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Everything posted by madmax

  1. Why are they calling these people "elite" survivalists when some of them haven't even made 21 days one time? Bulent is the only one who's completed more than one challenge out of this group.
  2. Why didn't Andrew keep the lighter intact? Would have had to be easier to make a spark that way. If it sparked that one time in his hand, it would have sparked as an intact lighter. I guess group 3 hasn't found the planted wreckage yet? Heather is just horrid. I want her and Bulent to meet up real soon. Show wasn't too bad, tho.
  3. I still think he's talking a bit too much about family and won't be able to make it. I've been wrong every season, tho. 😄 She's next to go. She's passed up Mikey in talking about family. I asked Mr. Max, what happened to all the food he caught? He had a ton of fish smoking, did he just say screw it and eat it all at once? I'm guessing he just didn't even want to chance any long-term damage. First sign of fatigue, he tapped.
  4. You would think that given Raylan's history, he would have taught his daughter a code word for strangers. I LOVED Walton Goggins as Boyd, but I truly hope they don't try to shoehorn him into the plot. Even if they head back to Harlan, there is no logical reason for Boyd to be involved in this show. And if they do it, it will really suck. Nepotism really does suck. She can't act, I can barely hear her when she talks and when she is audible, she sounds like a child. Glad I'm not the only one.
  5. I always thought this would be either really great "I outlasted 8 other people!" or really bad "I outlasted 8 other people?!?!?! Why didn't I stick around a bit longer?"
  6. I figured they made him hike back down. 😄 I'm looking forward to some new faces, as well, but some of the older ones just had so much charisma - Steven, Laura, Matt - it's going to be hard to do without them. Yeah, my husband and I have been known to do that as well. On Alone, a contestant said that a few episodes ago and Mr. Max went "Uh-oh..." While I was so very, very glad that Jeff didn't make it, I was sad to see Steven go, and most likely, his last, if his words could be believed. I actually would have rather seen Dan win, because although I like Waz, I thought he was just a little meaner than Dan. And Dan reminds me of my son. Not really happy with this iteration of XL, but I'll watch the next season.
  7. The Wendy's gang commercials are hysterical. I don't think I've seen one that wasn't funny. "I don't know, Willie's really smart."
  8. I'm still expecting Mikey to be the next tap out. Talks an awful lot about famiily, plus now there's the no sleep thing. Really cute letter tho. "I'll read this one to you, but not the rest." Dug his dice. Melanie's "secret" SD card seems kind of manipulative to me as well. Especially how she said she played to the camera to be "up" all the time. Nice chess set by Taz. Someone else did a whole bunch of games and stuff, but ended up tapping due to loneliness, I think. Poor Alan. I still think if his smoker works, he has a chance to go far. I hope Wyatt takes it all. He seems so down to earth.
  9. I'm with you on the Asshole Survivor aspect of this. I really hope they don't do this XL again. I don't like it.
  10. Suck it, Heather just doesn't have that same ring.
  11. Wonder why nothing was made of that? Looks like a clear violation of the rule by Gary and Jeff. I had the feeling Matt was going. They spent a LOT of time talking about his injury. Sorry, Jeff is still an asshole. "Why, they're so mean, they didn't even share their food with me." "This is a competition for individuals, I wouldn't share a thing with them." Can't have it both ways, Jeff. I was shocked as shit that he gave Steven that jerky. ETA: What I meant to say above was more along the lines of how Jeff kept saying that Steve was being mean, and they were best buds, and blah blah blah, but then saying it's every man for himself. I'm leaving my wrong assumption up there because I think posts shouldn't be deleted when you realize you screwed up.
  12. He didn't even TRY anything else but a few shots at some small game. I tell you what, if I needed a hunting guide, he'd be the last one I'd hire. He barely lasted a couple hours sitting in his blind and even I know hunting takes serious patience (which is why I can't do it). Wyatt always sounds a little drunk to me, like Colter from season 8. I think Mikey might be next. He's been doing a lot of family talk lately and that's usually a signifier of tapping.
  13. Glad you found it!! It is one of my favorites. Alan from season one is still my favorite survivalist. You do get some updates, but not a ton. I think the earlier seasons were the best, simply because it was so new. Season four was the only season I really didn't like; you'll probably be able to figure out why..
  14. I just caught one of the earlier episodes where the Canadian guy that got hit with a hockey puck (so Canadian...) said "I know the fish are here" after he caught one. Just one. Not necessarily. Lee caught a few, then none. Happens all the time. They should have passive methods, like gill net or snares, along with active methods, like hunting and fishing. Not going to make it otherwise unless they pull a Juan Pablo.
  15. There have been more underground type shelters. They use a lot of calories, tho, and it really depends on where their location is if it's even feasible to do.
  16. I said it earlier, Matt is really starting to bug me and this has solidified it. And Waz is just being 100% nasty for no reason. Jeff is an asshole, but Waz is acting like he's some kind of molesting murderer. That was some serious help to Jeff and Gary. That shit was lost, then all of a sudden it was there on the "raft," then it was gone, then part of it was there, then all of it was there. Production must have held it for them until they got to everyone else. Jeff's "I'd never laugh at someone who was suffering/hurting (I can't remember his exact word)" - HA! What did he and Laura do during their 60 day challenge? Still can't stand him. I think they're going to start eliminating multiple people at once. They're going to have to, if they're only planning to go another 10 days or so. This. I'm really not liking this season because of the blatant scripting of shit.
  17. For all of these folks wanting a bear or a moose with a bow and arrow, they better be damn good. Hit one of those huge ass animals in the wrong spot, you're just gonna piss them off. As to preserving, it's a lot of work. They'll be drying meat for days. Maybe dig a cache or something, or if they get one when it's cold, build a "refrigerator." Seriously. He really does seem like an idiot.
  18. And just like that, the two oldest contestants are gone. I had thought that Lee would go further, but he was smart in realizing that he couldn't make it in starvation mode, as thin as he was. No need to put more damage on your body. Ann did a bit too much on that cabin and I think it did her in. I don't know why these people go all out on the cabin. Alan(?) did a really cool teepee that I think would be pretty warm in the winter. Mikey is next. Too much "I miss my son"
  19. I don't find him hot, I just think he's cool. He's in my top three favorite people who've been on this show. If Sarah wants to blame someone, blame the producers for making it so freaking confusing. If they would have color coded the bones, or told the survivalists to pick them up, there wouldn't be a problem. And despite what the preview kept promising, the loss of Sarah was not shocking.
  20. Is it me, or are of these shelters looking very big? Maybe it's the camera angles, but they all seem like they would be hell to heat. I think Mikey talks a big talk, but he'll be out soon. He's mentioned the family quite a bit and that is usually the sign that they are ready to go. If we weren't shown that part, then that is really bad editing. And if I was Cade, I'd be pissed because he looks like an idiot for not trying to find them.
  21. He didn't bring anything special, nothing that the other contestants could bring as well. He just carved it like the previous contestant, I can't remember who it was. Others may not make one because they don't think they have the skill to carve it. Just like some don't build sturdy shelters, or furniture, or what-have-you. It's not part of their skill set.
  22. Matt has been getting on my nerves for a while now, but it's increasing rapidly during this challenge. He's quite arrogant himself, which I guess is deserved, but it's starting to really annoy me. He's still better than Jeff, tho.
  23. Yeah, that was ridiculous. I have him pegged as someone who'll be tapping, anyway. He already started talking about missing his family... The cast is A LOT older than previous seasons. There are 3 older than me and I ain't no spring chicken. Only one under 30. Maybe this is the season for us mature individuals... You are 100% correct. I hesitate to say much else, as I don't know the seasons you've watched and might inadvertently spoil something. I believe Woniya was indigenous.
  24. As much as I didn't like Jeff after the 60 day challenge (and he soured me on Laura for a while as well), I really don't like him here. He's doing the same thing he did on that challenge, taking, taking, taking and not giving. He's received food from the two caches found by others, had the balls to complain that he didn't get a whole leg, then turned around and said he wouldn't share any kills with the others because it's a competition. So why did he take that food, as Waz asked? What's good for the goose ain't good for the gander? I'm glad he wasn't offered honey or frog stew, because he sure as shit didn't deserve it.
  25. I can still hear that idiot claiming they lost because HE would have driven it better. I'm just so damn glad they lost.
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