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Everything posted by Lokiberry

  1. Maybe they should just rename the show Clara Who, and look for a new companion, because I don't think that old guy is working out
  2. I knew Clara wouldn't die, I never get what I want for Christmas.
  3. Yeah, Disney's owned Marvel ever since the beginning of the MCU, and hasn't destroyed them yet, so. . .
  4. I posted this on the Flash forum, but it's something that might be worth thinging about over here: As I understand it, the events in Flashpoint rebooted everything into the New 52. What if they do the same thing on the show, and it effects both Flash and Arrow, and maybe Supergirl, since they're all in the same universe. Flash doesn't need it, but Arrow could use it to correct all the stupid mistakes and inconsistencies that are bogging the show down, particularly this season. It could also explain how there is a Supergirl when there has never been any mention of a Superman. Season 1 could end with Barry going back in time to confront Reverse Flash the day his mother is murdered, and on Arrow, Felicity gets a phone call from Caitlyn telling her something big is happening, Both shows end with their worlds slightly different then they were before.
  5. As I understand it, the events in Flashpoint rebooted everything into the New 52. What if they do the same thing on the show, and it effects both Flash and Arrow, and maybe Supergirl, since they're all in the same universe. Flash doesn't need it, but Arrow could use it to correct all the stupid mistakes and inconsistencies that are bogging the show down, particularly this season. It could also explain how there is a Supergirl when there has never been any mention of a Superman. Season 1 could end with Barry going back in time to confront Reverse Flash the day his mother was murdered, and on Arrow, Felicity gets a phone call from Caitlyn telling her something big is happening, Both shows end with their worlds slightly different then they were before.
  6. In 2002, Joss Whedon got a drink thrown in his face for killing off Tara, Willow's girfriend on Buffy. In 2014, Arrow gets praise for killing off, in the most disrespecful way possible, their kickass bisexual superhero, and giving her identity to her heterosexual sister. Aren't things supposed to get better?
  7. No. Superman must have his Lois Lane, Tony Stark his Pepper Potts, Steve Rogers his Bucky Barnes (kidding, only not). If the superhero makes it to the movies, he gets a love interest, even, as they did with Tony, they have to create a LI out of a platonic friend. The audience expects it. I have no idea what superhero movies/tv shows someone's watching where there's no romance. Perhaps the one that's happening in their head.
  8. They better get Michael Rosenbaum to play Lex, or I'm not watching this (imaginary) episode. ;)
  9. Yeah, I don't get it either. Is there someone else that people wanted for Dr. Strange instead?
  10. Let me just say that I hated the whole "Impossible Girl" business. For one thing, the only reason it existed at all was to distract people from Trenzalore, and how the Doctor would finally speak his name, and no one could lie, yada, yada, yada. Moffat realized that he was never going to pay that off, so he came up with the IG crap to distract people, and then patted himself on the back for his cleverness (eyeroll). I was not distracted, just disappointed. Secondly, Clara didn't earn it. Maybe Rose (says someone who doesn't really like Rose) has had enough impact on the Doctor's life to well, have that kind of impact on his life. With Clara it was like, "Look at our cute, special girl! Isn't she cute and special as she shapes the outcome of EVERY SINGLE IMPORT POINT IN THE DOCTOR'S LIFE?!!! She's the most important companion evah!!1!!! Aren't you glad you're focusing on her instead of noticing that the Trenzalore thing is a compete bust?" The problem with that (besides the fact that Trenzalore WAS a complete bust) was that Clara simply wasn't that important to the Doctor. She didn't mean as much to Eleven as Amy, or Rose to Nine and Ten, Ace to Seven, Tegan to Five, Sarah Jane to Four, and so on. She was just the girl he was traveling with at that moment, with bonus mystery points. It didn't mean anything. It didn't pay off any story, it hasn't impacted any future events; it's sole purpose for existing was as a "clever" way for Moffat to pull his chestnuts out of the fire. Much like Clara herself, the Impossible Girl has had no emotional impact on the Doctor or the story. It just sits there as a thing that Moffat said had to happen, like how there had to be a separate War Doctor, instead of letting the story play out with Eight where it clearly belonged. Moffat's cleverness is having an increasingly negative impact on the show, and I truly wish he would just leave, and take his Impossible Girl with him.
  11. You mean the modern audiences that line up around the block to watch the lighter Marvel movies? The problem with the DC movies is that they're trying to turn everything into Batman and that just defeats the purpose of having so many different characters.
  12. Also, Bruce and Selina had CHEMISTRY. There was a moment when Bruce first sees Selina, when he stops in his tracks and his eyes get wide, and you actually believe this is a the first meeting of two people who will be involved with each other (one way or another) for the rest of their lives. How come the producers of Gotham can take such care with CHILD actors to get the right feeling for their comic book canon relationship, while certain other producers were apparently just relying on the character's names to make it all magically work out?
  13. They could just find an orphan, ala Catween, named Barbara, and I'd be cool with that.
  14. 1. Gotham. I love this series. I'm a huge Batman, and Batman-related fan, so this show is right up my alley. The relationship between Jim Gordon and Harvey Bullock is just amazing. Little Selina Kyle is a dead ringer for Michelle Pfeiffer, and she really moves like a cat. Tween Bruce Wayne is suitably angry, obsessive, vulnerable, and just plain weird. Sean Pertwee (and, my God, does he look like his father!) is a wonderful Alfred, who's trying to raise L'il Bruce as best he can, while slowly realizing that this kid isn't, shall we say, quite normal. But, the absolute best thing about this show is, Robin Lord Taylor as Oswald Cobblepot, aka The Penguin. I could watch a whole show with just him conniving, weaseling, stealing, and murdering his way in and out of the good graces of Gotham's crime families. RLT deserve an emmy nomination. 2. Flash. It's the polar opposite of Arrow. It's fun, and engaging. I like all the characters, even Iris. Barry Allen is an adorkable guy, who just wants to use his powers to do good and help people, and clear his father of the murder he didn't commit. Cisco is fun, and Caitlin has a sympathetic backstory. Dr Wells is intriguing and creepy; and Barry and Joe West have a surrogate father and son relationship that has quickly become the heart of the show. I'm almost sorry that Felicity can't move over full time. She fits in well, and if they had been serious about exploring Barlicity they might have been able to something with it. Mostly though, I'm not watching Arrow any more, and I'd still like to see her every week. That's pretty much it for me and superhero shows. I don't watch AoS, and I checked out the pilot of Constantine, and didn't like it. I've watched 3 episodes of Arrow so far this season, and plan to watch the crossover, but then that's it for me unless they have some kind of huge sea change in the second half of the season. I'm looking forward to Agent Carter, but Supergirl is more wait and see. I don't really trust these showrunners
  15. Well, at least there would be some sexual tension. . .
  16. Does anyone know if this is it for Clara? If she's coming back I might just do something I've never done with Doctor Who before, old series or new (not even with Mel), and that's skip it . I can't take any more of her. I just can't.
  17. The real problem is that Jane is on the CW on Monday night. That's a death slot. If the network is committed to the show they'll either have to move it or accept the low ratings in exchange for critical buzz. I honestly wish that it was on ABC. It would have a better chance of reaching an audience than on the CW which is known for superheroes, vampires, and teen scifi shows. A lot of people who might just love it aren't even bothering to check it out because of the network its on.
  18. Well, that was a long time coming. The Master kissing the Doctor, that is. The rest, meh. Oh look, the exoskeleton in the dark water that we can't see is a Cyberman. Whoever would have guessed? Oh look, Rory's dead again, er I mean, Danny's dead! (Also, Danny Pink? I knew Rory Williams. Rory Williams was a friend of mine. You, sir, are no Rory Williams). Oh look, Clara's a self-centered psycho, who demands that the Doctor and the entire universe conform to her needs, or she'll just have a fit! Well, that's certainly a suprise, and not at all like the kind, supportive friend of the Doctor I've watched all season. /bitter Can someone tell me if these are the last few episodes of The Clara Oswald Show? I've really enjoyed the glimpses I've had of the Doctor, and am hoping he gets his own spin off next year.
  19. So, Laurel's getting Sara's jacket, name, girlfriend, and defending the women reason for being a vigilante. What's next? Will KC's next plastic surgery involve a cleft on the chin? Oh dear, was that mean?
  20. Hey, I found the Raylicity scene on youtube, and it was really cute/creepy/sweet, but I can't find the Tommy flashback(s). Can anybody point me in the right direction? I'd really like to see it, but I have no intention of sitting through a Laurel-centric episode. Ever again. On a related note, when glee was circling the drain last season, intrepid fans made edits of each episode that cut out all the offending parts, and put them up as a kind of community service. Wouldn't that be great if someone did that for Arrow, cutting out all the Laurel parts, and leaving the rest?
  21. And that my friends, is why Marvel is kicking DC's ass. There's nobody in charge making rational decisions.
  22. I fully believe that the disrespectful way she died and will be buried is about MKG showing the fans how little Sara meant to them. Theres also a smidge of "You're not the boss of us!" thrown in too.
  23. There's always the moment when the show jumps the shark; the moment when, even though things might have been bad before, they were still fixable if only the writers would pull their heads out of their asses, but then the “thing” happens, and nothing can ever be right again. For example, with Buffy, it was the episode Seeing Red, where Tara was murdered and Spike tried to rape Buffy. That season had been particularly dark and depressing, and many viewers were finding Buffy herself hard to take. The fans were increasingly angry and frustrated, and their were repeated calls to change course. The writers and producers had the option of backing off and recognizing that what they were doing wasn't working with most people. What they chose to do instead, was double down and power through to the end, with promises of making the following season lighter. What they got for their efforts was a smoking hole where their show had been. If you weren't there to see if for yourself, you can't image how bad the backlash was, and that rage didn't subside with time; it built over the summer. By the time the promised lighter season arrived (it wasn't, btw), the audience was so angry that nothing could placate them. Viewers started to walk, and those that remained heaped ridicule on the show. With Arrow, things went wrong in the middle of last season for a sizable chunk of the audience. We've all seen the frustration over the sidelining of Team Arrow, Laurel's addiction arc, Slade's descent into non-sensical raging manpain, but there was always the feeling that things could be put right if MKG would just cut the shit and start focusing on what they knew worked. But with Sara's horrible, and disrespectful death, and the certain ascension of Laurel as the new Black Canary, something's been broken that can't be fixed. Even if, by season's end, they cave to the growing backlash, and pull Sara out of the same Lazarus pit that Malcolm clearly came from, it's going to be too late. They will have spent an entire season trying to shove Laurel and her fishnets down the enraged throats of an audience that just won't swallow. There will be too much bad will. Like Buffy, the audience will be too angry for them to make it right. Arrow has jumped the shark. Nothing will ever be okay again.
  24. So, let me get his straight (ha): the LGBT character they just killed and tossed on a trash can, in order to give her name and accomplishments to her heterosexual sister, is now being buried in a packing crate with no decent funeral? I don't think these geniuses quite get the concept of symbolism
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