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Everything posted by madmax

  1. Arizona - That was nasty. He was totally right to call her out on it. But I highly doubt a little people poo killed the fish. He mentioned after they all died "good thing we didn't drink the water." Weren't they drinking it before she cleaned her stanky butt in it? Africa - That looked like a tough one, having to travel like that. Adam was nuts for going into that beehive. Was it just me, or did they seem REALLY close? Like sharing more than warmth at night close? Also, does anyone know why the title on my DVR was "Shark Attack?" Did they mean "Shart Attack?"
  2. Out of these "bonus" episodes, I liked this one and the Gabe and Aaron one the best. The rest pretty much sucked. I, too, would have liked to have seen more about how he formed the Saviors and how/why Laura went from nice doctor's daughter to vicious member of the Saviors. The make-up/CGI? was pretty good at making JDM look younger. I actually thought for a minute that it was some other actor in the chair getting beaten. But I thought the walker that he killed looked more like the walkers now rather than one that was relatively fresher, 12 years ago.
  3. I forgot to weigh in on McIrish. Yeah, not liking the guy much. Hot accent, but shitty personality. He does seem a tad bit warmer with Jo. I wouldn't mind that pairing. She can become insta-mom, he can help her adopt Baby Luna, and they can move to Ireland. Unfortunately, no. But I do have the entire series on DVD. 😁
  4. I thought Mer would magically come off the vent just as the mother took a bad turn, thus freeing up a vent. The timeline on this show has NEVER made sense. It's even worse now, when they're trying to work around a real life event with real times. Episode was good, better than the last one by a country mile, and better than most this season. I hope it starts picking up again. I could use a time jump about now. I do wonder if that will be addressed. Maybe she won't recognize them when she wakes up. And yes, Homicide handled this perfectly. But then again, Homicide did most everything perfectly, with the exception of Detective Sheppard.
  5. Yeah, that's what we're getting here. Maybe slightly higher temps. Can't wait until we get the Jeep back together so I CAN shuck the doors and windows!!
  6. Actually, it doesn't really splatter. You hold the air brush close enough to your face that it doesn't splatter and it is a smaller spray that comes out, not like a real airbrush. If you're doing under your chin/neck, it may splatter on your clothes, so it's a good idea to cover the area, just in case. It does work. It took a week or so to get the hang of it, but it covered my flaws nicely, most especially the dark bags under my eyes. I don't use it as often as I used to, because I'm working from home and screw that getting dressed up shit. I never used the spray on blush because I was too lazy to clean the cup that holds the color twice. 🙂
  7. Texas episode wasn't bad. Not a ton of drama, which is rare. I know that they don't show us everything, but when the flat fishing net didn't work, why didn't she try a regular net that they could lay in the water and pull up when a fish swam over it? Or a scooping type net?
  8. I've noticed with this show, when there are guest stars from his other shows, there aren't those "wink, wink" moments. It's refreshing.
  9. And gas for Daryl's bike. And rubber hoses that haven't disintegrated?
  10. As much as I hated last week's episode, at least it advanced the story incrementally. This did nothing. Daryl and Carol are still in the same space they were when the episode started. I love both of these actors and characters, but this has to be one of the worst episodes. I've given them the benefit of the doubt with the COVID filming, but they are wearing on my patience...
  11. This reminds me, who puts the Zoom info on the back of the invite? Every Zoom invite I've seen has it front and center.
  12. The show's been hit or miss with COVID, so they probably weren't even thinking about this. Vaccine = safe in their minds. That's why I wish they would have never addressed it.
  13. Keep checking. A show we wanted to watch was "exclusive" to Discovery + for only a month before it was on the real Discovery. Not sure if this is a regional commercial or what (probably not, since they seem to be everywhere), but UPMC has these commercials with patients who presumably went to their hospitals. They almost always end with "I didn't choose (cancer/heart attack/being stung by bees), but I did choose UPMC." Who the hell WOULD choose any of those? The latest one has a doctor employed by UPMC saying that she choose UPMC for her insurance. Well, no shit. Do ya think UPMC would offer Highmark to their employees? They don't.
  14. so my power went out halfway thru this episode and I seriously debated on whether or not to continue. But I'm a glutton for punishment and I did and damn, was that a waste of 45 minutes. Never cared much for Teddy, but I didn't actively hate her. After this episode, when I realized all of the shitty things she actually did, I do.
  15. Just about everything we wanted to watch on Discovery + has made its way to the regular channels. So why pay for it? Except to get it first? Not worth it.
  16. I could never do any of that until I met Mr. Max. With him, I've rebuilt transmissions and engines (just finished a rebuild of our Grand Cherokee engine). We completely overhauled the Grand Cherokee about 10 years ago - we bought it for $500 for our son. We're now working on a complete rebuild of our Wrangler. When I say complete, I mean EVERYTHING off the chassis, parts to be sandblasted, painted, repaired, replaced, etc. It's been a project for over a year, but we keep getting interrupted by other vehicles needing the garage (not just ours). He's an autobody tech by trade, but can do damn near any mechanical work, and does. He had both of our boys in the garage at an early age, but only one really took to it. Still, as I said, even the one who doesn't like to do mechanic stuff can do it.
  17. I thought I was seeing things, but Stephanie Beatriz is in the latest (that I have seen) Hotels.com ad.
  18. Good for you, teaching them the basics. I have boys and one is much more mechanically inclined than the other. I mean, he changed two oxygen sensors in his Jeep while states away and without help from either me or Mr. Max. But both of them can change a tire, change the oil, and use all of the standard tools, including torque wrenches. Two of my nieces can also change tires and change the oil, but usually call on one of the uncles or their dad to do it. Now my other nieces? Wouldn't know what a wrench was if it smacked them in the face. I miss when schools taught the basics - auto repair, budgeting, cooking.
  19. It's a "prequel" to the Will Ferrell/John C. Reilly film "Talladega Nights." Because people want to be like them so they'll buy their cars. 🙄
  20. Another case of excellent casting here. I was much more interested in this one than the last few, maybe because I like Dunne. Him asking Cassidy "Tell me slowly how to use amazon.com" was great. Their relationship is a good one and not one you see often, as was stated above. Guessing she's not with her husband? Ya think that maybe she'll fly out to CA and we'll have a big ol' triangle going? Nothing much to add that hasn't already been said. Great acting, some really emotional moments.
  21. If you have to watch Talking Dead to make sense of the show, then the show wasn't done right. I always thought Princess worked as a comic book character, but I wasn't happy to see her brought to the show because I don't think the character's quirks translate well. I pretty much tuned out this episode. I get what they were trying to do, but to do it with a character that we've only seen once before and that not that many people like anyway was not the right move. Had they done it with any of the other three, it would have been better. Like I said previously, they're doing what they can within the COVID world, but this was not a good shot at all. The only thing I liked was Princess's reciting of the state capitals as a soothing mechanism.
  22. Chihauhaun Desert: I have never had to experience bugs crawling up my hoo-hah, but I don't understand why she didn't think that could happen. Has she not watched the show? I can think of at least 6 different women that complained about bugs in the lady parts. Good for the extrovert making it to the end. Ecuador: Really sucks for both of them. I didn't like Suzanne in her first challenge, she grew on me during her XL (of course, anyone paired with Seth would have drawn my sympathies), so I was sad to see her go. But if she just had knee surgery, probably shouldn't have gone on N&A. Poor Wes just wanted his redemption. In the beginning of the episode, we were trying to figure if it was filmed before or during COVID. I thought during, but I was wrong. Ish.
  23. I'd like to live in that dream world....
  24. I don't have a problem with Glasses. I hate his boyfriend, who has all of the acting ability (and charm) of a tree. What really got me during this episode was Maggie giving Helm a back hug. That really touched me, especially since they haven't shown them working together much. Maggie, in her grief, reached out to help another who was grieving. I really did like that. the rest of the episode? Meh.
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