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Everything posted by madmax

  1. Callie sure likes to make her stuff fancy, doesn't she? I liked the oven that Amos built better, only because I thought the "bear" was cool.
  2. @tljgator - I said the same thing to Mr. Max. What did they expect? They all tapped during their last challenges, when they actually had warmish weather in which to prepare. Did they think the weather would be turned off for them? I don't think Greg or Michelle will make it much longer. Greg has been pessimistic from day one, so he's going to tap as soon as shit gets any harder. Michelle is just too thin, which is why she only made 21 days on her last challenge. I'm hoping for Amos to go the distance, because I really liked him during his first challenge. Woniya, too, but she's already expressing doubts.
  3. I was JUST coming to post about that. I laugh every time I see it.
  4. Sam was horrible to Joe on his first challenge. I remember many people commenting on that in the regular Naked & Afraid thread. Mel was a fantastic partner. I remember Jeremy calling her his jungle wife. I still think about when they were on the XL challenge together and he first saw her. He said, "Is that my Mel?" and ran to her. It was so sweet. I don't think they will merge. Possibly there is only one extraction point and they will all meet there? I would just hope if that's the case that they are all equally distant from the spot or that would really suck.
  5. I knew Joe wasn't going to make it. I swear, there are times where Gabby was just over him. She was good at the end, tho. Like how Wes and Jermaine are all "we have to take care of Sarah," when both of them previously were ragging on her. Smart move with the herbal remedy (don't remember what it was called). Trish finally got up off her butt. Didn't do much, but at least she tried. I thought about lighting the fire, but that was a no go. Mr. Max thought maybe pouring hot water on the roots would help thaw the ground. Loving Jake, Waz and Sara. Funny how they edited them chowing down on the coyote along with everyone else starving. I hope so. all XL challenges have done it so far. But with the cold temps, they might not want to make people hike long distances to meet up. I've said that from the beginning. Obviously, it doesn't take much time. Just take a look at the likely paths, then set the snares. Even if they don't bring anything in, it wasn't a huge waste of time.
  6. You can "huff" the compressed air and get high. It could have been an unintentional overdose or she could have had a sensitivity to the inhalants. I don't know for sure, obviously, if that's what she was doing.
  7. I heard that in the beginning and I thought, great, Derek Young is going to enter this contest. He's the one who had a bot that threw a net on Ghost Raptor. Can't remember the name of his bot, tho.
  8. Second episode, I loved the concept of Britt's bridge. Easily moveable if you needed to carry it to ford multiple streams. But Callie's bridge was really outstanding. She even decorated it! But I think the challenge should have said " You HAVE to use natural cordage." Based on "Use only natural cordage," Lucas was right to assume he didn't need to use any cordage. Third episode, I liked Amos' shelter best. I think it was an interesting design and it hit all the markers. But Jordan's was good and I could see why Britt picked it.
  9. They're playing fast and loose with "Legend" as opposed to "All-Star." I thought that Legend meant you completed a couple XL challenges, but that certainly isn't the case, since they're counting Amber as a Legend.
  10. Yeah, underwhelming, but after last week's Hyper Shock matches, I think most normal bouts would be underwhelming. I don't get Double Jeopardy. Sure, firing projectiles, great, great, until you're all out. Then you're just a big lump of a bot with no weapons. Glad Shatter didn't make it. I don't know why, but those guys irritate the shit out of me. I love Donald Hudson and Lockjaw - his previous bot Diesector is still one of my favorites - but it's time to make some changes. Those tires are always getting chewed up. They're so freaking big! And nothing to shield them from damage.
  11. Exactly what I said to Mr. Max. I liked Mark in the first challenge, but he totally lost my respect (as if he cares) on this one. It felt like he didn't want to be there, so give someone else the chance. Don't tap on day five and say "I don't feel like a quitter." Uh, you are. Callie's seal fat soup looked disgusting. I was worried when they put up the chyron "It has also been used as a laxative" that we'd be treated to something uncontrollable and that she would be tapping out. I like Amos, liked him the first go 'round. I hope he makes it this time. Just think, $100K each if they all last 50.
  12. Ky: Big cat in the area, let's always stay with a partner. Also Ky: I'm going to go hunting off by myself. All kidding aside, good for them getting that fish, but yeah, shoulda kept at it. One fish among three people isn't really a lot. I love Gabby, tho. She is badass. But she was funny after the water jump "I didn't meant to do that." Jake is determined to finish the challenge. His joking about his toe was funny, but damn, dude, that's your big toe! We all know you're a survivor, don't ruin your life for 14 days in the wild. Jermaine needs to quit bitching at Sarah. Fish baskets rarely work, but when they do, they're made right, with tightly woven branches/vines, and that's what she's doing. It's gotta be hard as hell doing it in the freezing cold. And Wes? "that basket better be done by tomorrow" Or what? What are you gonna do? 7 days and the shelter still looks like day one? What have Trish and Jeremy been doing? Why wasn't someone doing something when Rod was there? Just walk and grab a branch or two then back to the fire? Why did both of them have to go to the fishing hole? Maybe the fisherwoman should have gone and Jeremy could have worked on the shelter and firewood. I love Jeremy, but damn........
  13. That combined with Hyper Shock not being very durable has made Will show more in the loser column than the winner. I haven't noticed him going in for that last hit in these last matches, but there weren't that many. Maybe he's matured? Nah............
  14. So much carnage!!! Hypershock has really come into its own. Remember how it would just die mid-match? Will Bales has made a serious contender. I think Duck's new bill has weakened the bot. Yeah, it still lasts the whole round, but that bill getting ripped apart can't be good in the eyes of the judges. I, too, noticed the 2021 signs, so figured this happened right after the championship. And I noticed Matt Maxham was on Team Gigabot. I thought he left them last season to drive Cobalt? Weird. Is there going to be a regular championship season this year? Hope so.
  15. I thought Jordan was nuts making adobe bricks, but damn, that looked like a real house! That was badass. Amos' shelter was cool; the living roof was really great. Clay's was serviceable, but probably wouldn't last thru a regular season. I like this format.
  16. JP was my first choice for winner back when there were 10 contestants. Then he fell out of favor when I realized he wasn't boiling his water. Then he moved back up, well, it was between him and Teimojin. I really thought Teimojin had more in him. That "one last trick" thing was really dumb. Mr. Max and I said he didn't even look like he'd been starving all that time. He looked good! And we both laughed like hell when he started running around drinking water, then kicking snow over the fire. I'm glad he won. Would have been great if he proposed.
  17. Idiot Jeff? I didn't notice him on the preview, but I did see someone else I think was an XL contestant. I think he was the guy in the last XL that tapped pretty quick; he brought the blow dart gun that EJ could never manage to use.
  18. Has anyone seen a preview for a show called Snake in the Grass on the USA Network? I'm 99% sure that Lacey Jones from various XL challenges is on it. And based on past behavior, I'm sure she's the snake. 😁
  19. They typically show the previous episode before the new one, so you should be able to see what you missed.
  20. Didn't she say she was a taxidermist and used to making clothes or was I dreaming? Because that diaper loin cloth was pitiful. She could have at least poked holes in it and weaved the cordage instead of just wrapping a rope around his waist. While I didn't have too much of an issue with Trish last go 'round, this one, she needs to get off her ass. She was the only one of her team not having issues, yet she wants to sit in and tend the fire? UGH. They also didn't seem to do much to fortify their shelter. No wonder it's cold. I hope Jeremy makes it this time. He's one of my favorites. Joe's not long for the challenge. It's only what, day 2 or 3 and he's already passing out from the cold? Gabby sounded like she was getting a bit irritated with him. I like the team of Jake, Waz and Sara. Jake is another one of my favorite contestants and I think he'll go the distance, even with the nasty feet. I like how they're quite jokey. It's definitely a bigger morale boost. Wes, Sarah and Jermaine seem to be doing well. Sarah (with Wes & Jermaine) and Gabby seemed to have really put on some pounds for the challenge. Nice memorial to Melanie at the end.
  21. I hated the pairs. Then it's not Alone, is it? Naked & Afraid is doing their Frozen, with all of them living together. Starts Sunday.
  22. Michelle? She seemed pretty thin to me and she tapped during her season early because of hunger. Do they split the $500K or does everyone that lasts 50 days get it? From the voiceover, it sounded like he said if you last 50 days, you get $500K.
  23. I think I'm in the minority, because I find Karie Lee weird and definitely playing to the camera for more air time. She's definitely not my first choice for winner. I'd like to see JP take it just because he's done so much against the grain stuff that I think it would be cool. I think Teimojin might tap because as a doctor, he knows how far he can go. Why did KL decide to build her oven on day 50-something? Shouldn't that have been done, I don't know, day 10? JP had me confused: he's planning to just hunker down, but yet he's going to go walkabout on the ice? Anybody catch the Alone: Frozen preview? Mostly just introduced the players. Looks like it's basically going to be starvation mode from day one, since they're being dropped in after winter's already started. Wonder if they filmed them both concurrently?
  24. Weren't they giving the best newcomer a golden bolt? Or am I imagining things?
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