it??

    Nene can never have an adult conversation, she is exhausting with the immature bullshit. She wants to call everyone out but she can never take responsibility for her part in things.

    The "medium" was a joke. Really? She was a rude nasty bitch, her information was generic things that she could have said to anyone.  I hope she came from a casting agency and there aren't people actually paying that woman for her nonsense.

    Kim did not need to be back on the show, she is nauseating.

    This show for me is circling the drain with RHONJ, they both used to be must see TV for me. Now it's hard to get through them...Oh well.

    Agreed. I'm going to finish this up and then get out of Atlanta for good. I see no story line for anyone. This has been played out. When you see NeNe back and Kim back you know there is zero going on with the other women. Last night I saved this to watch during insomnia time and I think I have found a cure! I fell asleep and had to ff to finish this garbage tonight. Awful. Just awful.

    • Love 4
  21. 2 minutes ago, Adiba said:

    The “white people” comments bothered me, too. How is it okay to say that to your future in- laws? The guy has no tact. 

    Tony is so ignorant—doesn’t he know that chocolate was consumed by the Aztecs? A chocolate cake would be completely appropriate at his wedding.

    As an aside, my cousin married a woman from Mexico City. She is very charming, polite, and impeccably well-groomed. I guess those aspects of “Mexican culture” missed Tony?

    THIS! We moved back to CT from MD and we left behind many friends, sadly. One of my dearest is from Mexico, married to an American who is of English/German heritage. She is an artist who has shows all over DC, is a good friend, great mother, petite and attractive and dragged me to Saks to shop! Now that I'm thinking about her I'm getting kind of pissed at Tony for the stupid game he is playing which is giving people who would enjoy painting Mexicans with a broad brush a la Tony. I was worried a bit about how I was really disliking this guy. I mean my reaction is really that I am repulsed but not because he's heavy. I see it now. There's something super wrong here. He has major issues.

    • Love 10
  22. UGH! Just watching this now. There is no doubt in my mind that Tony is possibly some kind of abusive. Pushy. Thinks his jokes don't show the nastiness-but they do. They are not funny. They are meant to hurt. Not liking this guy at all. She's nuts marrying him. What the heck was the rush? Something is odd here. They allowed her to quit school to go work in a pawn shop in another town. Could she have known him? As in had contact w/ him on social media or something? Just makes no sense. None of it.

    Ok, the Browns are not known for their elegance-we get it. But this? It's over the top tacky and low brow. The main course was taco's? I guess I missed the part where that was going to be the main course. I thought the little tacos were a side or an appetizer. DUH. Nothing wrong with tacos. We went through a taco fever time when the kids were teenagers and all their friends would show up. Tasty. Did the trick but...it was excessive here, pushed with the number 10 and seemed contrived. 7 cakes or however the heck many they ended up having? WTH? Since I think TLC paid for this they got off easy. Super easy. Even with 400 people which I think is ridiculous in itself. Just nuts. I know, I know. I'm being MEAN. I just get a vibe from Tony that screams schemer, control freak, possible isolationist. His remarks about tampons and push up bras were kind of dirty & he knew it. Not the kind of remarks you make to women-especially women who would be your mothers-in-law.   If Mykelti wanted to get married this desperately, she has mental health issues that are BIG.This English woman thing I think has something to do with referring to Americans as Anglo? It was a term used in historical novels in the past. I remember this for some insane reason. And Tony says it over and over. And the Browns say Mexcian over and over. Kind of offensive for some I would think. Didn't feel good to me. 

    Mary is for sure leaving that family and I'm almost convinced they all knew it and are all for it. This wraps it all up fairly neatly as opposed to a messy break up that leaves them all looking like fools. Seems polygamy didn't work for this crew. Mary doesn't think those other kids are as much hers as they used to push in the earlier seasons. Her own daughter treats her like garbage. She and Kody have been over for years. Why stay? I could be wrong but I don't think I'm far off the mark.

    They needed the season to be fast so they could pay for Mykelti's wedding is what I'm thinking so they started shooting again as soon as Maddie got married or close to it. Everybody knew what was going on. Everybody.

    Nothing they do surprises me. At first I was thinking Mary should get that house and beat feet out of there but now I'm thinking they were all in on it and the begging and giggling while asking for it was all a bad acting moment. I feel sorry for these kids. It almost has nothing to do with polygamy at this point, but how terrible this parental unit really is. These people are not cool at all. 

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  23. Am I the only one who thinks Delores is as bat shit crazy as Siggy? She goes from zero to 1000 in a half second! I think she still feels as if she's wearing that prison guard uniform and throwing people up against the wall! I loathe her as much as I do Siggy. Both can go and take Danielle with them. What a stupid filler Danielle was for this season. I like Margaret. I like the way she speaks, I like her mannerisms, I like her sense of humor and I like her sincerity. I know I have read things about money issues and lawsuits but whatever that is seems very different from the behavior I am seeing from her. Teresa and Melissa were OK but really there could have been so much more. I wonder if they are coming to the end of the road with this?  I can't be exposed to one more Kim D joke of a fashion show. Seriously, how desperate is she and how gross? 

    All this whining and I did watch every episode. I'm an insomniac these days and it was good for 1 AM pass the time TV! I think our fun HW's days are over....

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