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Everything posted by madmax

  1. I didn't think Sarah was going to make it. She was just too damn skinny. Sad to see her go because I always liked her. No drama. Now everyone has a gator but Ed. Poor Ed. I guess the question is answered about them joining up. They said he'd have to survive the rest of the time alone. You and me both. Really wish Stephen wasn't stuck with him. Maybe Jeff should have had Suzahne and Sarah, so they could both tap and leave him. I am so hoping that Gary ate himself out of the challenge. He actually threw up IN the shelter. Disgusting.
  2. That is fantastic. Never much cared for Axl's voice but the music usually rocked. Whoever mashed this one did a great job.
  3. Isn't it great that they haven't sold their music to commercials yet? At least, not that I've heard. Paranoid was the very first song I sang to my eldest when he was born. I was too damn tired to think of anything else after the delivery.
  4. madmax

    NHL Thread

    Sunday at noon. Can't wait.
  5. All four groups took the firestarter. Ed, Suzahne and Sarah took the bow and fish hooks. I remember in the uncensored episode that Suzahne said only Ed could pull the bow. Matt, Riley and Ryan took the bow and gator hooks. Steven, Lacey and Jeff took the gator hooks and fish hooks. Max, Gary and Amber took the gator hooks and fish hooks.
  6. Only because Deja told him many times not to. That would be great!!! The whole timing of this show is confusing. Oh, come on. One superfast trip to Home Depot, who manages to have everything you need in stock, magically fast-drying spackling that didn't need to be sanded because there wasn't a shit ton of dust everywhere, the exact same paint left in the can that still matched the paint that had been on the ceiling for years. Sure, it could happen. 🙄 I hate that they did it, but since they did, let's make it more consistent. Mask up when masks are supposed to be worn. Don't take them off to have a conversation. And the Beth storyline truly wouldn't have worked, anyway. Lock-down happened before everyone was wearing masks, so she couldn't have dance class in masks, especially with them all way less than 6 feet apart. I'm glad they finally addressed the multiple times Kevin has left a production. Even a shitty production. I think, as @nilyank said above, Nicky will find him a script, but he'll decide to direct and get his Oscar that way.
  7. madmax

    NHL Thread

    Yeah, this season's stats should have an asterisk. Even if my team goes all the way, it won't be the same.
  8. Even though it was light and breezy and basically friends with bennies, how is Jo going to feel that yet another man is leaving her?
  9. I was yelling at the screen "Get it on shore, you moron!" But nooooooooo. Gary is just gross. And if I hear "deliciouso" one more time... He has to be the survivalist I hate the most, and that includes Honora. He's nothing but a selfish braggart. I was wondering that myself. When the voice over talked about Lacey leaving, he said Jeff and Steven have to survive 51 days as a duo. So I'm not sure. I'd like to see Amber and Ryan get together. Sparks there, I'm sure. Kinda surprised me that Suzahnne left. She's been tougher on previous challenges. Matt, Rylie and Ryan are kicking butt. I'm sure they'll last as a unit. I don't really like Amber or Gary and I don't think Max is being too obnoxious. Yes, the whole gator thing with Amber, but I'm getting tired of her "I wrestle alligators all the time, I know everything" schtick.
  10. madmax

    NHL Thread

    I can't believe he only got a $5K fine for that and the Ranger organization got a $250K fine for criticizing player safety. I think the NHL WANTS that crap. Anyhoo, I'm happy because my team clenched the division AND beat the damn Caps 6-2 this year. It does make me laugh, how all these teams are like "this is our best home record ever" or "this is the best goals against average ever." Well, duh. Short season.
  11. My original stove didn't have electronic ignition, so no worries there. But this one, and the one in the show, do have it. You could hear the distinct ticking sound as the burner lit.
  12. Please. He would have had a much worse cut from a meat slicer. I know. He's been phoning it in for a while. He's been over this show and probably just stayed because of a contract. Soon as it was up, he was out. And I won't miss him. Yes! How arrogant do you have to be to ask your ex-wife, her husband and her step-child to move across the country because you don't want to give up your daughter? YOU made the decision to move, you can't expect them to do it too. He didn't know that they had split up, but expecting your ex-wife's husband, who you humiliated, who you barely talk to, to give up his job because you want to go save the world? Pfft. I hated them together. I hated it from the beginning and I still hate it because you know there's gonna be a throwaway line in a few episodes "OMG, did you hear that Jackson and April got married again!!" They were so much better as friends. Hell no. Jackson would have fought tooth and nail with all his family's money to keep her from moving. I was spoiled that he was leaving, but not surprised at all. And truly, don't care. I hope this isn't the last season, that we can get one more season sans COVID, even if it's a short one, with a true finale. ETA: Power is out, your electronic ignition on the stove isn't going to work. Just sayin'...
  13. I wish it was. I think I'm a gift to some... I, too, graduated in the 80s and I didn't even have a party. A few relatives gave me some money, but not a lot. Not a wealthy family by any means. We just need to remember what we give this kid so that when his boss invites us to the next kid's graduation, we can give the same amount. When we had the graduation parties for our kids, we only invited family and one set of super close friends (honorary Aunt and Uncle). Then my SIL asked if we were having a party when my oldest graduated college. Uh, no, we're buying him a vehicle and that's more important. Then, of course, my husband bowed to her peer pressure and thought we should have a party for his college graduation. so we had a dinner at a local hibatchi place. The kids did make out, tho...
  14. Awesome!!!!! Such a great feeling when you have no debt. We paid off our mortgage last year so the only debt we have now is Rugrat #1's school loans. I've been paying them through last year, even when payments weren't expected due to COVID, plus I put a little more on each time. Hoping to get that done soon. At least the military will pay for Rugrat #2's schooling. I really was kidding when I told him when he was a kid to join the military to pay for his college.
  15. Whew! You guys rock! I was thinking $100 for a non-family member. We gave both of our nieces and our god-children $200 for high school graduation and $300 for college graduation. Now, I get to go to a socially distant graduation party where I'll only know four people besides my husband, and two of them are the hosts. 😄
  16. thanks @superclam and @angelahunter. We decided on cash, now to determine the amount. 😬
  17. So, I need a bit of help. My husband's boss invited us to his autistic son's high school graduation party. My husband and his boss are pretty close. I've never gone to graduation parties for people outside of family. I don't know what the appropriate gift is. Any ideas?
  18. I've noticed that about her in all of her challenges. She's not afraid to get dirty...except for those teeth.
  19. Let's hope. Yeah, she completed one 21 day challenge, where she was alone a good portion of the time, but that doesn't make her a legend. In my mind, you have to complete at least 3 challenges to be a legend, which means Amber (1 completion, 2 taps) and Riley (2 completions, no taps) are not legends either. But I bet Lacey will be back AGAIN with another redemption challenge because they like the drama she brings. Exactly what I said to Mr. Max. But it looked like Jeff, Steven and Lacey had their pelts on the ground. Why didn't they make beds from grass and such and wrap the pelts around them? And what about body heat? I think Jeff doesn't cuddle, but we know Steven does. But I think they gave them pelts because they were going into December. Did anyone catch Riley's look when they wanted to use crawfish for bait? To me, she looked like she wanted to eat the damn thing, and I don't blame her. I wouldn't be trying to catch one of those damn gators. There is plenty of other stuff out there, fish, crawfish, small game, snakes. You're 100% right that it's producer manipulation. Did everyone notice that the men packed on extra weight, but not the women? Afraid they would look bad on camera?
  20. I don't remember him yelling like that on his individual challenges, but he was paired up with Jeff on an XL and probably learned it from him.
  21. Yes. Almost made me not like Laura, his partner on that one, and she was a favorite before. What was the worst was when they were in the same cave system as others (kind of above them) and were cooking up their big catch and moaning over how good it was without even offering the starving folks a bite. I realized that I was originally right and they were in one together when they were showing the preview for this one. For some reason, I thought Amber was in the one where Lacey had the really short hair. Amber has only completed an XL. She tapped on both of her 21 day challenges. I don't understand how they put her in her first XL when she never completed 21.
  22. I gave both my brother and my father permission to go. My brother was comatose and riddled with cancer. He lived with my father and, in my mind, he didn't want to leave my dad. I told him we would take care of my dad, that my brother could go in peace and he died later that night. It was Christmas Eve. With my father, who also had cancer, kidney failure and a just broken hip, I told him he could go peacefully and be with his children that had passed before him, all his brothers and sister that passed before him and his mother. I told him we would be fine without him. He died while I held his hand. Teddy was Meredith's primary doctor. She had every right to be there. As many as the owner of the hospital wants. That's the first thing I thought. Why were they so sure that she would stay awake this time? I'm hoping we can get past the pandemic soon. Many other shows, even medical dramas, have done it. I don't want to see Meredith's long road to recovery or, more likely, her up and operating a week after waking up.
  23. I've decided to keep record of how many times he says "I've already done 60 days." So far, I count 3. Should probably count how many times he says "THIS IS WHAT I LIVE FOR!!!!!!!" I'd run out of fingers and toes... Good start; seems like they're all doing reasonably well. I noticed that each group has at least one person who hasn't tapped. But most of them have tapped at least once (3 out of 4 for Lacey and 2 out of 3 for Amber). As much as I would LOVE to see Jeff tap (because I don't want him to have more days than Laura and I just don't like him), I don't see it happening. I think it's going to take a lot for any of them to tap, despite how miserable it is. Of course, Lacey could be Lacey and that would blow my theory out of the water.
  24. Definitely less POC in Bethel Park. Still is. However, back when I went to Pittsburgh Public Schools (PPS) in the late 70s, early 80s, sometimes students from outlying suburbs were included in the advanced school days run by PPS. Maybe the 'burbs didn't have enough advanced students, maybe they didn't want to run their own program. But there was at least one student from a different school district in a few of my years.
  25. I got my XLs mixed up. Lacey and Amber were in two separate XLs. But I do remember both of them being quite bitchy and mean. And as to the constant reminders by you know who? We'll get them for sure, because he already did 60 days...
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